I do agree with you.. Some how I deleted your comment by mistake.. But you are so right, people need to wake up and see their actions affect the people around them..
It gives me such a head ache when people feel that they have the right to judge you.. or feel the need to tell you that the way you are is not ok.. It really gives me a head ache when people stop and look then ask me stupid questions like: Why you listen to that white music? or Why are you doing that to yourself? or Are you goth? then they say because I've never met a black goth before... better yet what really gives me a fucking head ache out this world is when my own race comes to me and say : why don't you act black..
What the fuck is black or white, just a color.. I thought people had the right to be them selves and dress the way they want and dress they way they feel.. As far as music, how can music be black or white.. that's just fucking blows my mind when people say that to me.. Music is made for every one, no matter what color you are, and music is made to feed the soul.. People lack of knowledge, well I'm not going to say lack of knowledge, but their fucked up way of viewing things are crazy..
**Facts About Me**
Yes I'm black and yes I"m a metal head.. I listen to nothing but metal,rock,pop,punk,EDM,dubstep and alternative music.. and yes my favorite color is black and yes i love wearing black clothes and wearing black lipstick.. And no i don't judge people; I let people be who they are..
So why do people feel need to judge me and stereotype me.. I just don't get it..
"The most beautiful thing in life is to allow people to be them selves, and love them just for that"
**I bet the human race wouldn't be so fucked up then**
It will leave a lot of people without head aches..
and then and again WHO REALLY GIVES A FUCK!!
who am I, I'm no one are you no one too.. I walked by and no one spoke to me or you. Life goes on without me, I'm like a bluer some times i can't see or hear.. what's the point of living when i have no one.. i guess i should join death he's the first to take notice.. A life long friendship in the beautiful night.. i will never be a nobody no more because i just became the queen of the night..