I'm on my way to the same destination I trudge on to every single day (A Godforsaken one or not). I have an overwhelming urge while sitting in traffic to wrench the car at full speed to the exit lane to the right of me. There are other vehicles there. I don't want to kill myself during this process. I just want to get out of here. Not just out of traffic, but away from here in general. Away from my life. I suppose everyone feels this way.
Written while in a sour mood. It is a true shame when normal luxuries and pleasantries do nothing to assist mood. Especially when they had made me so overjoyed prior to yesterday. I am simple to please unless I am depressed and I am truly depressed. I have not quite decided if I'll tell everything about myself here. The audience (or lack thereof) does not intimidate me. I suppose it is tiring for me to express myself so often; and yet here I am typing furiously with the same wistful expression I've held all day. I do not know what the point of this entry was. Just to chat, I suppose. To nothing. Again.
Yet again another morning has come. I am unsure if I am depressed by it or numb to it. I desire the company of others today. Stop by to chat, if you so desire.