People often fall inlove but sometimes its one sided..We know what its suposed to feel like but is it really that?Is it something like butterflys when you see that person or is it a strong desire that you feel in your heart..Will your heart be content with the idea of loving this person the one,or what you think is the one..Do we know instinly that there is no other..I have so meny questions sooo meny unanswered..We feel things but is it from are heart or is it with our mind.Can we tell the differnce between the two,how are heart feels and how our minds think..We have felt lust and it is akin to what can decive us into thinking your inlove,inlove with the fact that the other has made us feel like we are loved with there body but not there soul..We are souls full of love and hate and lust and deseption.Deseption is the route to all are problems we are decived by are mind and by other people..