To be done between 8pm to 9pm under a waxing moon
This spell will give you a short lived window of opportunity to find the path to succeed in attaining that which you desire.
Sandalwood Incense
Anise Oil
Orange candle (for success)
Red candle (for action)
Orange cloth
Piece of paper
Lay out the orange cloth. Inscribe your desired success on the orange candle and your name and birthdate on the red candle. Anoint both with the Anise oil.When your incense is smoldering and the candles lit, close your eyes and envision yourself attaining your goal. Keeping your eyes closed,take the pen and hold it in your hand Over the piece of paper.
You may feel warmness and tingling in your arm - do not be alarmed.
Now, keep your eyes closed and concentrate as one of two things will occur -your arm may begin to wander and move making writings on the paper (automatic writing) or you will be given a very clear plan of action to write down manually.
Either through the automatic writing or through direct inspiration, you will be shown the way to success in that which you endeavour to achieve.
As with any spell, this will not work if you are not serious about it.
Purpose: To bring on inspiration. For creativity.
Moon cycle: No moon cycle is selected for this spell because all phases of the moon hold different levels of creative energies, including the dark moon. If you follow moon phases, choose the cycle that fits your purpose best.
Mason jar
Small crystal
Dried orange peels (two-thirds)
Dried mint (one-third)
2 drops orange essential oil
1 drop mint essential oil
Square piece of black cotton fabric
Rubber band
Orange fabric or acrylic paint
Gather ingredients. With a clean and dry jar before you, place the mint first and then the orange peels inside, filling it up about two-thirds of the way. Add two drops of orange essential oil and one drop mint essential oil. (More if you are using a large mason jar.) Stir ingredients together.
Take the small crystal in your hand and say something such as:
"Creativity Come to me
In whispers and dreams
And visions that gleam."
Place the crystal inside the jar with the potpourri. For the lid, cover the opening of the jar with black fabric so that the side of the fabric hangs down over the edges about 2 inches. With a pencil, mark the center top of the fabric. Take the fabric off the jar, lie it flat on a hard surface. Using orange paint, acrylic or fabric paint, paint on a spiral. While the paint is drying, cover the jar temporarily with a lid so that it doesn't spill.
Once the paint is dry, place the fabric on the jar once again. The spiral should now be on the centered top of the jar's mouth. Holding the fabric in place, wrap the rubber band around the sides to hold it in place.
Next, tie the orange ribbon overtop of the rubber band.Keep this inspiration jar in your work area, where you do your writing, painting, drawing or keep it by your bed to bring on inspiring dreams.
The spiral is a symbol of the dance of life. It shows the continuous cycle of ourselves going inward (within ourselves/our psyche) and then going outward (expressing ourselves).
The black fabric in this spell is used as an absorption color. Black absorbs all colors, all energies. By placing the orange spiral on this we are signifying that those energies that the black is absorbing are creative energies.
This is a simple spell to bring you divine inspiration to write and create visual art.
Pen, pencil, or paintbrush depending on the art form.
Elmer's glue
Silver glitter
Almond, sage, or vanilla essential oil
A white candle
Anoint the candle with the essential oil you have chosen and using an athame or a small,sharp tool, inscribe the name "Brighid" (goddess of poetic inspiration), or if you prefer not to invoke a deity, simply inscribe your art form which you need inspired in. Light your candle and begin.
Squeeze some glue onto a piece of scrap paper and dip the end (not the useable part) of your craft tool (pencil, paintbrush, or whatever) into it, covering about an inch's worth. Then roll the end in the glitter so that it is completely covered. As you do, focus on the inspiration you seek. Say your own blessing over the tool, then situate it so that it can dry without the glittered end getting smooshed.
The next day, make a few attempts at your art with your newly enchanted tool in hand. Let the inspiration come to you and flow from your mind to your material!
You will need:
An orange candle
A green(job),blue (court) or 2nd Orange(test)candle depending on area spell is being cast for.
A talisman of your faith (pentacles,cross, Orisha etc..
Crown of Success Oil
Appropriate oil for other candle(EX; Get a Job,Just Judge etc..)
Annoint both candles with the corresponding oil while concentrating on success in your desired area.
Place the orange candle on one side of a room. Place the other candle on the other side.
Light the Orange candle. With your religious talisman hanging from a chain or string dangling from your right hand, pick up the Orange candle with your dominant hand. Proceed to walk in a straight line across the room directly to the other candle while saying:
"I walk forth without doubt and fear,
And success draws me near.".
Using the orange one, light the other candle.
Set down the candle so they sit next to each other. Again say:
"I walk forth without doubt and fear,
And success draws me near."
Lay the talisman down in front of the towo candles and meditate on the success you need.
Let the candles burn themselves completly our. Wear or carry the talisman whenever you wish success to follow you. When you walk through a door to job interviews, auditions,
or anywhere you need success, imagine how you walked in a straight line in your
ritual, and consciously make an effort to do the same when passing through the door.
How to Heal Physical Pain
Piece of amethyst(as clear as possible) or Fluorite.
Sit in a quiet place and clear your mind of everything you can. Take the amethyst (or fluorite)and hold it in the hand that is closest to the hurt.(if the pain is in the center of the body hold it in your writing hand. Imagine a soothing light collecting at your feet and draw it up slowly towards your head filling every part of the body. Whilst doing this say silently the following verse:
"bright light, shining light heal my hurts with all thy might."
Repeat this as you move the light up through the body. When you reach the top of your head expand to fill outside the head with light for about a foot. Then return to where the pain is most concentrated, push all your healing energy into this area.
If this doesn't work the first time then repeat. You should feel better soon. To end the spell repeat the verse again but finish with "so mote it be"
Write the person's name and what they have done to you on a small piece of paper.
Light it from an alter candle and drop it to burn away in a cauldron or fireproof container.
Stand before the alter, the ashes in your right hand, and say:
"Wolf and horse, old signs of might.
Lend your strength to me this night.
The pain and grief they so easily give,
Must be returned so they may live,
To know and feel what they have done,
And change their ways, with harm to none.
Send back the pain, teach them this night,
And help them to do what they know is right."
Go outside, and throw the ashes to the winds, knowing that they will realize what they have done to you.
Simple Crystal Healing Spell
3 candles- 2 light blue & 1 white
Allspice & Rosemary (equal parts each) or a Healing type incense
phoyo or paper with name of recipient
a small quartz crystal
Place the candles on your altar or workspace in a semi-circle with the white candle between the two blue ones. Place your incense burner above the white candle.Place the person's name in the center of the layout,with the quartz crystal on top.
Light the incense then the candles. Center yourself and inhale the incense as you think of all ill health dispelling from the person and instead being replaced by healing energy, much as the air is filled with the smoke of the incense.
Gather your healing energy and when you feel ready,release the energy, directing it through the crystal and to the recipient who’s name or photo is beneath it.
Give the recipient the crystal to carry as a charm for continued good health.
Banishment (or Healing) Spell
(author unknown)
This spell can be used for a variety of banishing needs: banishing illnesses ,bad habits,negativity, etc...
Carbon or flash paper
Business size envelope
A slip of paper that will fit in the envelope
Appropriate herbs (see below)
2 Appropriately colored candle(see below)
Appropriate anointing oil(See below)
Appropriate incense
Cheap Black ink pen
Healing Herbs: Eucalyptus, Rosemary,Sandalwood, Juniper, Thyme,Willow Banishing Herbs: Basil, Asafoetida, Valerian, Black Pepper, Patchouli, Agrimony,Acacia,Cypress
Candle Colors:Healing:Pale Blue,Banishing: Black,Fast Action: Red
Oils:Healing- Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Sandalwood Banishing- Basil, Cypress, Acacia, Frankincense
At the full moon anoint and charge the candles with the essential oil and bless and charge the herbs you are going to use. Surround the base of the candles with the appropriate herbs and light the candles, cast your circle or otherwise prepare for magick as you normally would.
Cut a human figure out of the carbon paper (designed appropriately as specifically male for men,female for women) that will fit inside the envelope. Of course, if you need to, you can use a larger envelope but the business size is generally sufficient.
Lay the figure on the slip of paper between the candles, charge and name it as the individual and with intent write on the figure what you are working on. Such as, if the spell is to heal an illness you might simply write whatever that illness is, in example: "cold/flu." You might also write it over the appropriate body part, such as if it is a head cold write it on the head. If it's to overcome an addiction to cigarettes you might write "cigarettes" on the chest (or where ever you identify most with smoking) and even add a cigarette in the envelope! Be creative with it.
Charge both the paper and the doll with intent, by the elements, etc., and place them and some of the herbs in the envelope and seal it up. Lay it between the candles and allow them to burnuntil half gone charging and meditating on the purpose of the spell all the while! Store the candles somewhere secure to use later when finishing the spell. Then place the envelope under the mattress of the "ill" person or recipient of the spell if possible. You may also, if it is not possible to put it with the person, place it behind a picture of the person in a frame; inside of a book they gave you, etc., You can also include nail and hair clippings if you like or what you will.Let this stay undisturbed for as long as needed but it should not exceed one full lunar cycle.
When the magick has run it's course and the deed is accomplished, or when the cycle is done, light the remainder of the candles and set your circle or prepare as you did before. Then open the envelope and put everything on your altar, between the candles in a fire proof bowl. First burn the slip of paper with the writing along with the herbs and the hair, nails, etc., if you included them in the spell, then burn the doll. As the doll burns it will turn from black to white (great sympathetic stuff here)! As you burn these things be sure to keep focused on the intent (such as banishing the illness, visualize the person whole and healthy, no longer addicted, etc.) Scrape all of the ashes back into the envelope and use some of the candle wax to seal it up again. You can carve symbols in the wax if you like.
Be sure to, get rid of EVERYTHING which you used with this ritual (candle nubs, any remaining bits of herbs, the pen, etc., you should not have to get rid of the incense or oil as you should have used it anyhow). Bury or otherwise dispose of the envelope, far away from anyone’s home or property.
Flash paper (the kind magicians use) is great to use for the paper, just be sure the paper is safely in the dish before lighting it! This shows the problem properly vanishing in a flash and the doll burns removing the black and turning to white.
MoJo Note: It is not however,necessary to use flash paper. Regular paper will suffice, you just won’t get the "flashy" theatrics. I myself would probably pass on the flash paper but it all depends on the person & their brand of magick.
A Healing Spell
Wrap thee in cotton
Bind thee with love
Protection from pain
Surrounds like a glove.
May the brightest of blessings
Surround thee this night.
For thou art cared for,
Healing thoughts sent in flight...