The time has passed
The time has come
The time dictates
Everything we have done
The time is far
The time is here
The time cares
Not for everything we fear.
The time is pushed
The time is coming
The time is rushed
Now I find myself running.
The time is pressed
The time is forced
The time bruises
The time laughs at the damage caused.
The time chases
The time taunts
The time hunts
it's me this time haunts.
The time cuts
The time inflicts pain
The time ticks
This recurring nightmare that is time, starts up again.
13:44 Jul 06 2015
Tick tock tick tock....hickeory dickery my look at the time....I'm late I'm late....I must hurry.....
13:45 Jul 06 2015
What the hell does that remind you of?
19:25 Jul 06 2015
The rabbit in Alice in wonderland.
04:35 Aug 07 2018
didn't read this until now... well said