I hate how disorganized my journal is! It's very difficult to remind myself every day that "personal entries"=quizzes, "poetry"= personal, etc.
*sigh* But I can't fix it unti I renew my premium membership. *looks to the sky wishing for some form of entity to grant mercy for any transgression*
Where's the leprechaun with all the gold? I'm going to follow his rainbow. (It'd be my luck he'd decided to start hoarding Skittles.)
On a side note...I'm considering someting...
Perhaps I'll start adding some of my poetry in here. I'm not sure yet, but perhaps I could get some decent suggestions...
It sounds so good right now. At least much more preferable than pain. If one refuses to care, it makes it impossible for those they care about to hurt them.
I may have difficulty accomplishing it, but my new goal is to start caring less. I'm sick and tired of making myself more vulnerable.
Why can't people be honest? Granted it's been a while since I've been so bored to feel the need...but upon checking my rating...
I discover a liar. I know this because I have all these people who've left "10"'s and lo and behold--my rating has dropped significantly.
Is VR really this full of cowards?I guarantee I wasn't lied to this often as a Premium. And thes folk had better take heed. I WILL get another Premium. My lack of funds at the moment SHOULD NOT encourage you to blatantly lie. I do downrate for hateful acts.
Lying is viscious, uncalled for, and above all--annoying! If you don't like something about my profile tell me--I deserve the chance to ignore your input!