UMBRAxDExVIR's Journal

UMBRAxDExVIR's Journal


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8 entries this month

One Last Time

02:01 May 29 2012
Times Read: 1,026

There's something missin'

There in your eyes

That's all I need to

Know something ain't right

Your heart just ain't with me

my childe you can't deny

That we've become perfect strangers

So I know, know it's the end

End of our love

End of a friend

But before you go

Tell me would you mind

Giving me one, one more night

Can I hold you tonight?

Hold you tonight

One last time

Before the fire goes out

And this love dies

Can I hold you tonight?

One last time

Can I hold you tonight?

Claimed you'd be here forever

But that's not what you meant

Some things are better left unsaid

Cause I knew this was coming

I had the feeling

Cause the last time we spoke,

I felt your heart drifting.

So I know, know it's the end

End of our love

End of a friend

But before you go

Tell me would you mind

Giving me one, one more night

Can I hold you tonight?

Hold you tonight

One last time

Before the fire goes out

And this love dies

Hold you tonight

One last time

Can I hold you tonight?

And If you ever loved me,

You'll give me these last few moments, childe of mine

Let me hold you tonight

Hold you tonight...

One last time

Before the fire goes out

And this love dies

Hold you tonight...

Let me hold you tonight...




How Beautiful You Are

23:07 May 27 2012
Times Read: 1,040

How Beautiful You Are

When I look at you baby

I see a shinning star

But when you look in the mirror girl

You don’t know who you are

You give yourself no credit

For all the things you’ve done

Just look at the blessings

And all you’ve got

You’re beautiful and wonderful

Incredible and vibrant

Like a miracle so spiritual

Like an angel in disguise

The way you love is powerful

It physically excites me

I can just go on and on of you

Of how beautiful you are

Well last night I heard you speak

So silent in your sleep

Spilling all your worries on your pillow childe

I can even feel you weep

Sweet childe of mine those tears are wasting

Just wipe them all away

Replace them with my kisses

As you gone here me say

You’re beautiful and wonderful

Incredible and vibrant

Like a miracle so spiritual

Like an angel in disguise

The way you love is powerful

It physically excites me

I can just go on and on of you

Of how beautiful you are

You’re beautiful and wonderful

Incredible and vibrant

Like a miracle so spiritual

Like an angel in disguise

The way you love is powerful

It physically excites me

I can just go on and on of you

Of how beautiful you are




this is why a true elder in the community should do what we can for our community, not for money or power. but for the people in the community

14:53 May 26 2012
Times Read: 1,048

VaDelle Shinto HarrisI know this may seem a lil random. But I wanted to tell u 4 a while. You are the biggest inspiration I've ever had. You have had the absolute biggest impact on my life possible. I really respect you. To be honest I want to be just like you. To have the aura u do, the respect, the talent, the knowledge, But most of all the admiration. I really respect u man. My Role Model. Just Thought i should tell you. Sayonara, VaDelle


Ryu Reborn

Thank you, I am humbled and honored

VaDelle Shinto HarrisThank You, Your Impact has truly been positive you make me see life isnt about fortune, fame or even power. It's about family, friendship, Love, and being willing to go to any lengths to protect that. Ryu theres no way to repay you for what you've done. But I can at least show I'm grateful





Hostile Interest – Who’s Watching Us?

01:26 May 24 2012
Times Read: 1,058


Hostile Interest – Who’s Watching Us?

By Octarine Valur

It’s not widely known, but there is a Christian anti-Vampyre movement. It’s not co-ordinated or organized for the moment, and it’s basically just some small fringe groups and individuals around the world who happen to be doing similar things at the more or less the same time. It’s not even a new thing. For years, they have written books and blogs, hosted presentations at churches and schools and presented mis-information seminars to law enforcement officers. There are propaganda videos and DVD’s, and some end up on YouTube play-lists to be used to try and discredit or demonize our community. Why? What is their interest in the VC?

As with many persecutions and moves to incite fear or hatred of diversity by spreading mis-information, the motive for this can be traced back to religion.

Recently, a religious cult-group in the USA posted a lengthy video on YouTube arguing that a pastor of a group it had an ongoing feud with, is “a Vampyre”, employing exhaustive argument using circumstantial evidence such as tastes in music on the part of the pastor in question in order to “convict” him.

The video showed a heightened and disturbing level of interest in the actual local VC. The seriousness of this interest was somewhat offset by the group’s obvious preoccupation with “reptilians” – entities described as either aliens or demons, as well as its rampant and ongoing Jerry-Springer-esque grudge-match with the other cult-like Christian group.

Regardless, it seems that due to the increased hostile attention given to alternative communities and cultures by people like Don Rimer (until his death in January 2012) and Bill Schnoebelen since the 1980′s SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) panic, there is an increased level of interest in communities like ours on the part of hostile religious groups today. These people billed themselves as “experts” on Satanism, the occult, and occult crime – and bundled the Vampyre Community in along with these.

Typically, many such experts have been shown to have a relatively poor understanding of any Pagan religions which they have slandered or worked to undermine or defamed in their writings or public grandstanding. Schnoebelen for example, claims to have been a “vampire” at one time, but the sort of “vampire” he describes becoming, having retractable fangs, burning in sunlight, and being unable to consume physical food, is a fictional invention – and is well across the border where reality meets fantasy and brings his credibility into question.

Schnoebelen has been claiming to have been a “vampire” (with retractable fangs and all) since his book and 9 hour video set “Interview with an ex-vampire” came out a few years ago, and has only just released a new book last month concerning his brush with vampirism, called “Romancing Death“. I wonder if he sparkles in this one?

“Providing an unshakable Biblical foundations to expose the evil of vampirism versus the gift of Eternal Life through Salvation, this new firebrand book weaves together Bill’s personal testimony (involvement in Wicca, Freemasonry and vampirism) and the literary and cultural histories of vampirism, while closely analyzing the romanticized ideals of the occult portrayed in the Twilight Saga series. ROMANCING DEATH is a clarion call and warrior handbook ­for the Church to take responsibility to be true salt and light in the world! ” Hmm.

“The Vampyre Underground” by Marcia Montenegro was first written in 2001. It is an outside look at the Vampyre culture from a perspective of the Christian religion, albeit from an evangelical Christianist perspective. It’s at least less hostile, and possibly slightly more accurate in the use of some terminology and presentation than the one from the local Kanaan Ministries group who got their facts totally confused with the Twilight books and movies, leaving the unschooled reader feeling that Twilight and the real VC are somehow similar.

“Twilight: A Warning” conflated the fiction with the reality – and also perpetuates the compiler’s complete misunderstanding of the culture and of self-identified Vampyres themselves. However, even though these attempts to understand or interpret the Vampyre culture, are misguided and confused – nevertheless, they are fairly obviously attempts to understand and even to show a kind of compassion for people who identify as Vampyres – not specifically to incite open hatred or action against the VC.

Current efforts on the part of hostiles however, do not seem like those of Schnoebelen and Rimer – of whom it can be assumed, sought to profit either (or both) in terms of financial reward, or fame and esteem from the publication or propagation of their “satanic panic” hysteria – but who demonstrated little desire to partake in any physical action against their target groups. Schnoebelen appears to have received some support, in terms of audience at least, from some moderate to large evangelical church groups since 1986, but these are not known to be actively working against or targeting the real Vampyre Community.

Efforts against the VC by these fringe religious cults, have been made possible by the increased awareness of the real Vampyre Community, indirectly resulting from the actions of people such as Rimer and Schnoebelen. These groups build on this foundation by drawing hostile attention to real individual Vampyres, Vampyre Groups and Houses, the Vampyre Community in general – pointing out all the reasons they feel threatened and endangered by these – applying liberal layers of cherry-picked fact, bullshit, circumstantial evidence, more bullshit, and a good dose of speculation, to create a firestorm of misunderstanding, fear and hate.

On the less coherent and less sane or “well-intentioned” side of the tracks, we recently saw the “Liftaloft” drama unfolding between two cults in the USA. To sum it up, basically two waring Christian (Amightywind) and Jewish/Christian (Rob Reed) ministries / fringe-cults have been going for each others’ throats – with one of them calling the other a real vampire – as in a vampyric person. It even goes so far as to suggest or theorize whether the target of this attempt at character assassination, drinks human blood.

This video indictment reads like a medieval witch trial, where suspicion and accusation is good enough to have someone opinionated to death. In point of fact, the line of argument and presentation of evidence is nothing more than cherry-picking circumstantial evidence, and then twisting it to suit the intended motive of the accuser – tactics both Rimer and Schnoebelen used well.

In this video, they allude to how they have conducted infiltration of VC groups in their area, divulge so-called “Vampyre secrets” in such a way as to imply that the subculture poses some kind of a threat to them and their ability to continue practicing their beliefs. The contempt they have for the VC and those who identify with it, is clear. This sort of presentation perpetuates a vicious circle, resulting in yet more curiosity from hostile groups and an increase in hostile interest in Vampyres and the VC.

It is safe to expect that the purpose of such interest will not be to seek knowledge or to understand Vampyres with the intention of respecting us for who we are – but in order to better take us apart.

There is a growing ex-gang member/culture, anti-Vampyre ministry movement in parts of the USA today, and this video is loosely linked to such and to participants who are active in the Vampyre community. Thus it has to be repeated – and emphasized: Be careful who you associate with, be careful who you let in to your Houses, and Groups. Be certain that people are who they claim to be, before trusting them.

Moving on to blogs, we look at an example: ”The Death Of Satan” – a blog, if you can call it that. It’s more like the long, inane rant of someone who can’t remember where he left that vital bottle of pills.

Just looking at his Blogger profile is enough to convince me this fella is obsessed with his religion, and blogs about nothing else. No use knocking on his door – nobody’s home. His “facts” are completely off. He condemns and dismisses the lifetime experiences of an entire community with the comment that he has “researched vampirism” – which translates to “I have spent five minutes “researching” your community just to find what I was looking for, in order to condemn what I clearly doesn’t understand, or want to”.

Further, his comment on HIV “coming out when it’s ready” indicates a poor grasp of biology, medicine and infectious disease transmission – and his site, a poor grasp of reality. The fact that he doesn’t take comments or provide email contact on any of his seven equally lunatic fringe blogs, says it all.

It’s not so much a formal movement, more like a couple of individual churches, cults or individuals, both Christian and sometimes also Pagan. Sometimes they work together, sometimes they don’t know they aren’t the only ones. It seems the real Vampyre hunters aren’t van Hellsing or Buffy types exactly, but are still religious zealots.

It’s worth mentioning that there are various YouTube videos of pastors and street ministries preaching against vampirism and targeting those in the Vampyre subculture.

It is also worth pointing out that there are many Vampyres in the community who also practice and identify with Christianity, among a plethora of other religions. According to the Suscitatio LLC VEWRS and AVEWRS surveys, not “all Vampyres” are “Satanists” as is so often claimed by these hostile groups.

These surveys show that of the multitude of religious affiliations within the VC, the 5th most common affiliation (in multiple choice format) is Christianity. This indicates that the 5th highest scoring religious affiliation within the part of the international VC which participated in the study, identifies as Christian – while Lucifarianism and Satanism only features at low to mid range affiliations – in fact, even Michelle Belanger’s Kheprian spirituality, which is only about a decade old, scored higher in this study – with 45 respondents, compared to Luciferianism’s 33 and Leveyan Satanism at 40. Responses of those who identified as Christian on the other hand, topped the 100 mark, and Neo Pagan, 155. The statistical facts seem to debunk the stereotype being perpetuated – yes, some Vampyres are Satanists – but like the general population, only a small percentage of them. This fact is also borne out by sources external to the VC.

Having a nightside name or profile doesn’t close my mouth or prevent me from posting a good dose of home truths where it is deemed necessary. Educating lunatics is not always possible – and getting entangled in arguments with them only works them up into a frenzy and makes them more dangerous – better to educate the silent majority who are more willing to listen.

A website notorious for some years now, within Goth and Vampyre Communities alike (wot, you thought they were the same thing?) is the GodHatesGoths.com site. The site proclaims “The greatest threat to today’s society is the rise of the gothic subculture. Goth is a sinister and violent subculture obsessed with Satanism, Wicca, Vampirism, BDSM, rape, child abuse, Hitler, bondage, sick sexual perversions, serial killers, death, drugs, self mutilation and other sick practices to vile to mention. Goth’s are the Devil’s Children. In my opinion, Goths are more dangerous to children than pedophiles” – Rev. R.G. Green“.

Built and hosted by persons unknown, and making extraordinary claims of Christian ministries and parental concern groups targeting Goths and the VC, led by some prophet who speaks out vehemently against such “aberrations”. All fake. Yup. No such parental body, ministry, or “reverend” exist, and never have. So what is its purpose? Why does it remain there year after year?

Though few actual sane people, even among Christian zealots may take this diatribe seriously or as factual, it provides misinformation, outright lies and incitement to fear, hate and encourages the gullible to take action against Goths and Vampyres alike, and is based on Christian dogma and Christianist ideology. If that is what it does, then logically, that must be its purpose.

Similarly, a warning went out last week from the Otherkin Community, about a troll victimizing LGBT forum members on several Otherkin forums and groups, using Christianist propaganda, and claiming to be representing an “ex-gay” ministry – which has subsequently been shown to be about as real as the God Hates Goth groups and and “Rev. Green”.

Okay, so while all that is going on in the USA, what about events here in South Africa? So far, we seem to have gone relatively undetected by the regular lunatic fringe religious nuts who attack civil liberties of other social groups on a frequent basis. So far we seem to be off their radar. Not so?

The Kanaan group which produced “Twilight: A Warning” do not seem to be either aware that there is a local VC, or if they do, they do not seem concerned or hostile. Another local Christianist wing-nut group that pickets and boycotts everything from abortion to gay rights and freedom of religion, is the Christian Action Network, or CAN. They too have hopped on the Vampyre-bashing bandwagon, albeit through trashing Stephanie Meyer’s brainchild on their website and in their own vanity publications, and seem oblivious to the fact of our community’s existence – at all.

The thing is – we know fanatical religious groups talk to each other, they network, they share ideologies, receive support from other countries fanatics – and in the same way that they share tactics on breaking down human rights values and strategies to attack groups they share a dislike for, it is only a matter of time before one of them cottons on to the fact that “Hey, there are Vampyres in South Africa too – how do we deal with them?” – and the more experienced fanatic groups in the West will tell them. It won’t be the first time that South African religious zealots and minority-haters receive assistance from their American stable-mates, believe me.

Generally speaking, modern efforts against the global VC do not seem to be coming from larger religious bodies, or high-profile personalities seeking riches, fame and glory from any book or dvd deals that may result from it. No – the current trend appears to manifest from the direction of grass-roots-level, small independent religious cults, replete with apparent UFO conspiracy-theorists, employing tactics of infiltration, intimidation, and the application of the image and concept of the real VC as a negative and threatening stereotype. This negative stereotype presently teeters on the edge of being used to incite hostility against the VC itself, and against all who identify with it.

Recent events seem to indicate a possible future increase in religious intolerance, not unfocused and indirect – but focused and directed at individuals and those who self-identify as Vampyres or vampyric people, and energy feeders, and the existence of the subculture itself. This is not a new concept. It has been employed by similar religious groups – even mainstream Christian churches – to demonize, exclude and persecute people on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity, and other forms of self-expression, identity and belief.

During February, Iraqi Islamist militia are alleged to have murdered around 140 teenagers dressed in Western and “emo” forbidden, whom they accused of being sexually depraved, practitioners of magick, and “vampires”. Closer inspection reveals that the ideology behind this crime against humanity was motivated by the conflation of the ideological hatred for non-heterosexual orientations, coupled with religious intolerance for non-conformism to Islamist dress and culture – AND the use of the “V”-word was thrown in to demonize the victims still further, based upon propaganda manufactured by the Islamist murder machine since 2009.

The world is changing. For decades now, since the matter of race has been discarded as a way to provide a potential “threat” to the integrity and unity of the Christianist ideology, gay and transgender people have suffered their scape-goating and vilification and persecution. Once more, change is coming. A slow and creeping change. It is becoming clearer to those running the religious game, that this “threat” is losing its potency and effectiveness in keeping the faithful glued together and to keep their pews full and the money flowing in. Science, medicine and human rights have outgrown religion and the fetters the Popes and Bishops would tame them with, and have delivered fact and proof which invalidates claims that sexual orientation or gender identity are “lifeforbidden choices”. Logic and arguments mount to reflect that inborn and immutable characteristics cannot be “sinful” if a person was created such by a god they hold to be perfect and infallible. Those who continue to refute science and still persecute, are increasingly being unmasked as murderous villains and portrayed as human-rights abusing fanatics with a tenuous and failing grip on both sanity and reality. It will soon be time for them to find a new “threat” to use as a catalyst to unite the flock once more.

What group presents itself more conveniently and timeously, than those who embrace their vampyric natures, partake of human blood and spirit, do so in secrecy – and by sheer coincidence fit the description of the “satanic” which has been forced upon them for centuries by the almighty religious machine? For centuries, the Christian machine has rolled over, chewed up and spat out those whose blood it employs as oil to run the gears smoothly, choosing as victims those overwhelmingly outnumbered or unable to defend themselves – or those whom they think nobody else cares enough about to defend. Who would want to defend people who drink human blood or drain life from them, even voluntarily? Who would defend people their propaganda paints as “evil” and a “threat”?

This once again brings up the need for us to have nightside names and profiles. Why? Because when they infiltrate a group, they can sit there pointing at the screen, going: “Look – here’s “X” – a self identified Vampyre – but oh, darn, we don’t know what he looks like, where exactly he lives, and what his real name is … Ah snap. There’s nothing we can do about it.”

Quite simply, if they don’t know who we are, or how to find us – the loonies can’t touch us, can’t persecute us, and can only stew in their paranoiac fear and loathing of everything not on their “ok list”, and try to play ‘join-the-dots’ with Vampyres, “Satanists”, “the Illuminati”, ‘reptilians’ and UFO’s to their heart’s content.

With that cheerful thought, I wish you all a good week.





16:29 May 20 2012
Times Read: 1,071

Woke up in the morning, Feeling so out of place,

realized that something was missing, it just wasn't my day

and alone my intuition, saying she's going away

i'm getting chills just thinking about it, maybe everything's okay

and then the call came in, and her best friend said,

the bus was leaving tonight, she said you better hurry up, if want to catch you girl

hoping to get there on time, i couldn't waste another minute,

i ran as fast as i could, feeling scared and agitated,

i turned around and there you stood.

and i had you there and you looked so beautiful,

had the build the nerve to find a way to let you know,

i love you so,

and i had you there

i couldn't let the moment go

had to put my arms around you and let you know

won't take for long..

it felt so lonely on the right side of the bed

felt so cold under the covers, no-one laying on my left

minutes turning into hours, and the hours turning into days

going crazy here without you, as the longer i wait

and then the call came in, and her best friend said,

the bus was leaving at night, she said you better hurry up, if want to catch you girl

hoping to get there on time, i couldn't waste another minute,

i ran as fast as i could, feeling scared and agitated,

i turned around and there you stood.

and i had you there and you looked so beautiful,

had the build the nerve to find a way to let you know,

i love you so,

and i had you there

i couldn't let the moment go

had to put my arms around you and let you know

won't take for long..

baby please.. you don't have to go



16:27 May 22 2012

Always fight for what you believe is right. It sounds like you lost someone very special in your heart, don't give up and fight you never know the results you may receive.q


what have I become?

02:53 May 19 2012
Times Read: 1,116

In the past few years I have come to learned the hardest lesson I had to learn. The community I loved so much.

I tried to build a community like the one I grew up in, only to find that it died long ago....

the things I was taught no longer mattered.

I tried to make my new halo like the one I left, I gave everything that I was, to the point I lost many mates to the fact I put the community before them....I still didn't see I was giving to much of me to a community that didn't care for me or the old ways that made me into who and what I was....

last year I lost the love of my life to the community because yet again I put the community first........

That killed me because I lost not only her but our baby girl.

So when I moved on, I tried to give more of me to her then the community, and in doing so it caused a problem within my house and the rest of the community to the point members started to leave and others say they would as well....my last hope in the community was my best friend and donor, whom my girl hated because I lied to her about our relationship...Now you mite say so why did you lie?

Because I didn't want my girl to feel odd about me having my donor.

In the end that made it worse. No matter how hard I tried to keep the peace between them I couldn't!

I became what I hated about the new community, I lost my honor! And the right to my elder ship and lordship....My best friend choose to go be with a pack of tick magnets and my girl is leaving me with our baby girl.... in my time in the community I gave all that I was, lived for the community that I pushed away what should have mattered more....and when I gave more to my personal life I lost the community I loved more then my self.....

I always prided my self in the fact that I never broke a law......

but I did I became blind to a girl who gave me our baby girl and lost them both and I became a lyre to a girl who just wanted a family.

In doing so I broke two laws, one is a community law honor, the other was a law of love...

I put people who didn't really care before my wife and child and it cost me both of them, and the other I lied to my new girl.

In closing I failed as an Elder and a Leader in the community by becoming all the things I hated about this new Gen. Of the community.

So I now walk away from the community and the house in the hopes that I can re

gain my honor, because I know I can never regain the family I have lost....



03:48 May 19 2012

you seriously NEVER LEARN. No matter how many times that SAME DAMN THING happens. The problems between you and Jen centered around the community and the fucking donor issue. It got to the point that you finally said you'd give it up. It was too late but then here you are with a new girl and YOU DO THE SAME DAMN THING AGAIN. You put your so called "right" to have a fucking donor before your girl. You lie to her about it. You'd think after the crap with Jen, you'd learn that maybe you shouldn't fuck with the whole donor bullshit and be monogamous. You are seriously a fucking idiot. I know you're gonna delete this but its the truth.

04:51 May 19 2012

No sam, I won't delete it.......because I am a vampyre and we have donors for a reason.. how we feed from our donors is between our donors and our selves NO ONE else....but you are right....having a donor and mate is a rear thing.

Just because you don't agree with it becaue of your personal feeling doesn't make you right...no the fact that I lied about it does.

The fact that I lied made me a fuck up and I own that....

But I will not feel bad for having a donor and feeding how I CHOOSE TO FROM MY DONOR.

In the community I came from that is how it was.

This new community thinks that those of us who have donors that feed us that way and have a mate are wrong because we have a mate... who are you to tell us how to feed? What works for you may not work for another.

You like chicken I love stake are you wrong for liking stake? No because it is your FOOD...

But lying about it? NOW THAT IS WRONG! And as I have said I own that.

Me leaving the community has nothing to do with that. It has to do with my becoming a lyer and the community I come from is no longer there.....I do not fit into this new coommunity....it has no honor, no loyalty no respect it is nothing like it use to be and I can not change who I am or where I come from.

I have been in this community far longer then you. And when the house first opened we lived by our laws and had donors and mates. But because of people like you pointing fingers saying what and how we live was wrong. You caused many of us to hide the way we feed from each other. But not me I tell my mates this is how I feed and this is what my donor is there for. But people like you wishper in their ears saying shit like oh you don't think that is cheating? They are told upfront how it is yet they still come then try and chang me because of voices in the shadows ..... so no I will not delete it because I own my mistakes.......

06:44 May 19 2012

I wasn't referring to you having a donor and agree with you on the feeding part. i said you were an idiot for always putting your food before your mate. your mate should always come first.. i would never put chicken or steak before my man. i would never treat food better than my man like you always have.

07:11 May 19 2012

No I didn't, I treated her with the same respect as I did my mate and that's where the problem was, I never put my donor before my mate.....so whom ever told you that lied. What I did put before them was the community and its needs and that was another problem.

23:33 May 19 2012

Lord Ryu , Yes I will always think of you as Lord Ryu . Sometimes we fall so we can see what is important ..The fact that you realize what you have done ... means you didnt fail . You have learned a lesson ..after all isnt that what life is about ?

To lie is one of our greatest sins .. but at some point I think we are all guilty of this . Its if you learn from it that makes you stronger and wiser .. Lord Ryu dont be so hard on yourself ..

There are people who truely care , and we are here to help you , listen to you , whatever you need .

remember , I am here for you always



01:19 May 20 2012

LadyN shut your mouth you have no room to judge nor talk... show some damn respect

06:04 May 27 2012

Ryu, that was my point. Food NEVER deserves the same respect as your mate. By giving them the same respect, you put them before your mate. If your mate has problems with food, you throw the food away. the world is a buffet. there is always another menu item available. problem is you always tried to force mate and food to work it out. the instant the mate shows a problem, the particular food item should be shown the door. get another one.

also when you lied to the last one about your donor, that was a form of putting the donor before her because you wanted to keep her over caring how the last one would feel about it. despite the harshness, its for growth that i point it out. for the ones that hold your hand and tell you that its ok and that you're always right, they are the hand that are holding you down. its the hand that smacks you in the face that desires to see you improve.


hacking my shit again really?

23:09 May 17 2012
Times Read: 1,132

you make accounts pretending to be me say things to my ex, not just anything hurtful hateful things...you hack my account and delete it...

why not just show your self and stop hiding?

you want to hurt me so bad just fucking kill me if you can or is it that you are too much of a fucking coward to face me?





Yo to the coward who likes to hack my account and make other ones pretending to be me

19:21 May 15 2012
Times Read: 1,150

what is your problem? do you have nothing better to do with your time then to make shit up?

Start drama and cause pain to someone who has done nothing to you? why would you say things like this to Jenny?


Whelp (1)


May 13 2012


Block User



To Saved

Email to Self

What's the matter Jen still can't take pictures to show the fat slob you really look like? I get it you rather just let them see your face since that's the only decent thing on you and than pray they don't run away once they see the rest of you. Ok I see the game your playing. Than you wonder why I had all those other girls on the side.


Whelp (1)


May 13 2012


Block User



To Saved

Email to Self

You keep going onto my profile for whatever reason when its none of your buisness. You took my daughter away from me and now want tk know what I say about her and you and know what I do. That isn't your place anymore Jenny you lost it and now someone else holds that spot and does it alot better than you ever did. So I can see now that you leaving was a blessing in disguise.

then you fuck up on my screen name LordifNoctemAeternus?

It was LordOfNoctemAeternus you asshole!

then you send Denise the convos I have with my family about Jen and LC hoping that she will end it with me...REALLY? do you have such a fucked up lonly life that you have to try and hurt others? I mean enny and Denise have done nothing to you and you are causing them un-called for stress and pain...what the fuck kind of a person does shit like that? You are a true low life coward...why dont you grow a pair and show your self?

I have better things to do with my time then to play the he said she said game with lies and your bullshit.....

to Jenny I swear on the lives of all my kids I never sent or said anything like that about you to anyone, I always say you did what you felt was right for you.... and to Denise come on you have to see that who ever is doing this is just trying to cause drama.........

I am sorry if you two where hurt by the deeds and words this low life has been saying pretending to be me.....I hope you can believe that it IS NOT ME!



18:08 May 18 2012

woah dad what the fuck is this shit. Anyone who knows u, including jen and misha know that you wouldnt say things like that anyway, its not your style, rise above it, all 3 of you, Love you lots Ryu & Misha

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