UMBRAxDExVIR's Journal

UMBRAxDExVIR's Journal


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23 entries this month

Jason a Poor mentor!

17:52 Oct 31 2009
Times Read: 996

Poor mentors:

* Sit seekers on their proverbial lap and tell self-congratulatory stories of their past deeds adnosium… instead of being awestruck, try to confirm and validate their stories.

* Openly, casually, or publicly tell tales of their past lives or yours. Such sharing should be in private confidence at appropriate times and places. These are lame tools devised to impress the impressionable.

* Openly, casually or publicly recount study sessions, criticize student behavior or demonstrate a lack of secrecy when it comes to student/ward interaction. Say 'learn only from my writings'… instead learn from many points of view and form your own perspectives.

* Have no old friends and surround themselves with a plethora of newbies. There are big warning flags in this 'cycling people' behavior; so get ready to be recycled.

* Constantly burn bridges with other community members. We all have issues but true Elders seek to resolve them with responsible accountability.

* Befriend seekers too quickly and make lofty promises of quick ascensions, this is a bad form of flattery.

* Negotiate knowledge, information, ascensions, or recognition for physical or emotional intimacy. Never accept such bargains.

* After so many years in the community, decide that a mere seeker with limited awareness is suddenly their right-hand-person; this is another bad form of flattery. Such close relationships are developed over time.

* Bestow empty inflated titles, even if just for affect. Such effects are 'lies' and far from honorable distinctions. Do not implicate yourself with titles that you have not earned nor with those that concede to bear those empty titles.

* Lie or manipulate. You may not be the recipient of the lie or manipulation this time, but I assure you, it's coming your way. Don't be an accomplice in these devises.

* Struggle to keep their dayside afloat on a consistent basis. This is not a worthy teacher; he/she should take a sabbatical and get their dayside together first.

* Accept students with and without potential alike. Here students are seen as a personal validation. A good mentor is discriminating and does not waste their time with those who lack the beacon.

* Embrace a multitude of students, wards or chylder. Mentoring someone is a great responsibility and it should not be taken lightly. Expect little results out of this association.

* Embrace or associate with minors. This is illegal and has so many legal ramifications that it is best to avoid this person all together.

* Encourage illegal behavior like substance abuse, intoxication and irresponsible sexual conduct. Great parties, maybe, but you are putting yourself and your reputation in danger.

* Encourage seekers to turn away from dayside family or obligations, instead of encouraging better understanding of the needs of dayside family and directing attention to the importance of dayside duties. Although you may want these dreaded responsibilities to go away, only bad mentors will discourage you from facing your adult duties.

* Forbid students from associating with past associates or other community individuals. Although seekers should be discouraged from pursuing associations with questionable or dangerous individuals, as adults they are entitled to follow their path…wherever it might lead them.

* Utilize their students to research and write articles anonymously or as they unpaid shadow writers. Always insist on credit for what you research and create.

Written by Madame X of House of the Dreaming





15:21 Oct 30 2009
Times Read: 845



From a friend outside of N.A. thanks this shit is funny as hell

10:20 Oct 30 2009
Times Read: 852






05:16 Oct 30 2009
Times Read: 860








16:27 Oct 29 2009
Times Read: 902




From Rev. Vicutus, Dominus de Ordo Sekhemu

03:49 Oct 29 2009
Times Read: 928

Greetings Brethren!

The purpose of this letter is to inform vampyres within the Republic of Texas on the wrongdoings of one human, Jason Michael Jones.

Information from reliable sources state that the aforementioned has been excommunicated and exiled from the Vampyre Nation and Vampyre Community for the following reasons:

• The crime of stealing from the treasury of House Noctem Aeternus,

• As an accomplice for financially supporting an adult individual that committed the social crime of statutory rape with a 16 year old female (name kept private),

• Attempting to persuade a 16 year old female (name kept private) to cohabit with him.

Jason Michael Jones has displayed immoral conduct as well as disregard for the Black Veil.

He is now residing in Corpus Christi, Texas using the aliases ‘Knight’, ‘Iron Heart’, ‘Iron Knight’, and ‘Syn’.

It is unclear if this individual has intentions of establishing his own Household or online group; therefore, it is pertinent that the Texas vampire community is made aware of his actions, hence the purpose this letter.

Rev. Vicutus, Dominus de Ordo Sekhemu, Texas Grotto.

Reliable Sources:

Vampyre Lord Ryu: Founder and Lord of House Noctem Aeternus (childe of Lord Father Vincent Orion and Mother Lady Saige Orion of the original Clan Sabretooth).

Keeper of the Veil and Co-Founder of the court of the Order of the Vampyre and the Halo of Septem Civis.

As vouched by:

Rev. Vicutus, Dominus de Ordo Sekhemu.

Rev. Mephistopheles, III* Master Sekhrian.

Master FangSmith Dark Awakenings Elder Maven of House MavenLore.





Nice to see the other side of people

14:30 Oct 28 2009
Times Read: 965

I spoke with someone tonight who was really sweet and a big time smart ass, I enjoyed speaking with you!




Understand this!

06:00 Oct 27 2009
Times Read: 1,031

Your fall from grace my brother is your own doing....

Not mine.....

Our laws are made to protect our Community.

What you fail to understand is it dose not matter whether you are Strigoi Vii or not

We are Vampyric, thus we are of the same community my brother.

There is no this is my community and not yours because the path you fallow is not the path I follow. The Vampyric community is comprised of many different paths that form the whole. What makes our community a grate community is the fact that we are eclectic in the many paths and views we shear.

The purpose of that is because there is no single member of our community that has all the answers to who and what we are.

That is why we work together for a better understanding of our nature.

There are posers ( R.P.Gers ) in all paths.

Now as to say we can not say to some one you are not Vampyric...

You are wrong there you your self said we know our own kind point blank.

We can feel when our kin are near and we can feel when someone is lying about it.

So when I see someone who claims to be something they are not, I will say so..

Now as to the household that is trying to form, you are finding out that you have done nothing to earn that honor in my community, you have been told no by my self, the elders of this Halo AKA state...

You are finding out that no it is not that I think I am all powerful but the fact that the real Vampyric community sticks together to keep itself safe and the unwanted out!

You have been told to stay away.

I know that now every door you knock on will close in your face because they now know the true you, and people like you are not welcome in this community!

Now who made that my job? People like you who try and be something they are not and don't care who and how it affect others.

You lie, steal and cheat to get what others have earned by busting their asses, Now the community is starting to see you for what you are.

As I said to MY Brother, Now I say to you....... You have done this to your self!

TX. is now looking for you.

Good luck,

I am the ominous, the plague of the closed minded, and law breakers

I am Darkness,The Vampyre Lord Ryu Noctem Aeternus.

childe of Lord Father Vincent Orion and Mother Lady Saige Orion of the original Clan Sabreooth.

Keeper of the Veil and Co-Founder of the court of the Order of the Vampyre and the Halo of Septem Civis.





19:15 Oct 26 2009
Times Read: 1,043



A wedding in Our family!

11:10 Oct 26 2009
Times Read: 1,063

Well my Childe you are married, Congrats baby girl.

may he bring you all the joy your heart desires.

I pray that all your dreams come true. may you both live a long happy life together.

Our widdle family. [ultra hearts]

I love you Nikki.

Always and forever your dark father,

Ryu Noctem Aeternus.





06:08 Oct 26 2009
Times Read: 1,065



Custom Fangs by Maven Lore

01:18 Oct 26 2009
Times Read: 1,077

Maven Lore is coming to VA

While he is here,

he will be making custom Fangs.

Contact me for an appointment at (757) 515 6368.

He will be here late November early December.

here is his web site. so you guys can see his work.


Canines $100

Most basic and popular set. The very base of vampire aesthetic

DayWalker $200

Inspired from the movie "Blade"

Reptilian Demon $120

these fangs have a hard edge down the center curving to a wicked edge and extend past the gumline into curled points.

The Cat $200

This set is upper as well as lower canine fangs for a more animal like quality.

Sets Not Pictured:

"Interview" Set

Tripple Set consisiting of Canines, laterals, and bicuspids

Inspired from the movie "Interview with the Vampire" - $300

"Lost Boys"

Long lateral fangs with short canines

Inspired from the movie - $200

"Kindred" Set

Daywalker fangs on the top teeth and the bottom

Inspired by the short lived TV series - $400

Glow In The Dark - Any set can be made to glow - $10 extra charge per pair of fangs




as as of late I have had members of my house and others being told that I am coming after them

21:57 Oct 23 2009
Times Read: 1,123

Some one is going around saying we are coming after them.

first off if i was coming for you I myself would tell you!

so stop believing all the bullshit you are hearing online and to who ever is saying it.....GET OFF MY DICK!




My Dark Father

04:08 Oct 22 2009
Times Read: 1,144




things are changing for the house

00:27 Oct 21 2009
Times Read: 1,177

there are so many thing going on here in septem civis for my house, that I no longer have time for the online bullshit.

the drama rumors are getting to me.

so we as a house are cutting ties to many of the people who cause drama.

we have spies in my coven and that is going to end.




went to new york

19:01 Oct 19 2009
Times Read: 1,212

Met with my chapter in new york. felt good to see them..man it was cold up there! I met up with the elders to talk about all that I have been doing in Septem Civis and with the house.

they were told why the exiles are exiles.

they told me of their plans for Gotham,

and the plans for our blood lines.

they also told me don't stress the online vamps because thats all they are.

We live in the real world and use the net to speak to those of the blood that we know, to learn whats going on in their part of the world.

as for the rest of the net if they keep their community online then they are not a real community.

that is because in the real world were we live is were things need to be done.

doing things in the real world community for the community is what is needed and how you are recognized.

it felt so Good to see Father Sebastiaan, Father Vincent, Lord O Macphee and brother Shaolin Macphee, there were others there but I was there to see them.

I will be going back and forth to help with Gotham.

I told my dark father about our fang smithing buniess we started. Like Father like son! also they Loved our ankh!

next time i go I am taking my wife so she can see the real elders of the real Vampyric Community and not the false claimers and see how ting are done in other halos.

I was told they are proud of me for the things that I am doing and for what I have done.

I am glad that I have honored what I was given by them.

I also met up with a member of VR who was told that there is no one in Gotham, No Elders so she knows whats what now....

She is a grate person with a good heart.

they liked her and welcomed her with open arms.





05:43 Oct 17 2009
Times Read: 1,288


i do this for some one i love...with all my heart!

whom I told I would give my life for to keep her happy. THIS IS IN NO WAY SAYING I OR ANY MEMBER OF MY HOUSE, FAMILY FEAR THIS COWARD!

I do this to make her have some peace of mind.


I do this to end the online bullshit between he and I!

to please her....

VR you can think what you want....

Jay in your heart you know I dont fear you and know what you have done! you will have to live with that....My heart is clear.

One day you will show the rest of the site who you really are....

as some have seen already, by your own doings to them, not my words but by your own deeds.


To VR I am sorry that this has gotten out of hand.

Believe me or not I do not care!

I am a Man who fights for what I believe in and for those who have been stepped on.

But for the peace of mind for my Childe I will end this.

I was wrong to let it get out of hand like this.

but in the end you will see me and what I stand for as you like.

The Vampyre Lord Ryu Noctem Aeternus.

childe of Lord Father Vincent Orion and Mother Lady Saige Orion of the original Clan Sabreooth.

Keeper of the Veil and Co-Founder of the court of the Order of the Vampyre and the Halo of Septem Civis.




From an Elder to another Elder

04:40 Oct 13 2009
Times Read: 1,481

Respectful Greetings and Salutations Lord Soulshroude (and yes I asked him if I can post this)

First and for most I hope all is well with you and yours.

It has come to my attention that there has been some kind of miscommunication and or discrepancy with Lord Ryu of House Noctem Aeternus. I do know the man and his linage. He came to me with the situation to see if I knew anything of what you mentioned to him. In terms of his Linage, he is a childe of Lord Father Vincent Orion and Mother Lady Saige Orion of the original Clan Sabreooth here in Gotham Halo. He was given the right to start up his Household in VA by Father Vincent himself among others as well as the right of Elder. Lord Ryu is of the Old Clan Sabretooth its ways, and Laws.

I will apologize if I myself have not been clear in previous discussions, The Household I belong to (House Sabretooth MacPhee) is but one of many Households within Gotham. We carry the name Sabretooth based on our linage back to the original Clan Sabretooth. House Sabretooth MacPhee is a part of Clan Elysium which Father Vincent Founded a couple of years back. My Sire, Lore “O” MacPhee Orion is the Head of House Sabretooth MacPhee and is Fathers Vincent second in command within Gotham.

Lord Ryu’s is NOT a member of House MacPhee however; is of the original Clan Sabretooth as was previously started. I personally call the man a dear friend and Kinn of the Blood. In terms of his link to Gotham you may if you wish consult Lord MavenLore Orion which is also a Childe of Father Vincent Orion to validate the truth of linage and legitimacy.

I am not privy to all of the details as to what accusations have been made but as you very well know gossip is bound to happen; you know how it is, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. I realize all of this transpired on VR, sometimes convocations may be misleading over IM or messages. I myself have not used VR in a while; I think I should start picking in more often.

My main objective in contacting you was to clear up any misconceptions regarding House Sabretooth MacPhee as well as giving a corrector testimony in regards to Lord Ryu’s dedication to our community. The path of the Vampyre is many as you know, and I’m shore this is nothing more than miscommunication.

As always my friend, I wish you well and hope to talk sooner than later

In the Blood and Dharma of the Great Way

Sir Shaolin Z. MacPhee of House Sabretooth MacPhee

Household of Clan Elysium

Pround and Loyal Son of Lord “O” MacPhee Orion

GrandChilde of Lord Father Vincent Orion




today i meet with visitors from the Gotham Halo

18:48 Oct 12 2009
Times Read: 1,508

I am told they are not the elders they claim to be..

I will see how the meeting goes today, and report back to Father Vincent.





23:14 Oct 11 2009
Times Read: 1,548



The Noctem Aeternus Fang smithing is on its way

00:37 Oct 11 2009
Times Read: 1,573

started fang smithing to make us some more money, looks like we are on our way!




me drunk for you guys that keep asking for this vid have a laugh on me

00:27 Oct 07 2009
Times Read: 1,897

Drunk Dance




a little on Noctem Aeternus

21:35 Oct 02 2009
Times Read: 1,958

Noctem Aeternus is a family of like-minded people who practice

Many forms of Living Vampyrism from Strigoi Vii, Kheprian Teachings,

The Vampire Church and other “Vampyric” Orders which

in combination of the many philosophys form the Noctem Aeternus,

teachings & traditions.

I have done this because I feel that no one person has all the answers,

to who and what we are.

Therefore I have taken from all that I have learned,

and combined the teachings into one.

Bringing them all into Noctem Aeternus,

so that we will have a better understanding & a broader view on who and what we are.

We will conduct ourselves in a manner consistent with the

tenets of the Black Veil, the Pillars of Noctem Aeternus, the Laws, Codes of Conduct and Traditions of the halo of Septem Civis.

Noctem Aeternus Members are the Enforcers of the Laws and Traditions

in Septem Civis.

Many say there are No Vampyric Police and feel they can do what they want, come to our halo and you will learn real fast that there are!

Then we have those who have seen our kin do as they wish without teaching them the right way.

Thus we have those who bring shame to our community!

It is because of this that the Community is looked down upon by many other Communities.

We in Septem Civis feel that if we reach out to those who are Vampyric,

and teach them the difference between fiction and reality that our community can and will grow with understanding and honor, thus gaining the respect of other communities.

We know it wont be easy, but if we just turn a blind eye,

the Community will always be seen as satan worshiping freaks and continue to fall.

By Ryu Noctem Aeternus


The “Quest” refers to the collective agenda of the Family and is the unifying force and set of goals which is the duty of all members to work towards.

1) Seek out our Lost Family: the fundamental goal of our quest is to find, bring together and identify our Kin and help them understand what they are and that they are not alone.

2) Exploration Quest: The Second part of the Quest is to challenge, test, and explore all of our teachings; without this we cannot be perfected and evolve with the times. This does not mean to directly or publicly challenge the elders or Magisters and should involve constructive feedback on a formal, one on one and civil manner.

3) Seek out ways to better our Community with other Communities Quest: Open doors for communacation with all pagan Groups that we can all understand each other better,

As well as bring all of our kin in our community together under our laws and codes of conduct.

so there are less problems with the mundane community.

4) The Sanctum of Noctem Aeternus Quest: The final part of the Quest is to establish a grande temple in which we can have a library, retreat, central offices and community center.

The Noctem Aeternus Charge:

We are the many-born, we are the Immortal,

Eternal we wander the aeons.

We are the gaurdians of our community laws.

We are active elements moving through passive worlds.

Endlessly we die and are reborn,

changed yet unchanging through the years.

We move from lifetime to lifetime,

To gaurd our way of life,

from those who would brake our laws, and do us harm.

We are Guardians

And we are Destroyers,

We stand at the beginning

And we stand at the end.

We are Eternal!

Ours is a journey toward understanding,

and our charge is to uphold our laws with honor.

We are the catalysts, and as we Awaken to our Selves,

we serve to Awaken the very world.

THE CREED Of Noctem Aeternus

I am a living Vampyre of Noctem Aeternus So We begin!

Truth is within my nightside, all I must do is listen to

myself for I am my own temple.

I Lead, Explore, Learn, Inspire, Honor and Enforce the laws of my community.

I acknowledge my dayside as the mundane side,

because I have to pay bill and live in thier world.

I acknowledge my nightside as my natural, primal, and

magickal self.

I uphold and respect the Black Veil, the Noctem Aeternus

& Septem Civis Covenant, the foundation of ethics of our Community.

I acknowledge that I am at the top of the food chain,

however, respect the chain I am on.

I worship those who give me their most precious gift.

The gift of them selves.

The Blood is the Life.

Noctem Aeternus is my chosen Family, I honor our path and traditions.

Therefore, I Live to uphold our laws and the Laws of the Community.

For I am a Vampyre of Noctem Aeternus.

So We Begin!





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