UMBRAxDExVIR's Journal

UMBRAxDExVIR's Journal


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9 entries this month

from my regent

06:02 Mar 25 2011
Times Read: 790

Again the debate has heated up, laws vs. no laws. There seems to be no middle ground on the issue, as neither side is willing to budge. I’ve written my views on this matter many times only to be called a heretic, militant, and many other things. I see that I’m not the only one who proposes such ideas, other elders do as well. Still, those who have not had to live in chaos and fear will never know what it is like to do so.

If you have not had to deal with hostile law enforcement officers, who pull you out of work and accuse you of being a “devil worshipping, baby eater”, running a pedophile ring and a cult, you cannot understand how it feels. Unless you have been threatened, had your home ransacked, had social workers take your children away, you will never know how it feels. Because they have never had the problems we have had in Virginia, they don’t see the need for any kind of laws (outside of mundane laws, and basic courtesies). As I’ve said before, we can be optimistic and hope that everyone would act in a way that was courteous towards everyone in the community and outside of it; however I’ve found this to not be the case.

You can say I don’t have a lot of faith in people. I’ve probably spent too many years working in the public sector and seen the worst in every group of people. I’ve worked in rich neighborhoods and poor ones. I’ve seen people of all walks who were good and bad. I can say this; the overwhelming majorities are self-centered, selfish, narcissistic assholes. It’s about “I’m the center of the universe and how dare you deny me what I want”. It’s all about “me”.

The wealthy have a bigger sense of entitlement than the poor ever have had. We live in a society that values money over many other things. If people have money we tend to bend over backward to let them have what they want. Why? Because we want some of their money! So when wealthy people are told no, they tend to go bug shit. When you tell them that “I don’t give a damn who you are, how much $ you have or what business you run, you can’t run around breaking the law”, you see how many of them throw a fit, threaten to sue or have your badge.

All that aside, here’s what I’m seeing. I’m seeing the vampire community becoming two distinct groups, ones who want structure and law and the ones who don’t. It’s not so much an us vs. them situation, and I don’t want it to be seen as that. However, perhaps it’s time that those who do want a more structured, law and order kind of environment need to create their own version of that, their own Order. Those who want to join, can. Those who don’t want anything to do with it, we wish you well.

Since there are so many out there who are opposed to living under any kind of rules, law or guidelines, I say “fine, don’t”. We can’t force anybody to accept or want to live the way we do, so let’s let them go. They don’t have to be a part of what we are looking to do, which is unite the community for the betterment (and safety) of all. Let’s not waste our time trying to convince them. You might as well talk to a brick wall. We choose to serve something higher than ourselves, the spirit of the community (or what in the past has been referred to as Elorath). What happened to that spirit? Did we become what we loathe? We turned into the “me/ I” instead of what once was the “we”.

Once again, this is not for everybody! There are those who are going to voluntarily join and decide to serve something greater than ones’ self, and there will be those who know no god or anything higher than themselves. Let them worship their own narcissism in the darkness. When they are gone, nobody will remember them. It will be as if they have never lived. The black hole in their souls will never be filled. They will never have enough money, food, power, sex, material things and so on. Let them be empty shells of what they could be.

Let us take care of our own, those who see that what we are doing is for the betterment of all. Let’s seek to better ourselves and our communities (both Vampyric and mundane). Work to balance the dayside and the nightside so that we can be in a position to serve. Let’s work to encourage unity within the order, let each follow his conscience, and agree to disagree on some issues. Let’s let the various communities make their own traditions (or laws) according to a main charter (Black Veil or some other guidelines), dealing with their own set of challenges/ problems that may occur in that area.

The number one issue to address is that we need a system of checks and balances to make sure that the abuses of the past NEVER occur again. We need to make sure that it is clear that we will not tolerate the abuses of power that occurred before (blackmail, sexual harassment, violations of civil rights, ect). So how do we do this? We have a Council in each lodge, at least 3 members (elders of the community, preferably of a variety of paths). Let the members of the lodge vote on various issues. The lodge financial books will be open to all dues paying members for inspection. Having 3 elders (2 co-reagents and 1 keeper of the Veil/ local laws), keeps the balance. It keeps anybody from getting too power hungry, or vengeful. The other two can balance it out.

The days of the blood hunts an violence are gone. Those who break the Veil will answer for it to the lodge, tried by the council and the members. If found guilty of breaking mundane law, law enforcement will be notified and all evidence will be given to them. We will cooperate fully with any law enforcement investigation; comply with court orders and subpoenas. It is strongly suggested that every lodge consider retaining an attorney to handle legal issues and advice.

There are people who want the structure, ritual, and order that the old ways offered. However, there were those who abuse their power for their own needs. We need to make it clear that this is not the place for those who seek power, but seek to serve their community. Let’s make this a reality, a real brotherhood for those of the blood. Those who do not wish to be a part of it are free to go their own ways. May we part in peace as friends and brothers/ sisters.




This is fucking why we need to work together to uphold the laws of our community, this is why the community needs to work together. so mother fuckers like this one can not harm our community.

16:12 Mar 16 2011
Times Read: 942

His charges are:

solicitation of 4 minors

rape and sodomy of a female on multiple occasions

breaking all tenets of veil discretion being the most violations

dishonoring a halo and den

disrespecting the truce

making a crystal swan of a weak minded female through psi manipulation

disrespect of a therian alpha's mate

disrespect of a high ranking members family

attempting to make a new house in Nc and Fl

disrespect of an elder

disrespect and sexual harassment of another lords swan

attempted to force himself on a female

falsely claiming lordship

sodomy of a lords daughter

revealing another vamps identity to those of the blood

attempting to teach vampire ways

rape of one of his students

mental manipulation of the weak minded

These are all the ones that i can think of as of now. Thank you Lord Ryu.




Are you fucking kidding me? This has got to be a joke! I hope!

23:59 Mar 12 2011
Times Read: 975

Interview With The Vampire (2011 Edition)

Posted by Tom Naughton in Bad Diets

I was recently contacted by a famous vampire (the subject of a book and later a movie) who told me he wanted to update his story. Somewhat hesitantly, I agreed to meet with him last night at a local pub. Here’s our interview:

Fat Head: I appreciate you agreeing to meet in a crowded public place.

Vampire: I thought you’d feel more at ease if we weren’t alone.

Fat Head: I do. I’d feel even more at ease if they served True Blood here.

Vampire: Unfortunately, that’s pure fiction. There is no True Blood or any other synthetic blood we can drink, although I like the TV show very much. It’s nice to be portrayed as the good guys for a change.

Fat Head: Good guys, yes, but also good guys who happen to be muscular and attractive, which I’m sure doesn’t hurt the ratings any. In fact, in pretty much all the TV shows and movies I’ve seen about vampires, you’re portrayed as these sleek, strong, sexy creatures. Which … uh … well, never mind.

Vampire: Go ahead, ask me the question.

Fat Head: I’m not sure how to put this …

Vampire: Don’t be afrrraid.

Fat Head: Cool accent! Very Bela Lugosi.

Vampire: I’ve had a lot of time to practice. Now ask me the question.

Fat Head: Well … you’re not exactly what I envisioned. I mean, I expected the pale complexion. But frankly, the pot belly, the bad posture, the sunken eyes, the missing teeth, the limp hair … you don’t exactly fit the Hollywood image.

Vampire: Not anymore, no. The truth is, I’m sick. A lot of us are sick. That’s really why I wanted to meet with you: to ask you to convince the humans to stop making us sick.

Fat Head: But you’re a vampire! You can’t get sick. I could jam a poison-tipped knife in your belly, and all you’d have to do is go drink some human’s blood, and … oh, I see.

Vampire: Exactly. Most human blood these days is just awful. You people have completely screwed up our food supply. And like I said, there’s no such thing as True Blood.

Fat Head: So with all the diabetics and pre-diabetics walking around these days, it’s hard to find –

Vampire: Hey, we used to love finding diabetics with all that sweet, sugary blood. But they were rare, so we saved them for desserts and special occasions. Now they’re everywhere, so the sugar content in our diets has gone through the roof. And it’s not like we chose to do this ourselves, you know.

Fat Head: I had no idea high blood sugar could harm a vampire.

Vampire: Neither did we, until we had to start living on the stuff.

Fat Head: So I guess you could say feeding on modern humans really sucks, huh?

Vampire: What are you, a comedian?

Fat Head: Well, actually –

Vampire: It isn’t funny being sick when you’re immortal. At least you humans can die and be out of your misery. If I lose my toes, I’ll be limping around for eternity.

Fat Head: I’m sorry, I didn’t know. What kind of ailments are we talking about here?

Vampire: You can pretty much guess, since you write about the effects of high blood sugar all the time. Organ failure, obesity, tooth decay.

Fat Head: Tooth decay? I can see where that would present quite a problem.

Vampire: Yeah, not to mention it’s embarrassing. I have a friend who jumped some woman outside a singles bar a few weeks ago, and when he tried to sink his last two remaining teeth into her neck, they popped out.

Fat Head: So he wasn’t able to feed on her?

Vampire: Naw, the poor schmuck ended up gumming her on the neck. All he got out of it was her phone number.

Fat Head: Pity.

Vampire: There’s even a booming market for vampire dentures now. How pathetic is that?

Fat Head: And you’re telling me a vampire’s organs can fail too?

Vampire: Are you kidding me? Lousy blood is lousy blood, period. We’ve even got vampires going blind.

Fat Head: So you could say they’re –

Vampire: And if you make any “blind as a bat” jokes, I’ll tear your heart out. And I don’t mean in a bad love-song sort of way.

Fat Head: Uh … right. But here’s what I don’t understand: why don’t you and your kind just limit yourselves to feeding on the more nutrient-dense humans?

Vampire: You think that never occurred to us? Most of us left the country for awhile and lived near people who ate more traditional diets. Unfortunately, the idiots in your government got together with the idiots in your sugar and grain industries and figured out how to export your food all over the world. There’s no escaping it.

Fat Head: If I’m understanding you correctly, then, you’d like me to help convince humans to eat better food so you can eat better humans?

Vampire: We don’t eat humans! What kind of animals do you think we are?

Fat Head: Okay, drink from better humans. The point is –

Vampire: Look, we’re going to feed on you either way. There’s no reason we shouldn’t all be healthier. And think about this: you’re only one bite away from being one of us. If you don’t want to end up as a sick vampire, then don’t be a sick human.

Fat Head: Can’t you spot the sick humans and just avoid eating — er, drinking from them?

Vampire: We tried that. Sure, you can stay away from the obviously obese people. We’ve always done that anyway, except during the holiday season. The trouble is, even skinny people are walking around with high blood sugar these days. And half of them are taking some damned statin drug. Let me tell you, that’ll turn good blood into bad blood faster than anything.

Fat Head: I hadn’t thought of that. Do statins cause you the same kind of muscle pain and weakness they cause in humans?

Vampire: You know how strong vampires are supposed to be, right?

Fat Head: Sure. Like super-humans.

Vampire: Well, one of my progeny sucked up so many doses of Lipitor over the years, he went hunting one night and got his ass kicked by a teenage girl. Then she went to Hollywood and wrote a TV show about a teenage vampire slayer. Man, that really pissed us off. It wasn’t a fair fight.

Fat Head: No, of course not.

Vampire: Then you’ve got the cognitive side effects. I personally know two vampires who suffered from episodes of transient amnesia. One even forgot he was a vampire and decided to take a little stroll in the afternoon sun. Two minutes later he was rolling around on the sidewalk, sizzling like a steak and screaming, “Al Gore was right! Al Gore was right!”

Fat Head: That must’ve been terrible. In so many ways.

Vampire: Indeed. So please, I’m just asking for one small favor here. You and the other health bloggers do whatever you can to help us return to our natural diet. Keep spreading the word. I mean, you felt better when you got off the grains and went back to meat and eggs, didn’t you?

Fat Head: Much better. I feel stronger and healthier now than I did 20 years ago.

Vampire: And you actually practice what you preach? No sugar, no grains, no rancid vegetable oils?

Fat Head: Yes, that’s right. I’m pretty strict these days.

Vampire: Hmm. Your blood must be exquisite.

Fat Head: Well, I don’t want to brag, but the last time I had a checkup, the doctor said … Uh, excuse me, are you licking your lips?

Vampire: Me? No.

Fat Head: Good, because … you just did it again.

Vampire: Nervous habit. Think nothing of it.

Fat Head: Because I’m not really a bling-bling sort of guy, but I did take the precaution of wearing a silver necklace. See, under the t-shirt here?

Vampire: Chill. I have no interest in attacking you. I want you to go home and tell everyone what I said. A lot of living-dead people’s lives depend on it.

Fat Head: I will. Thank you for your time.




Updated list of real Vampyre/Vampire Houses, Clans, Covens and groups

18:45 Mar 12 2011
Times Read: 981

This dynamic list represents various houses, orders, clans, covens, and groups of the real vampire community as originally compiled by the Atlanta Vampire Alliance [House AVA] in 2005/6. This is not the same list that appears in the VEWRS, but rather an expanded internal version that includes numerous private, offline, and in many cases non-operational (historical) houses, international groups, and other related vampire organizations.

– Merticus

Version & Update History:

March 2006: 189 Entries

September 2007: 251 Entries

March 2011: 354 Entries


Akhkaru Society, The

Artemis Mortis Lux

Assembly of the Knowledge & Wisdom of Solomon

Atlanta Vampire Alliance (AVA)

Atum Ka-Mon

Australian Vampire Information Association (AVIA)

Black Atlantis

Black Mist Clan

Black Oaks

Black Order Of The Dragon (BOTD)

Black Rose Society, The

Blood Dragons

Bloodlines International

Carcus Covens


Church Of The Vampire

Clan (Children) Of Lilith

Clan Hidden Shadows

Clan Lilitu

Clan MavenLore

Clan Of Set

Clan Ravenheart

Clan Sabretooth

Clan Tremere

Clan Von Draconus

Club des Vampires International

Conventum Tenebrarum

Countess Elizabeth’s Vampire Coven (CEVC)

Court Dragonetti

Court Of Amen-Khepera

Court Of Atlantis

Court Of Gotham

Court Of Lazarus

Court Of Lightning Bay

Court Of Mendes

Court Of Southern Twilight

Court Of The Barrens

Court Of The Black Raven

Court Of The Iron Garden

Court Of Western Twilight

Coven Nachotter

Coven Of Darkness

Coven of the Ebon Wing

Covenant Of The Vampire


Dark Nations

Darke Garde (Originally Castle Darke)

Darker Realms, The

English Vampires Haven

Esoteric Gateway Order

Hallo Of Antares

Hauz Of The Black Vampyr

Haven Mercury

Haven Of Kindred Spirits

House 3 Skulls

House Aeterno

House Akhkharu

House Amotah

House Angel

House Ankharzon

House Anmazti

House Anubis

House Araneus

House Arcadia Bloodmoon

House Ardathair

House Ariadne

House BatinFlight

House Bennu

House Black Dove

House Black Widow

House Boiga (Formerly House Nahash)

House Breed

House Cabal

House Chrysalis

House Clessidra Ligamentum

House Crescent Moon

House Crimson Blade

House Cruentus

House Cyprean

House D'Hainu

House Dakkem

House Damaak

House DaMari

House Dark Communion

House Dark Solace

House DarkHaven

House DarkStar

House Darkwater

House Delimortae

House Della Noir

House Delphi

House DeSalerian

House Diva

House Draconis

House Drakco

House Drasik

House Eclipse

House Ek Tranos Dianoia

House Elanath

House Elysia

House Esmaray

House Esmaray

House Eternal

House Euphonious

House Fermor'e

House Frailtear

House GryffynShadow

House Helvenore

House Kanis

House Khepera

House Kheperu

House Kithal

House Konatus

House Lavrans

House LiDeIM

House Lilitu

House Lost Haven

House Lykaios

House Maison de la Luna

House Malech

House Manyak

House Mavenlore

House Melanelios

House Miketh

House Morpheus

House Mystere & Brethren Of Nomaj

House Negoth

House Nepenthe

House Nephilim

House Nietzsche

House Night Breed

House Noctem Aeternus

House Noctem Theatrika

House Noctivagus

House Noctura

House Obsidian

House Of Ancients

House Of Annunaki

House Of Anpu (Anubis)

House Of Ariadne

House Of Bathory

House Of Bezalel

House Of BlackRose

House Of Blood

House Of Broken Reflections

House Of Caelen

House Of Candle

House Of Caomhnóir-an-Eolas

House Of Carnicrucis

House Of Cyril

House Of Dark Oasis / Vampiric Order Of Oasis

House Of Dark Path

House Of Dark Syns

House Of Fallen Timbers

House Of Hadattu

House Of Havoc

House Of Horus

House Of Illusions

House Of Kane

House Of La Bella Oscuridad

House Of Lamia Sectae

House Of Life

House Of Lunazure

House Of Ma'at

House Of Madadh-Alluidh

House Of Mancinni

House Of Melanelios

House Of Morningside

House Of Mystic Echoes

House Of Nephilim

House Of NightRealm

House Of Nocturnal Retribution

House Of Novek

House Of Obscure Divinity

House Of Osiris

House Of Ottawa

House Of Pain

House Of Phoenix Vampires

House Of Quin

House Of Raven (Clan Nightbreed)

House Of Rex

House Of Rosedrop

House Of Sacred Gates

House Of Sacred Night

House Of Shadows

House Of Sheol

House Of Shiva

House Of Silver Twilight

House Of Simion

House Of Spiral Night

House Of Syn

House Of The Ascending Path

House Of The Black Rose

House Of The Black Sun

House Of The Crossroads Angels

House Of The DarkStorm

House Of The Dreaming

House Of The Ebon Dragon

House Of The Fallen (Timbers)

House Of The Flaming Falcon

House Of The Frozen Sky

House Of The Hydra

House Of The Imperial Dragon

House Of The Morning Star

House Of The Noctivagus

House Of The Peaceful Anarchs

House Of The Phoenix Vampires

House Of The Raven

House Of The Reapers

House Of The Setting Sun

House Of The Sword And Serpent

House Of The Twilight Shadow

House Of The Unorthodox

House Of Tortured Souls

House Of Trylesta

House Of Umbrae Octo


House Of Vargotah

House Of Yancey

House O'Mallie

House Omega

House Orion

House Orlocke

House Pantheon

House Phoenix Resurrectus

House Prytania

House Quinotaur

House Rakseph

House Ravens Loch

House RavenShadow

House Rendier

House Riju

House Rising Serpent

House Rosa

House Rose

House Rosencroft

House Sable Brahmin

House Sabretooth MacPhee

House Sahjaza

House Saint Eve

House Saint Germain

House Sang Real

House Sanguine Moon

House Scarlet Moon

House Sekhemat

House Serpentine

House Sethari

House Seton

House Solaris

House Storm

House Sutekh

House Synopolis

House Terebus

House Tirgoviste

House Trylesta

House Trylestus

House Twilight Playground

House Valur

House Vengeance (Clan O'Mallie)

House Veritas

House Verthaine

House Vespertine

House Von Draconus

House Warlocke

House Winter Haven

House Xavier

House Zavahan

House Zvahan

International Society of Vampires (ISV)

International Vampyre Alliance

Kalika Noir: The Tantric Vampire Court

Kemetic Order Of Aset Ka (KOAK)

Kunta Ainak Oma Veri

Leviathan Court

Lost Shadows Gang

Loyal Order Of St. Germaine

Newcastle Vampire Society

NOA Zhasal

Order Of Aeterni

Order Of Divinity

Order Of Energia

Order Of Enlightenment

Order Of Kharrus

Order Of Maidenfear (Cascabel House)

Order Of Maidenfear (Saturn House)

Order Of Nekhbet (Quinotaur)

Order Of Nevar

Order Of Nyx

Order Of Sabbatica

Order Of Shadows

Order Of The Black Marble

Order Of The Black Sword

Order Of The Blood Moon

Order Of The Burning Sword

Order Of The Crimson Tongues

Order Of The Crystal Phoenix

Order Of The Dragon

Order Of The Iron Vampires

Order Of The Magi

Order Of The Necropolis

Order Of The Praetor

Order Of The Red Dragon

Order Of The Trapezohedron

Order Of The Triple Flame

Order Of The Vampyre

Order Of The Vandair

Order Of The Vein

Ordo Crux Ansata

Ordo Embraced By Twilight

Ordo Kalos Haima

Ordo Sahjaza Ventius

Ordo Sekhemu

Ordo Strigoi Vii (OSV)

Ordo Tenebrae

Ordo Veneni Mortiferi & DPVO

Psychic Vampire. Org

Psyvamp Information Exchange

Pumpkin Order, The

Richmond Vampyre Alliance

Scarlet Moon Organization

Scarlet Moon, The

Senatorius Sacerdos Harpyiae

Servitude Of Darkness

Shadow Clan, The


Society Nocturnus Of Gotham (SNOG)

Society Of The Dark Sun

Somnium Homunculi

St. Louis After Dark (SLAD)

Synod, The

Temple Crimson Shadow

Temple Damaak

Temple Of Eternal Night

Temple Of Lost Souls

Temple Of The Vampire (TOV)

Tiboto Organization, The

United Vampyre Unitarian Pagan (UVUP)

Vampire Church, The

Vampire House Of Ireland

Vampire Nation

Vampire Nation Concord (VNC)

Vampiric Research Council (VRC)

Vampiric Studies

Vampr Club

Vampyrbibliothek (Vampire Library)

Vampyres Against Media Publicity (VAMP)

Vampyrian Temple UVUP


Voices Of The Vampire Community (VVC)

Vox Vampyrica

Watchers Guild, The

XY Society

Z/n Society, The




I think you guys can learn alot from these podcast

18:27 Mar 10 2011
Times Read: 994





Clutch Omen Divinity

03:11 Mar 10 2011
Times Read: 1,006

I will not stop until justice is found. I hate the cancer that you have become. it is people like you that destroy my community. I will keep fighting for justice until my regent tells me to let it go. what a fucking joke you are.. You said if I came I would not make it back....LOL yeah right like you could take me LMFAO ROTF... I came to your land in your so called hood seen you and all you could do was keep your fucking head down at the meeting, then when I left you dropped your bullshit ass crip flag, so I stepped on it right infront of you and said to you say something now, all you did was look at the floor and went back inside just like I thought all talk no walk, then you wait till I get back to VA to start talking shit! Fucking coward if you had any balls you would come here but we all know as I was told by everybody from Gotham that knows you how much of a pussy you were. know this my beef is not with your house or the lady of the house but my beef is with a low life coward who can talk all big and shit on the phone and the internet but when face to face knows its place! your a fucking joke...if night cared anything for you she would tell you to keep that fucking mouth of yours shut because she knows facing me you have no chance but hey I guess she wants a show! but we know you don't have the ball to back up that shit you spew you fucking coward. Don't call me, don't txt me just show the fuck up. the bus is 60$ round trip. MY CHILDE night knows the address...don't talk about be about. like I said I came, I saw OH and I made it all the fucking way back to VA with out anything thouching me! Can you say the same?





16:25 Mar 04 2011
Times Read: 1,025




Can't do it breaks the Veil

15:04 Mar 03 2011
Times Read: 1,033

Ryu how are you? My girl works for Univision radio X 96.3 NYC. The Luis Jimenes morning show would like to interview some one in the vampiric community live on the air. I would like to know if your interested. If you can come into the station it would be a plus if not the interview would be conducted over the phone.

Basic questions, keeping in mind that it is a comedy morning show with informative segments. Let me know if your interested call me if you have any questions or concerns.




wannabes who talk mad shit but never back it up....

02:18 Mar 01 2011
Times Read: 883


Clutch Omen Divinity of the gotham halo



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