Vampyrism is not a simple path to adhere to for everyone.
Vampyres are born dark and experience childhood differently than non vampyres.
They are in touch with their dark side but too often are confused until a deeper understanding of who they are comes into focus.
There are many aspects of Vampyres.
There are those who relate to the ideals and values of a never ending life, immortality, power, the ability to transform and control elements, combining vague facts or fantasy into their lives, creating a mythical vampyre.These vampire humans are in search of themselves and need to be encouraged to delve deeper to find the true meanings that await them.
True Vampyres
Vampyres do not view themselves as humans, because we are not human in all terms, true Vampyres see humans as the weak strain, full of emotions that drain away at them, wandering around like sheep in a field waiting to be herded into a flock.Vampyres see humans as prey and life force.
We are the darkness of nature, strong and beautiful.
Emotional Balance
Vampyres look upon themselves as "GODS"; there is nothing above us, only beneath.
We kneel before our make shift altars in obtaining growth and enlightenment of true darkness.
We invoke and conjure powers in various forms for development and attainment of advancement.
We dedicate our selves to ourselves.
During advanced training, human emotions are a hindrance to the true Vampyre; they create confusion and too often get in the way of reaching the desired goal. Total focus and strength is needed during ritual work. Moral values that are instilled in us since early childhood should be cast away; Vampyres are not guided by these moral issues, as they are considered part of the weakness of humans, and have no impact on a Vampyre.
This advanced training is highly regarded as the initial step into being an Adept Vampyre, the combinations of ritual work, developing psychic strength, pushing one self to the very limits, as well as testing these developments in and outwardly is only part of the rigid training that slowly builds the character needed for the Vampyre Adept.
Astral Life Force
Through the technique of astral travel, astral life force is drained from desired humans. Astral contact is valued for the life force drawn.
Several variations of this can be achieved through practice and WILL.
Pranic energy is not the only aspect of a draining, the draining of clairvoyance, skilled knowledge or other various aspects of the human can be obtained.
Blood Essence or Astral Life force is first and foremost described through the act itself, as with all rituals, the growth from the actual experience itself, rises beyond what is learned in text or other forms of education.
The hunting Vampyre can travel at will, change and shift, shape shifting from form to form as desired.
Blood Lust
The desire for human blood has been guarded throughout time and kept sanctified for Vampyric rituals, Vampyres and blood magicians add blood energy to their rites, empowering their work with their blood force.
Blood Vampyres who consume blood, satisfy a deep rooted need or desire, certain individual Vampyres face an eternal hunger to feed from blood, gaining from this source, personal gratification.
The shared blood between two consenting blood drinkers can heighten any situation that is taken.
Vampyric Symbolism
Symbols have existed since the beginning of time. These symbols incorporate into our everyday lives; becoming so much of the norm they are often overlooked.
Symbolism in a Vampyres life can be viewed in different ways, from the self created symbols representing ourselves or towards a shrouded power, to the symbolic relationship of fantasy myths regarding vampires.
Vampires imploding upon contact with sunlight, rather cinematic, but truthful, if we look at it symbolically. The sun, the light that represents the illumination of the soul towards a higher power, this is the light that will kill the Vampyre, as the Vampyre is its own high power.
The proverbial driving of a stake through the heart can been symbolically seen as the manifestation of emotional attributes that block or bind the Vampyre into emotions that conflict with the higher learning process.
So with symbolism redefined, the night prowling, blood drinking Vampyre is created with the astral Vampyre.
These symbols are studied by the Vampyre in training and provide a better understanding of our inner selves. Creating personal symbols or sigils also plays an important role in deepening the understanding of ourselves.
As what we create, we manifest, empowering these sigils with our personal power for use in ritual or during meditation, can only serve to advance the knowledge sought.
Symbols are found everywhere, man made and natural creations, each representing what we can bring from or put into them.
Combining Deities and Vampyrism
The purpose of this section is to show the relationship between Vampyrism and Deity worship. In many occult and religious practices the worship, invocation of deities is common place. Elementals, God/dress, Spirit summoning all pertains to the drawing from a believed higher power.
This power can be drawn for personal strength, be put into an object to empower the object, or a vast array of other practices used by the individual.
As each deity represents a force or a significance of what that deity can represent, the vast usage of deities for individual rites is carefully chosen.
Once carefully chosen, a link between the practitioner and the deity is made.
With the worlds populous of deities exceeding over 1,100, careful research on the chosen deity is recommended. Detailing what the deity represents to exactness is a tiring process, but in ritual, results far exceed if the correct deity is chosen rather than an assumption considered to suffice.
If choosing deity as a personal symbol, keep in mind that YOU are the true power behind the deity, that Vampyres worship their alter ego bowing down before no one. Self worship instills a strong will and from a strong will comes an untouchable force. Self worships doesn’t deny the power of other forces, but manifests them into self given fortitude against adversary. Worshipping the self provokes deep meaning in the Vampyric conditioning, all hidden strengths evolve and as the ego heightens, and so does the eternal hunger to strive for more attainment of awareness.
If you choose, invoke these gods, manifest them into your life, but know yourself as god, for you are a true Vampyre.
On Charging, Consecrating Objects
To intentionally imbue with energy. The energy can be transferred for a distance or during physical contact.
To solemnly dedicate or devote something or someone to a sacred purpose and /or to that purpose to the service of the Deity, i.e.; to consecrate a ritual tool to the purpose of destruction, or to consecrate a priestess to the service of Lucifer.
Dark Timing
Although any hourly time is acceptable for ritual work, astral work would seem more feasible to approach when man is most vulnerable, during his sleeping hours.
Even the strongest of mind and spirit succumbs to a weakness during the sleeping hours, be it day or night, vulnerability lies within the sleeping human.
But this vulnerability does not restrict the adept from astral attacks or ritual work, as the strength and WILL of the Vampyre exceeds all restrictions or regulated thoughts that many apply to ritual work or astral manipulation.
Vampyric Families.
As with any family, Vampyre families are close knit & well bonded.
Vampyre parents are readily able to understand and teach their family members of their ways as to prevent the same misconceptions and misunderstandings that many have felt during the varied developmental growth stages.
Systematically procreation is the same for Vampyres as well as humans, but the major difference being prior to conception with either one or both of consenting copulating Vampyres is the Vampyric soul that is inherited by the embryo. If one parent is human and the other Vampyric, the fetus will inherit both structures from each parent. Like genetics and the effects of dominating gene structure, whether the child is more Vampyric than human would apparently depend on the aptitude of the Vampyre in mention, if the Vampyre is adept then the child would inherit a dominating Vampyric soul, but would still require Vampyric conditioning as to attain the true Vampyre that resides within.
Therefore the condition would reside in the Vampyric parent to teach, guide and direct the child during the age of maturity when it would be most beneficial, when the child is young enough to take in the knowledge, as with all children, they are readily able to learn more at a younger age than they are when they grow into the older pubescent years.
But maturity levels should be regarded in the highest regard as to not create confusion in the child that might not be mentally mature enough to process the teachings. This would be up to the closest parent to the child as no one knows their child better.
If the closest parent is not Vampyric, then a unanimous decision has to be made by both parents as to when the correct timing is.
If there is a stalemate to this decision, then perhaps to seek outside help from someone who is adept and familiar with a circumstance such as this.
The Vampyric Mother with Child
There is considerable evidence that the Vampyric child will drain from the mother, causing medical conditions that are often miss interpreted as normal pregnancy conditions, fatigue, anemia, variations in blood and iron levels are depleted, as with many human pregnancies, but too often it is unnoticed with Vampyric mothers due to the lack of understanding of Vampyrism among the medical profession.
During the trimesters the Vampyric mother should ensure her own health by providing herself and the unborn child with more than the desired/required energy that the non-pregnant Vampyre requires.
Following this practice will enable the unborn Vampyre baby to grow and be nurtured as its dark nature intended.
The Non Vampyric Mother With Vampyric Child
The non Vampyric mother will surely be depleted more rapidly, her energy levels will dramatically decrease, and she may even hold resentment to the child while carrying, as it has become a difficult pregnancy.
This is the time for you Vampyric dads to step in and offer yourselves to the unborn child and the mother; your feeding should be increased as well during this process, as to not deplete yourself in the energy giving to your family. I include the mother, even though she not Vampyre because of the drain of her to your Vampyric child. You can subsequently add energy filled items around her, the unborn soul is capable on it's own accord to draw from other sources than the mother, but in generally will tap the life force resources direct. If you create. Be responsible to nurture.
In this life we are faced with a multitude of decisions that we are forced to make or choose to make directly. These decisions no matter how large or small create personal changes within us and in our surroundings. If we choose to act in haste without forethought then there is always a repercussion to answer to.
If we contemplate and still choose the wrong choice, the repercussion still has to be dealt with.
In the Vampyres life the choices are as the same as it would apply for anyone, with one difference, we are predatory by nature. With this as the foundation, to make a choice while as a predator, there is no room for wrong choice.
As much as the wolf rips the flesh from the kitten, the Vampyre too, acts in accordance with its inner nature and should maintain the highest degree of integrity for the choice the Vampyre makes.
To dominate astral or mentally for the purpose of strengthening the self, for the self, not for the distribution of shared energy or transference. Not for the calmative purpose of healing or regeneration of others, but for the "self". Becoming the strength of all blood that is consumed, Selection of who is not biased. You are the chosen and you have been chose.
Humans, in their weakened state of sheep being led to slaughter could be considered a commodity.
What Vampyre wouldn’t prefer the taste of a strong willed fighter with high moral values and convictions that drip from their essence, or perhaps a cunning and shrewd business entrepreneur would stimulate the palate more so then the average 'Joe' that does the 9 to 5 routine with little or no attributes.
The higher degree of life force that surges through the 'selection' certainly offers more to the Vampyre. But don’t disregard the unintelligent, the less skilled, the average Joe, as he might very well possess enough mundane, basic, everyday drudgery in his life that it pulses through him like a rip tide. If he holds enough contempt for what he doesn’t have, or struggles with daily issues till it nearly devastates him emotionally, he too would fit on the menu, and of course, there are the other Vampyres who are so decadent that not partaking on the delicious essence could be viewed at less than what the Vampyre really i.e. Master of WILL. Too often I have seen many Vampyres state that they concern themselves with their kindred, they share feelings of love and respect and loyalty to their kind, that in any and all sense they would protect and nurture and guide and serve each other with the strength and fortitude that can surpass any organized militant group or organization, but too often while distantly, semi admiring this attribute that is shared amongst the kindred, I have felt a dismissal of the nature of the Vampyre, the hunter becomes casual and restricted, losing what one of the basis is, for what a true Vampyre is at best, a predator.
So we can disregard the attempts of control and manipulation of power-heads who insist that we maintain our suppressed WILL, while in the company of other Vampyres.
Base your survival on what YOU set before yourself, what is allowed by the elders or indoctrinated figure heads who establish rules while they tend to their sheep can and often, castrate the true Vampyre.
Vampyric emotions are controlled as the Vampyre chooses. Being 'in control" during the awakened state as well as the astral gives the Vampyre cunning ability to manipulate the emotions and situations around him to his liking. A simple thought or an induced series of thoughts that provoke direct actions from the energy source are common place amongst true Vampyres. Altering the conditions in the center of the Vampyres circle or surroundings creates a vast amount of personal strength for Vampyres, an emotional play for the subject at hand. But not always are these thought forms directed into others, used for the purpose of feeding, they can be used for an array of reasons all surrounding the Vampyre and what the situation occurring is.
It can be varied from a High Magical Rite to a game of play, all depending on what the Vampyres goal is.
Blocking the Vampyre
With the auras field composed of as many gaps from negative mental and health related issues, the auras field is not a strong fortress against the adept Vampyre. It is not a fortress at all. Astral blocking is seldom ever done correctly by individuals who still delve into the cosmic egg protection scheme. Creative visualization when done properly may maintain the Vampyre at bay momentarily, but the WILL of the Vampyre is too strong for the average circle of blue light to work.
If the Vampyre chooses, space and time does not interfere with the WILL or the attack. In opposition to this theory, the WILL of the energy source with a strong WILL of its own, in attempts to prevent astral attack, follows the appropriate measures, for this instance we will call name this "sue".
Sue acts in accordance with the act of rite, followed by after thought that she is free from astral attack and releases her protection from her or as in most cases fails to secure the level of protection needed to hold back the attack.
Sue feels safe and secure knowing her golden glow will protect her during the night or day which ever the case may be.
Like with energy feedings, all energy has to be maintained in order for the result to be proficient. Sue takes comfort and slowly releases her golden glow, even though Sue’s WILL was present to possibly block the attack, Sue’s WILL may take a lesser degree of strength and then Sue is open for attack.
With primal instincts, the hunt is a distinctive pleasure of the Vampyre, the attack and the energy in combination makes the lamb led to its slaughter like a sustaining game of choice.
Feeding from the Auras Field
Your aura is the physical manifestation of your non physical energy. With the physical, mental and spiritual auras field combining together to produce what can be seen by auras field visionaries as one single or separate, or combined field of energy that is produced from life and its circumstances, the auras field becomes an ‘appetizer for the Vampyre.
For those who have polarized their auras field, the field is stronger but not impregnable against attack. As the individual enforces the auras field there is a diminished energy from with the human itself, therefore creating a gap in the structure of the entire concept of the unbreakable auras field. Acolyte Vampyres may reach as far as the auras field and draw from this source, thinking that they are actually reaching beyond the auras field to the human energy source directly. Certain instances of headaches, depression, anxiety and a degree of other perhaps uncomfortable energies can be construed as negative feeding.
Negative feeding can be turned around to a positive source of energy with the appropriate measures to discard or release the negative emotions that the human possesses and balanced out by the Vampyre, by WILL of the Vampyre for a positive feeding. In example certain Vampyres will feed directly off the individual that possess the characteristics or emotions of choice.
For some it is the higher energy that is sought, for others it is one who wallows in the murk, all in all, like with everything, it is a matter of personal choice.