UMBRAxDExVIR's Journal

UMBRAxDExVIR's Journal


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7 entries this month

Our Statement to the Gotham Vampyric community

04:27 Jan 30 2011
Times Read: 668

Sorry but I made a Vow and I never break my word. My job As an Elder of my community is to teach and uphold our traditions, Laws, Codes of Conduct and most important LEAD BY EXAMPLE. I now understand that the community you fight to unite is... not the community I protect, but the community I protect mine from... one day young brother I hope you will see the difference as I have come to. What you are fighting to unite is Not the true Vampyric Community but a community of Gaja and mundane frat boys with no honor. My House, Court and Halo will have nothing to do with anyone whom associates with Exiles, Pedophiles, Theives and those who go against the laws, tenants of the Veil, Codes of conduct and traditions of the true Vampyric Community. Now I am not saying that all in that city are like that, but what I will say is that if you are not willing to take a stand even if it means you are not liked or welcomed to some bullshit party, then you are no brother/Sister of mine. I will make no apoloigies for taking a stand nor will I compromise in any way the laws or traditions or the safety of my community. Yours in Blood and Shadow The Vampyre Ryu Noctem Aeternus.




To my Father, Father Vincent

05:14 Jan 26 2011
Times Read: 701

You'll never know

What you've done for me

What your faith in me

Has done for my soul...

You'll never know

The gift you've given me..

I'll carry it with me.

Through the days ahead

I think of days before

You made me hope for something better

And made me reach for something more

You taught me to it is ok to be what we are

You taught me to fly

Helped me to free the me inside

Help me hear the music of our community

Help me hear the music of my heart

You've opened my eyes

You've opened the door

To something I've never known before

And your guidance...

Is the strength of my heart..

You were the one

Always on my side

Always standing by

Seeing me through

You were the man that always made me see it was ok to be me

I'm doing this to honor you

Everywhere I go

I think of where I've been

And of the one who knew me better

Than anyone ever will again

What you taught me

Only your love could ever teach me

You got through when no one could reach me

Cause you always saw in me

All the best that I could be

It was you who set me free...

So it is for you and our community

I stand tall

Because of that gift I can't let our community Fall.

I love you my Dark Father.

Your Son Ryu Noctem Aeternus.




I Live to honor my Dark Father and our Community, I guess I am still doing my job right!

05:49 Jan 25 2011
Times Read: 725

Ryu Morales to Father Vincent Palermo

Father have I dis honored you, do I bring shame to the gift you have given me? Have I faild you in any way?

21 hours ago ·LikeUnlike · Comment · See friendship

Father Vincent Palermo Have I said u did...

8 minutes ago · LikeUnlike

Ryu Morales No Father ~bows~

2 seconds ago · LikeUnlike




Time and Change

15:46 Jan 21 2011
Times Read: 756

Don't it hurt so bad...

And it hurt so bad...

Tryin' to find the faith before the fall

Good man's down, while a bad

man's standin tall

Strongest one don't always win them all

Going crazy.

Time and Change

The way they do our community is going round

Never straight up, sideways, upside down

Brothers livin' six feet underground

Our community got me crazy, so crazy

Time and Change

This is our doing.

A poor man lives in happiness

A millionaire evil as he wanna be

A good man going hungry....

'Cause of Time and Change

(Don't it hurt)

I'm tryin to find our faith before the fall

A good man's down, while a bad

man's standing tall

A strong man don't always, win 'em all

Communities going crazy!

Don't it hurt so bad?

And it hurt so bad, Tell me

can you feel the pain?

Don't it hurt so bad

Time and Change

It really hurt so bad, no one

can stand the pain, Now is all

about power and numbers

Time and Change......Don't it hurt so bad

So bad

Don't it make you mad,

And it hurt so bad?????




Missing Child Please help out

17:06 Jan 14 2011
Times Read: 794





Shake my head, when will people learn?

14:43 Jan 12 2011
Times Read: 853

The message below was sent to me by an elder in my community....After I look out for this sick KID he gose and talks more shit and tries to start more drama? what is it? you know we are all over. you came here and one of our members puts you up and you fuck him over....then you go missing running out on your rent....then you show up in NY sleeping in a fucking park! So I feel bad for you and call my own baby girl and her man to let you stay there so you are safe and you pull this shit?

Are you really trying to start with the house?

Really? Think before you speak morgen!

Politics, Drama, & Vampires Oh My!

By Skylarkis - January 11, 2011

Lately there have been a lot of things going on in the online vampire community. From someone writing articles under a false name to others spreading spam and fake organizations. I say enough. Why must this go on? I'm relatively new, been around and quiet for several years. I don't claim to be anyone special or fantastic, but I have a right to have my opinions heard.

I first came into the community through a "House in Virginia. This house shall remain nameless throughout this entire editorial. I was invited to Virginia to live. Being a young fool I did so and lived there for several months. While there I read the books of the Strigoi Vii Outer Traditions. Liber Jahira, Bellah, and Calmae. I thought, WOW this is for me. Boy was I wrong. I am legally blind, I say this because it plays a part in my story. I get SSI because I cannot legally work. So what?? So one month my payment was late. I had a gun put to my head because this so called "Lord" and "Keeper of the Veil" was pissed. So I left and made my way to Ohio.

While I was living in VA I ran into a temple located in ohio and was invited up to live with them. This time i did some investigation and found it was safe and sane ^.^ I came to OH and the first day here the"founder" of this temple left me stranded at the bus station. He made excuses and lied. My new best friends and mentors, who shall also remain nameless picked me up and brought me home after staying at the station for a night. So now, two years down the road, we are no long affiliated with this "temple." I wanted to state that for sure because there are allegations going around of myself being a backstabbing liar.

I try to keep my hands free of drama and politics, but this has gone on too long and someone needs to stop it. Drama with a fake character shouldn't be permitted among individuals who are trying to better themselves and have intellectual debates and discussions.




brings me back lol

08:00 Jan 08 2011
Times Read: 870



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