InFo On Vampires HLV'S
21:19 Aug 29 2005
Times Read: 810
Human Living Vampires
and other human vampiric people
Types, Topics, and Where to Go For More Information
Return to Vampire Myths and Realities
TABLE OF CONTENTS General Information
Blood Vampires
Psychic Vampires
Other Vampiric People
Related Topics and Issues
The Vampiric Community
If You Think You Are An HLV
A NOTE ABOUT TERMINOLOGY: Some terminology on this page was freely invented by me in order to solve purely semantic difficulties: namely, what to call things that need to be explicitly designated but for which there are no specific terms. These terms and their acronyms are wholly and entirely arbitrary, are found nowhere else, and I don't expect anyone else to use them. They are strictly a temporary convenience for me and my readers. I chose them for no other reason than that they are (more or less) descriptive.
Human Living Vampires -- General Information
Over the past year, I have been in contact with some of the rapidly growing number of Human Living Vampires (HLV's). These are individuals who, while they firmly assert that they are essentially human beings, and to all external appearances are exactly that, nevertheless have pronounced vampiric characteristics. That is to say, Human Living Vampires feel that they have a need, compulsion, or involuntary tendency to "feed" upon some substance or some kind of energy produced by other living things, primarily other people. HLV's fall into two main classes: those who experience blood-lust or blood-craving, and "psychic vampires" or "psi-vampires". There is considerable debate among these individuals as to whether they do or do not share "secondary symptoms" (such as sensitivity to sunlight) in common (See Secondary Symptoms, below).
Blood-craving HLV's tend to regard their need for blood as a liability, sometimes an extremely severe one. Psychic vampire HLV's usually have a somewhat more positive attitude toward their perceived energy-draining ability, but often complain about the negative effects of these tendencies on their lives as a whole, especially when the energy-draining is uncontrolled. Within these two larger categories, there are several subdivisions among self-defined HLV's. There are also a number of different "theories" proposed by HLV's to explain their own origin, or the cause(s) of their conditions.
No HLV claims to be immortal, invincible, or possessed of supernatural abilities (other than the extent to which psychic abilities such as clairvoyance or astral projection might be called "supernatural"). Although some report enhanced strength, stamina, resistance to disease, and so forth, in no case do these traits exceed the limits of human norms. Human Living Vampires are human beings who are born, grow up, age, and fully expect to die at the end of a conventional lifespan. They are prone to any illness or injury that afflicts human beings. They can and do have children. They have normal nutritional requirements (although some HLV's report unusual food cravings, allergies or aversions) and in all other ways are bound by natural law. Most are anxious to insist that being an HLV brings no glamour or special privileges but simply makes the everyday existence of relationships, jobs, and home life that much more challenging. Many HLV's have difficulty understanding why a normal human would ask to be "turned" into what they are and react to such requests with a certain amount of antagonism.
HLV's are strongly tied into human culture and society, although many of them will express feelings of alienation. In some cases, this may have as much to do with other factors (high intelligence, sexual orientation, non-mainstream religious beliefs, affinity with other counter-cultures such as the Goths, and so on) as with the self-defined vampirism. Many HLV's cling to bits and pieces of the 20th Century Vampire Myth, at the same time that they urgently attempt to debunk this Myth in their writings. In particular, "viral" explanations for their origins are quite popular, along with "scientific" rationales in general. However, for the most part, HLV's are far less concerned with explaining themselves on any grounds, than they are with coping with the specific needs and abilities that they identify as impacting upon their lives. This is their primary focus, and the motivation for their forming networks and support groups and "coming out" in public as HLV's. All explanatory "theories" are considered to be tentative, even relative to the individual, and many explicit statements to this effect are made by various HLV's on their websites.
As I am not a member of this group of people, I am not qualified to speak for them. I am going to briefly summarize information drawn from their own self-definitions, and refer the reader to other websites, messageboards and related fora for further specific information.
Blood Vampires
I am using the term "blood vampires" here to refer to those self-defined HLV's whose main vampiric tendency is a compulsion, or need, to consume blood for reasons that are not primarily related to eroticism or emotional satisfaction. Amy Krieytaz has coined the term "sanguinarians" for such HLV's. Blood vampires do not experience any psychic vampire tendencies of which they are consciously aware and tend to be rather bewildered by the reported experiences of self-defined psychic vampires. Blood vampires feel a physical craving to consume blood, and most do so on a regular basis. Most desire human blood, and many blood vampires have arranged for "donors" to supply them with fresh blood. Some blood vampires describe a life-long fascination with blood and blood-drinking, while others experienced an abrupt awakening of blood-craving which they may or may not be able to trace to a certain event.
The amount of blood consumed, and the frequency of consumption, varies highly among blood vampires, but few consume more than tiny amounts at a time, usually obtained through slight cuts or punctures made by lancets or razor blades on willing human "donors". Often, the "donors" themselves undertake the making of all cuts or wounds. Many blood vampires insist that "donors" undergo testing for blood-borne diseases, including HIV and hepatitis. Some blood vampires consume animal blood, but this is unpopular and usually considered an inferior substitute for human blood.
Because of the obvious difficulties in finding trustworthy or consistent "donors", or other sources of fresh blood, many blood vampires are highly concerned with the problem of "blood famine" or blood deprivation. Online discussion fora for HLV's often address the issue of blood deprivation and ways of alleviating symptoms. These discussions sometimes result in more frustration than assistance, however, when blood vampires are urged to "psi-feed" as a substitute for drinking blood and find this suggestion impossible or incomprehensible. More material substitutes for blood that are reported include "blood" drained from raw meat, rare meat itself, milk and dairy products, and even chocolate.
Blood-drinking HLV's believe strongly that their need to consume human blood is not merely psychosomatic, but none of them has been able to present any workable theory as to just why they require blood. This remains an open area of inquiry.
Blood vampires are divided into two primary categories, by intensity of their need for regular blood consumption.
Severe or "bloodlusting" blood vampires experience the most critical and physical blood cravings. They report a need for larger amounts of blood than most blood vampires or psi-blood feeders consume at one time, and require it more often. They also report the strongest feelings of physical "withdrawal" when prevented from consuming blood, sometimes so extreme as to resemble narcotics withdrawal (although I have yet to hear of a blood vampire who was hospitalized for blood withdrawal or blood famine symptoms). Some severe blood vampires believe that blood consumption may in itself be addictive, with higher amounts consumed resulting in an irreversible higher degree of need.
Some severe blood vampires talk about the strength of their inner compulsion to obtain blood by any means possible, and the difficulty of keeping such antisocial impulses in check. The phrase "The Beast" has been used to describe this almost overwhelming "shadow self" that threatens to take over when a severe blood vampire is suffering from blood deprivation, or when he or she has a source and that source is threatened. While I have not yet heard any of these blood vampires describe giving into "The Beast", they seem to agree that it requires their constant vigilance to keep under control.
Moderate or "blood-craving" blood vampires are satisfied with smaller amounts of blood from "donors" and do not experience the same intensity of withdrawal symptoms, or inner compulsion as severe blood vampires. They may be satisfied for far longer periods of time with various substitutes, and their need for blood may be more intertwined with complex emotional and sexual feelings. However, they are not merely blood fetishists, because they do report a physical need to drink blood.
Psychic Vampires or Psi-vampires
This is a multi-layered and somewhat conflicting category. The most succinct way I can describe human living psychic vampires is the following: psychic vampires are living people who feel a pronounced need to enhance their natural state of being by drawing, absorbing, "draining" or "feeding on" some kind of "energy". Most psychic vampires claim that the kind of energy they require is life force, or "pranic energy", that is to say, a specific type of energy produced by living things and the biosphere as a whole. While this is the most common "energy" craved by psychic vampires, other types of "energy" that are identified, and differentiated from "pranic energy", include sexual energy, psychic energy, emotional energy, magickal energy, negative energy, astral energy, and atmospheric energy (for example, thunderstorms), and there are others mentioned, as well. These "energies" are given conflicting and overlapping definitions, however, and the explanations of what "energy" is, exactly, and how the psychic vampire uses it tend to vary from one individual to another. Most psychic vampires "feed" primarily from other human beings, but a great many report being able to "feed" from non-human living things and from other sources. In some cases, this is an emergency substitute, but some psychic vampires attempt to "wean themselves" away from human sources altogether for different reasons. Some psychic vampires hold (and this is simply their opinion) that it is more "evolved" or advanced to progress beyond feeding on humans. (See the section on Nonpersonal Energy Hungerers.)
Some psychic vampires report an ability to absorb "energy" from material sources, including fresh vegetables, rare meat and blood. Although many psychic vampires have an interest in blood-drinking, they do not seem to crave or lust for it as do blood vampires. It remains an open question whether psychic vampires who have an interest in blood, but who do not actually drink it, may not be reacting to the power of suggestion, and feel interested in blood because they self-identify as vampires and on some deep level associate vampires with blood. But this is a question that psychic vampires themselves will need to puzzle out. (See Psi-Blood Feeders for a discussion of psychic vampires who crave blood.)
Like blood vampires, psychic vampires feel that they must "feed" on the energy they require on a regular basis, and many report physical feelings of discomfort if they are denied access to a source. Symptoms of "energy deprivation" include extreme fatigue, depression, mood swings, immune system suppression with an increase in illnesses, uncontrollable "draining" of non-targeted sources, negative reactions from others close to the psychic vampire, insomnia and anxiety. Psychic vampires often discuss methods of finding energy sources and "feeding" reliably and harmlessly, and these methods vary to a high degree. I could not give a fair representative sampling, but some examples include psychic vampires who "feed" during sex, those who "feed" on large crowds, those who draw energy from the natural world and visit parks or wilderness when "hungry", and those who "feed" by finding people in highly energized states and either calming or further provoking them.
Unlike blood vampirism, psychic vampirism may be diagnosed either subjectively by the vampire or objectively by observers. Symptoms that one is a psychic vampire oneself include mood swings, dizziness, alternations between high energy and fatigue, headaches, a distinct feeling that one is pulling or drawing energy or emotions from other people, and similar feelings. But more and more people are being "diagnosed" as psychic vampires by other self-defined psychic vampires, on the grounds of numerous criteria. These include observed effects of the suspected psychic vampire on others (fatigue or depression in the presence of the psychic vampire, a sensation of phantom "tendrils" or attachments, a sensation that something is being pulled or drawn out of the body or aura) and direct psychic perception of the aura or energy field of the suspected psychic vampire.
Psychic vampires are developing a completely independent subculture of their own and have their own acknowledged leaders and their own vocabulary. They are also developing a consensual agreement on what being a psychic vampire feels like, both to the psychic vampire and to others around him or her, especially psychically sensitive others. Some psychic vampires identify what they call an "energy signature" that allows them to interpret whether another person is a psychic vampire, as well as what specific type they are and how they function. Such signatures are often read and interpreted during direct contact over such media as online chat or the telephone. Training methods adopted from modern magical traditions, standard psychic development disciplines, meditative paths such as Taoism and other sources are being introduced to help psychic vampires learn to control their "feeding" and learn to "manipulate energy". There are an increasing number of websites aimed specifically at psychic vampires and their concerns.
Psychic vampires proper fall into two main categories:
Conscious psychic vampires are fully aware of what they are and have identified as psychic vampires at least on some level. While they may not be able to completely control their "draining" tendencies, they do try, and seek methods of learning how to do so more effectively. When they have achieved at least some feeling of mastery, they often offer to teach and support other nascent psychic vampires by sharing what they have learned. They tend to have strong and volatile personalities.
Unconscious psychic vampires do not understand what they are, and tend to wander through life in a state of blissful ignorance or denial. They may or may not be aware of the effect they have on others, although they can see the results. Unconscious psychic vampires may stumble across a vampire website or other forum and experience a shattering moment of truth when it all clicks together. They may also be "diagnosed" by conscious psychic vampires and urged to face what they are and learn to control their tendencies. Of all vampires, unconscious psychic vampires tend to be most noticeable to ordinary people, who see them as clingy, attention-seeking, demanding, inconstant individuals. In some cases, these assessments are not supported by actual behavior, but are a materialist's rationalizations of the psychic perception of the vampire's energy draining, for which the average person has no context. Either way, unconscious psychic vampires do tend to have rocky and difficult relationships, home lives and personal interactions until they come to some kind of understanding of what they are.
Psi-Blood Feeders
During the past year, several vampire writers observed that the vast majority of self-defined human living vampires in the online community report both psychic vampire tendencies and a greater or lesser interest in drinking blood. For some, psychic vampire energy feeding is a possible substitute for blood-drinking; for others, the situation is the reverse. There appears to be a continuum running through the middle area between "pure" psychic vampires (psychic vampires with no craving to drink blood, although they may have some interest in it or even be blood fetishists) and "pure" blood vampires (blood vampires with no psychic vampire tendencies that are perceptible to themselves or others, although they may have psychic ability). HLV's falling within this continuum do experience some degree of blood craving at the same time that they experience definite psychic vampire tendencies. Whether these two tendencies alternate in predominance or remain in balance with respect to each other varies with the individual.
Issues faced by these psi-blood feeders are similar to those faced by both blood-drinking and psychic vampires. Symptoms of blood/energy deprivation are essentially the same as those of moderate, blood-craving blood vampires and those of psychic vampires. Psi-blood vampires share similar concerns related to finding "donors" or energy sources and benefit from training programs designed to control psychic vampire abilities.
Other Vampyric People
Among the evolving Vampyric community, there is considerable controversy over the inclusion of certain types of people who are deeply interested in vampires and vampire concerns, yet do not report the same degree or type of cravings that HLV's do, either for blood or "energy". Some of these people have ventured into the online fora for "real vampires" (predominated by psi-blood feeding or psychic HLV's) and been hurt or discouraged by the attitudes expressed there generally, or by their reception when they introduced themselves. Pejorative terms such as "wannabees" are applied to them, and "vampersonals", or classified ad listings for HLV's, are thick with "no RPGers" admonitions. Nevertheless, these individuals often are seeking someplace where they belong and feel that they can be "themselves", and some writers, including Amy Krieytaz, Vincent Verthaine, and myself, have urged that they not be arbitrarily excluded. Some true HLV's also fall into some of the categories below. Boundaries among categories can be hazy and overlap considerably, and there is no rule that says a bona fide HLV might not also be interested in lifestyle vamping or be a blood fetishist. Some of these individuals may be HLV's who have not yet accepted their true nature, and use role-playing as a way of coming to terms with their inner selves. Amy Krieytaz in particular has urged the adoption of terms such as "vampiric people" and "the vampiric community" in order to avoid excluding those who sincerely wish to be a part of the HLV's reality.
Blood Fetishists
This is a category defined more by modern psychology than by popular consensus. A blood fetishist is a person who derives intense erotic/sexual arousal or satisfaction from the taste, sight, or feel of human blood. In psychological terms, such a person requires the object of obsession in order to gain any sexual release; in practice, blood fetishists may be more flexible. Amy Krieytaz explains that some blood fetishists practice bloodletting as an expression of trust, intimacy and bonding, apart from specifically erotic aspects. Blood fetishists are often found in the BDSM subculture, where their specific activities may be referred to as "bloodplay" or "bloodsports". These generally involve BDSM scenes that include bloodletting with razor blades or other implements (and sometimes by very imaginative methods). The amount of blood involved is almost always very small, and cuts seldom penetrate the dermis of the skin. Safe bloodletting techniques are highly emphasized. Blood fetishists may or may not be bona fide HLV's, or be interested in actually drinking or tasting blood. While referred to as "vampires" in psychological literature, they tend not to describe themselves with that word.
"Nonpersonal Energy Hungerers"
A term coined by Amy Krieytaz, "nonpersonal energy hungerers" are humans who have a need to draw "energy" from the environment around them, or from more esoteric sources such as "god". The term refers to the fact that these individuals don't require energy from human "persons", as do psychic vampires, but can drain it from other living things and non-living sources. Amy explains that both nonpersonal energy hungerers and psychic vampires may shift back and forth between drawing from people and drawing from "nonpersonal" sources. Another writer (who has now withdrawn from the community) discussed similar ideas, but applied them to psi-vampires, as she called them, generally, and defined herself as a "psi-vampire" although she stated that she usually did not "feed" on other people at all. However, Amy explains that the principal distinguishing feature of nonpersonal energy hungerers and psychic vampires is that psychic vampires require energy from human sources, while nonpersonal energy hungerers require energy from nonpersonal sources. For each, the alternative source is an optional and inferior substitute. Although it seems a fine distinction, it seems to be a critical one for those who experience this condition. Some nonpersonal energy hungerers have called themselves psychic vampires or otherwise identified with the psychic vampire community, but have tended to feel uncomfortable there, and sometimes felt that they were rejected or did not truly "belong". They sought a defining identity that corresponded with their actual needs without insisting that "all psychic vampires" shared their characteristics.
Nonpersonal energy hungerers experience many of the same symptoms of energy deprivation as psychic vampires. They face many of the same issues in terms of identifying and learning to tap the appropriate energy source, while controlling tendencies to "vampirize" unconsciously when in a deprived state. They can benefit from the same (or very similar) training techniques as psychic vampires. Their unique challenge is to discover precisely which source or sources of nonpersonal energy will provide them with what they need, and then locate and form connections to those sources.
Vampyre Lifestylers (sometimes "Vampyres" as opposed to "Vampires")
Individuals who dress in exotic vampire-like costumery (capes, anachronistic clothes and hairstyles, baroque and macabre jewelry, pale makeup with heavy black accents), decorate their homes in dark Victorian (or funeral parlor) gloom, assume prosthetic fangs and colored contact lenses, and in other ways imitate the Twentieth Century Vampire Myth, are sometimes called Vampyre Lifestylers. The term (to the best of my knowledge) is borrowed from "lifestyler Goth", which denotes people who are so serious about being Goth that they dress and act the part at all times and in all areas of life, as well as for clubbing or concerts. Many Vampyre Lifestylers are also Goth, and many are role-playing gamers. However, Vampyre Lifestylers take their vampiric presentation very seriously. They tend to regard vampirism as a state of mind, or a way of existence, rather than a specific tendency to "vampirize" others by "feeding" on them. For Vampyre Lifestylers, the image of the vampire is a metaphor for qualities they wish to manifest through emulation (classic imitative magic, after all). These qualities, based on the 20th Century Vampire Myth, include unearthly beauty, detachment, a long view of history and the future (if not immortality), an elegance of personal style, loyalty to a "clan" or "tribe" of "special" others like oneself, an acceptance if not a full embrace of death as a fact of life, individuality against social pressure to conform, and so on. Vampyre Lifestylers rarely if ever advocate predation upon others, although they may speak disparagingly of humans or "mortals" when they're socializing in full bloom. As a general rule, unless a Lifestyler is also an HLV (which is quite possible) or blood fetishist, he or she only dabbles in blood-drinking (or blood-tasting, more accurately) for the minor thrill and for the additional authenticity it lends to the vampire image. Some Vampyre Lifestylers form cooperative group households or "families" in order to live out the ideal of the "vampire clan" or extended family of "sires" and "fledglings" that is found in vampire games and fiction.
Some bona fide HLV's become full-blown Lifestylers as a way of expressing their inner nature. The well-known personality Catrina Coffin might be one example--Catrina's home full of macabre gimcracks, the coffin she sleeps in and the hearse she drives have been featured on several television documentaries, but she is evidently a true blood-craving HLV, as well.
For more information about Vampyre Lifestylers, see Vincent Verthaine's website, The Dark Aesthetic
Psychotic Vampires
There are those who may protest my inclusion of this category here, and there is no question that I am about to describe individuals who by no means are welcome among HLV's or in the vampiric community. However, I feel this category needs to be addressed, because for the average person on the street, these people--and none others--are what comes to mind when the notion of "real vampires" in any sense is brought up. They are frequently included in popular books about "real life vampires" and are the primary focus of "vampire" documentaries. HLV's and the vampire community need to clearly distinguish themselves from these people and their labeling by the psychological establishment as "vampires".
A psychotic vampire is a person who has a sociopathic mental illness that leads him (they are almost invariably male) to behave like a vampire, and sometimes to actually self-identify as one. In most cases, this identification is with folkloric/fictional vampires such as Dracula, Anne Rice's characters or the vampires in role-playing games. But more usually, psychotic vampires are simply obsessed with blood and will commit brutal crimes without remorse in order to see, taste, and feel it. They may also take on some of the trappings of Vampyre Lifestylers by wearing capes, sleeping in coffins, filling their homes with skulls, bones, and souvenirs stolen from cemeteries, and so on, but they should not be confused with true Lifestylers.
Several notorious criminals in history are considered by scholars and psychologists to have been psychotic vampires, including Fritz Haarman, Gilles de Rais, the Marquis de Sade, John Haigh, and Elizabeth Bathory. These individuals appear over and over in non-fiction books about vampires.
Some attention has been given to a condition named "Renfield's Syndrome" in psychological literature, based on the fly-eating character Renfield in Bram Stoker's Dracula. Renfield's Syndrome is described as having four stages: a trauma or "critical incident" in childhood in which the patient discovers that the taste and sight of blood is "exciting" or attractive; "autovampirism", the drinking of one's own blood (autohemophagia); "zoophagia", or the consumption of blood from animals; and finally "true vampirism", in which the patient must have human blood, and may resort to stealing blood from medical facilities, or serial murder. It should be obvious what kinds of complications could arise for HLV's being evaluated by psychologists, given this definition.
The difficult question, of course, is whether or not some psychotic vampires could actually be true HLV's suffering from mental illness. Obviously, they could. This presents even more critical reasons why HLV's need to be better understood, including to themselves.
Be blunt have fun but take what you need fom this and I hope it helps out with your search in the vampyric ways and truth...
The path of Strigoi Vii20:55 Aug 17 2005
Times Read: 896
Last updated September 9th, 2004
By Father Sebastian of House Sahjaza
© Copyright 2004 Father Sebastian,
Dear Seeker,
I have written this document in an effort to tie together in a simple and clear definition of what the most
common interpretation the current state of Strigoi Vii teachings are at this time. We do not have all the
answers and our community has only managed to come to a limited awareness by this day of what we are.
This will like an individual evolve from this statement in the years to come.
This document has nothing to do with any specific household or individual, however it is a good
introduction for those who wish to get the big picture in as short a document as possible and has been
reviewed and given input by as many Magisters, households and members of the community as possible.
Remember truth is relative and this is the best perspective and the commonality of what I feel I can share
and contribute to the Sanguinarium, world and vampyre community, there are as many opinions as there
are individuals and households. Not everyone will agree with what I have presented here, so just take what
works for you and see it as a common “language” to work with.
Currently this article is also a good option to have it translated into various languages until a formal
translation can take place. We are currently working on Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, ,Italian, Spanish,
German and French translations, if you are interested in helping with these translations please let me
know. This document is “open license” and can be distributed and published on websites if the “Three
Conditions are met.” 1) The text is not changed or modified in any way. 2) That a link to and the copyright © 2004 by Father Sebastian is listed and 3) That this article
only appear in an open minded and non slanderous (I.E. NO OPEN RELIGIOUS GROUPS OR PEOPLE
PUBLICATIONS… This copyright WILL BE enforced!!!
So here we stand, an introduction to Strigoi Vi and the most recent edition of the Scroll of Elorath!
Father Sebastian
IXº Ramkht Impsissimus
House Sahjaza –
Keeper of the Sanctum of Elorath (SOE) –
Editor-in-Chief the VAMPYRE project: Liber Jahira, Liber Bellah & Liber Calmae –
Strigoi Vii (which translates from Romanian to mean “living vampyre”) is a set of teachings and traditions
wrapped in a philosophy which explores the vampyric condition as a spiritual path and personal experience.
The term Strigoi Vii was chosen as a subtle term as an alternative to the word “vampire” or “real vampire”
which Father Sebastian feels is outdated and cliché. This is also an effort to bring a term to define the
common frequencies of traditions and teachings started in New York (the dominion of Gotham) and exists
In modern times the Strigoi Vii strongly manifested as a collective in a small group of covens in New York
City, one of which was the coven Sahaja (now known more publicly as House Sahjaza) until about 1996,
when this community took an evolutionary jump and all but dissolved due to various circumstances cira
1996. Carried on in through the House of Sahjaza the teachings were slowly spread and developed in an
experiment which became known as the Sanguinarium. Incorporating and being influenced by many other
traditions Strigoi Vii teachings, including chaos magick and the teachings of Michelle Belanger of House
Kheperu, Strigoi Vii was again brought to the surface with the release of V (renamed V, Black Veil) by
Rakasha Books in Fall 2003.
The Black Veil and the Strigoi Vii Covenant are the basis of Strigoi Vii moralities, ethics and express our
codes of common sense and honor. Very similar in concept to the samurai’s code of Bushido and is simply
was simply common sense written in words by some of the Magisters of the Sanguinarium.
Strigoi Vii is mainly about what we call The Balance in all things. This includes light and dark, good and
evil, male and female, up and down, positive and negative. We strive to balance our reality as well as
accepting and celebrating our primal natures.
We often believe in reincarnation, that our souls are modified in ancient times and contain an altered solar
plexus. The benefits of this modification resulted in a better connection and awareness of the subtle reality
/ astral realm, sensitivity to pranic energy, a deeper recall of past lives and a stronger link with the Dragon
Within (higher self). The side effects of this modification resulted in a Solar Plexus which requires a
higher intake of pranic energy, thus symptoms of what some would call vampyrism have manifested.
Strigoi Vii acknowledge, although their souls are different, their souls and the Dragon Within are tied to the
physical sensory reality which we call the Maiiah (the Hindu word for the Great Illusion). Thus the
physical body must be maintained like that of any other human and they can be shot, become ill, etc.
Vampyrism is a condition of the soul, not of the physical body.
Elorath is the collective unconsciousness Strigoi Vii and those of similar modifications, it is built from the
practice of our traditions, philosophies and collective Will. It is not a god or to be defined with gender,
image, color or personality traits, to do so would dietify Elorath and give birth to a god form.
The Dragon is our deeper and higher self, manifesting in the ancient reptilian part of the brain. The
Dragon represents our Will and our Dharma (self determined destiny which we must discover). Strigoi Vii
as a path involves awakening this Dragon Within.
Strigoi Vii teachings have evolved with adapting the principle from chaos magick that belief that “belief is
a tool” and a system which helps us interact with the Maiiah. There are many different belief systems,
which are similar to computer programs, but we are all interacting in the same operating system (Maiiah) of
physical laws and common perception. This is similar to some people pay prefer Microsoft Word, while
others wish to use Word Perfect, but we still are using the same operating system. Using the techniques of
chaos magick and adopting and moving between paradigms, there is no limit for the potential rituals,
mixing of philosophies and open mindedness of a Strigoi Vii.
The books of “V” are the tombs of the Strigoi Vii and are set into a regimented system of introduction and
learning based on the syllabus of House Sahjaza. There are three base books including V: Liber Jahira
(book I: Strigoi Vii), V: Liber Bellah (book II: the Strigoi Vii Codex by Michelle Belanger) and V: Liber
Calmae (book III: Liber Calmae). These books are written by various households under the guidance of
Father Sebastian of House Sahjaza and include the Strigoi Vii glyphs, all of the Outer Teachings. Liber
Jahira & Liber Bellah are in a double volume as V, Special Hardcover Edition by Aangel Publishing, V;
the Black Veil by (available on and through their website). Liber Calmae
is available as V, the Sanguinomicon in spring 2004 by in a hardcover and soft cover
editions. We are also working on German, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian translations.
Strigoi Vii, although they must feed on human pranic energy (life force) through a ritualized system we call
Communion. Due to the ethics which have evolved within Western culture and society and possible
karmatic consequences we have developed our feeding process in to a system known as Communion.
The basic ethics of the Communion (our word Strigoi Vii use for ritualized feeding from human lifeforce)
are that we only take what we need, surface communion is only a tasting, while deeper communion can
only be done with consent from the donor. We never feed from the mentally or physically ill, children or
the elderly. Strigoi Vii is about exchange and balance, we are not thieves or parasites.
Zhep’r is our word for transformation, metamorphosis and evolution. This is the same word at the Temple
of Set’s Xeper (to become) and the Kheprian word Kheper (to transform). We strive for eternal
transformation and growth, without which we become stagnant and limited.
The Twilight is the ultimate balance of our daysides and nightsides. The Nightside is our magical and
spiritual side, while the Dayside is our mundane experience of family, the maiiah, taxes, work, etc. A
balance of these two is known as the Twilight Condition, which is required for fully awakening the Dragon
In esoteric tradition Strigoi Vii often address each other as a form of recognition as sister (soror) or brother
(frater) in correspondence, within Sanctums or at quabal. When saying hello the term “ave” is often used
for hello.
Most Strigoi Vii have a frequency of energy known as a Road, which include Councilors (Kitra), Warriors
(Mradu) and Priests (Ramkht). All Strigoi Vii have the traits of all three roads, however it is more often
than not one road is dominant in an individual. Each individual has traits which interact with the Maiiah
and the Subtle Reality in a different way. A few of us even have mixed traits of different roads, however
most Strigoi Vii first initiate into a road. When three Strigoi Vii of different roads or taking the roles of
different roads an energy fulcrum can be generated which can result in dramatically increased Will and
pranic energy. Thus Ritual is a powerful tool among the Strigoi Vii, ritual brings us together as a Family,
builds a vortex and exercise of energy work, encourages creativity and is an expression of theatrical drama.
A common view amongst the Strigoi Vii are that deities are simply expressions of natural spiritual currents
in the Maiiah and Subtle Reality, with human beliefs have charged with a mask of personality, human traits
and ego. Since the Maiiah is generated by our Dragons so our consciousnesses can interact is it only
perceived to be a linear path, when in fact it is relative. When a collective of people project in the same
direction and use the same explanation with adding this mask, a god form of energy is born and thus you a
god is created or recharged. God forms are thus expressions of mankind and our collective behavior then
results in a deity or gives these currents a GodForm. We can interact with these energy forms, become
empowered by them and in ritual and appease them with offerings to receive favors, support or focus.
The Strigoi Morte, are our disembodied brothers and sisters who exist in a completely subtle and spiritual
form in the Astral. Strigoi Vii are lovers of flesh and all the wonders of life, the Strigoi Morte are in
between incarnations or cannot or have chosen not to incarnate for various reasons. They can often join us
in ritual and offer us their perspective, skill at energy manipulation and help us cross the Bridge Between
Worlds, however it is our duty to provide prana for them in this disembodied state, as without a body in the
Maiiah to generate prana, they cannot maintain their awakened state as well.
Since the Strigoi Vii are lovers of flesh, they indulge in the basic pleasures of the Maiiah such as
celebration, culture, art, performance, literature, sex, love, dance, passion and success. This is not an
excuse to run rampant, as over indulgence only results in overloading the senses. Balance is important and
with these pleasures comes their opposites of pain, fear, anger, hatred, disappointment and suffering.
Our history and origins go deep in to the mists of the past, during the Shamanistic Aoen (which the
Kheprians refer too as Septu Annu), when man accepted nature and the currents as it was. During the
dawn of civilization and beginning to questioning the reality which we have forgotten how our higher
selves created. At this time the bridge between the Maiiah and the Subtle worlds was easily crossed for the
shamans, they experimented with various magicks. Soon we awakened our first Dragons through the
modification of our subtle bodies (souls).
The basic social structure of the Strigoi Vii is a household, these covens vary in structure, interpretations of
the core teachings and traditions, usually no larger than an inner circle of 13 members. Those who have not
accepted or chosen to participate in a household are known as ronin or solitaires. The Sanguinarium is a
word which is used to refer to the “Great Family” which is a network, community and movement of the
Strigoi Vii. House Sahjaza presents the Sanctum of Elorath (S.O.E.) at and is a
central meeting point, message board, athenaeum of articles, online store, images, links, news sections and
offerings from the community. Quabal is a general term for a Strigoi Vii gathering and a Sanctum is a safe
and holy place intended for celebration for the festivals and collectively crossing the bridge between
The Great Family (today referred to as the Sanguinarium) is a central truth of what we are, during Septu
Annu we all experienced the same process of transformation and together through the Aoens we moved in
cycles. This great spiritual Family binds and ties us together and we face all the same challenges but on a
greater and deeper scale than most dayside families. Originally there was many temples during Septu
Annu, now they are reforming upon a great awakening as the modern houses. Some of us were bound to
one or more temples and are mixed in their loyalties, these are known as the Kithal, who often become
Festivals are Strigoi Vii holidays, there are two main holidays recognized by the Strigoi Vii which are the
Endless Night Festival (Halloween / Oct. 1st) and the Dragon Festival (Beltane, April 30th). These
represent the transitions to the dayside and nightsides of the year as well as a celebration of the various
aspects of our teachings. The minor festivals include the Crimson Festival (Valentines Day / Feb. 14th),
the Maiiah Festival (the Summer Solstice / June 21st), the Baste Festival (Lamas, Aug. 1st) and the Night
of Immortal Stars (Yule / Dec. 21st).
The Bladed Ankh is often used as the common symbol of the Strigoi Vii, with a specific
ankh endorsed by the Synod known as the Strigoi Vii Ankh. Although cliché this symbol
first used by the Ancient Egyptians was charged in the Maiiah to symbolize eternal life and
was only used by kings and the gods. Many households have their own modified versions of
this symbol, based on the original Legacy Ankh design by Master Metal Manipulator
D’Drennan made in 1997.
The Strigoi Vii consider themselves members of the Left Hand Path (LHP) which focuses
on an inner divinity and includes Bhuddism, Satanism, Quakerism, Taoism, Gnostic
Christianity and Chaos magick, thus stating “Let my Will be done!” While the Right Hand
Path (RHP) includes religions such as Catholicism, Islam, Wicca all of the religions which
say “Let thy Will be Done!”
Ordeals are rites of passage and a regimented system of learning used by many Strigoi Vii families and
individuals. The following is an example of descriptions endorsed by the Synod, which are as general an
outline as possible.
Seekers are also known as “prospects” or “Prospectii” are individuals who are curious about the teachings
of Strigoi Vii and actively show a vested interest by asking questions and often seeking out a mentor. They
have no commitments and no formal initiations.
Initiates often referred to more formally as “Jahira” are those who have chosen to test the elementary
Strigoi Vii teachings and explore their vampyre condition. Initiates are expected to be skeptics, always
questioning, experimenting and challenging themselves. To formally consecrate their desire to test the path
of Strigoi Vii they perform the Rite of Initiation, which involves consecrating a Strigoi Vii Ankh and their
own journal known as a “grimiore” (similar to a witch’s Book of Shadows) and make the Oath of Initiation
stating they wish to explore the path of Strigoi Vii.
Dedicants or more formally known as “Bellah” have moved beyond the elementary teachings and have
chosen to formally state their dedication to apply and practice Strigoi Vii. Dedicants have gained
experience in the techniques of a road, acknowledged the existence of their Dragon Within and are working
on achieving the Twilight Condition. Traditionally Dedicants obtain, craft and bless their own ceremonial
robes in the Rite of Dedication, overseen by an adept.
Adepts also known as “Calmae” have fully matured in their acceptance of their vampyric condition and
completed mastery of the outer teachings. Calmae have achieved a balance of Twilight, have come to a
full recognition and acknowledgement of their Dragon Within and mastered the techniques of at least one
road of councilor (Kitra), warrior (Mradu) or priest (Ramkht). Traditionally Calmae make and consecrate
their own mask as a symbol of their higher self and are symbolized by a red stone in their sigil.
Magisters are the elders, role models and teachers of Strigoi Vii, including founders or the heads of major
households, authors of prominent teachings which have been accepted by a vast majority of the community
or even some Magisters have retired from sight all together to seek out their own agendas. They have
achieved a mastery of the Outer Teachings and now study the Inner Teachings with the foundation of fully
achieved the Twilight Condition and a full awakening of their Dragon Within. You will know a magister
simply by their presence. There are various levels of initiation for Magisters including MorRoii (elders),
Kharrus (ordained master of a road/caste), Nomaj (magus) and the Grande Magisters of Dominus (Magister
Adept), Azra (Grande Magister) and Impsissimus (Grand Magister Templi). Nomaj, Dominus, Azra and
Impsissimus are currently only taught by the Sahjaza. There are many other variations specific to various
households. The Kheprian 7th, 8th & 9th degrees are equivalent of the Dominus, Azra and Impsissimus.
The Sanguinarium has minor geographic distinctions throughout the world known as “Halos”. These
“Sanguinariums” are areas where there is Strigoi Vii or Kheprian activity. They are simply names to
describe the geographic area and usually do not reflect any form of organization or hierarchy. Each Halo is
named according to a geographic feature, specific personality trait of the area or a piece of local history.
Xion: Netherlands & Flanders.
Thrumanti: Ruhr area of Western Germany including Bochum, Dortmund, Cologne, Essen, etc.
Albion: the United Kingdom.
Black Forest: Southern Germany (not including Bavaria).
North America
Gotham: New York City & Westchester.
Nevar: Philadelphia geographic area and northern Maryland.
The Barrens: Long Island, New York State.
Angel: the Los Angels metro area.
Morte: New Orleans and vicinity.
Larash: Southern New Jersey.
Revision by Michelle Belanger. Forward by Father Sebastian
The Black Veil is a code of ethics written for the Sanguinarium movement and has been adopted
by many individuals, households and organizations within the vampyre/vampire community.
Originally it was written in 1997 by Father Sebastian of House Sahjaza as a code of conduct for
patrons of the vampyre haven Long Black Veil in New York City.
PLEASE NOTE: The Black Veil and the Strigoi Vii Covenant are two separate and compatible
documents. The Covenant specifically pertains to those who wish to adhere to the traditions of
Strigoi Vii as defined in “V.”
The original edition of the Black Veil, now referred to as V.01 was inspired by Renaissance Fair
etiquette and from the codes of conduct in the BDSM / fetish scene. Undoubtedly with the
influence of Vampire: the Masquerade as the only set of "terms" being used in the community at
the time, there was some similarities. However over the years as the vampyre community evolved
those influences were worked out.
It was then amended by Lady Melanie in 1998 and 1999. The Black Veil has been since revised
and evolved by Michelle Belanger of House Kheperu with input and suggestions by the greater
vampyre/vampire subculture. In March 2000 COVICA, a council of collected elders from
different traditions revised the Black Veil 1.0. It was then at the BV gained popularity and was
translated in to Portuguese, German and Spanish. Although not indented it was also distributed as
the “13 Rules of the Community.”
Now in late 2002 Michelle Belanger, with the input of Father Sebastian and others, presents the
BV 2.0 as a philosophy and tradition of ethics, not rules. This code is voluntary and is meant only
to set an example for, not dictate or govern the scene. This updated and simplified version of the
Black Veil is NOT a set of laws or rules and is no longer the “13 rules of the community,” but
was written as an example set of ethics and ideas. It is your individual or group’s choice to adopt
the Black Veil. This document may be printed out for personal or non-commercial or community
use, only if proper credit and no alternations to the original text are made. Amendments for each
household, court or community made be freely added as long as the original test is not altered.
Please respect those who have brought the Veil to you.
Respect yourself and present yourself so that others also respect you. Take care in who you reveal
yourself to. Explain what you are, not to shock, but to teach and to inform. Do not flaunt what
you are, and know that whether you want them to or not, your actions will reflect upon the rest of
the community. Share your nature only with those with the wisdom to understand and accept it,
and learn to recognize these people.
Among us, there are many different practices and many points of view. No single one of us has
all the answers to who and what we are. Respect each person's individual choices and beliefs.
Learn about them and share what you know. Our diversity is our strength, and we should not
allow misunderstanding to weaken our community. Find the path that is right for you and uphold
this freedom for others.
Do not allow your darkness to consume you. You are more than just your hunger, and you can
exercise conscious control. Do not be reckless. Always act with a mind toward safety. Never feed
because you think this makes you powerful; feed because this is what you must do. Be true to
your nature, but never use it as an excuse to endanger those around you.
Give respect to those who have earned it. Anyone can claim a title, but a true leader will prove
him or herself through dedication, hard work, and great deeds. Even so, leaders should be guides
and not dictators. Look to them as examples, but always decide for yourself what you must do.
Respect the person, not the position, and understand that your choices are always your own.
Know that there are repercussions to every action, and that you alone are responsible for your
decisions. Educate yourself about risky behaviors, then always act with wisdom and common
sense. Do not allow others to abuse you, but also, do not selfishly abuse. Respect the rights of
others and treat them as you would be treated.
Feeding should occur between consenting adults. Allow donors to make an informed decision
before they give of themselves to you. Do not take rapaciously from others, but seek to have an
exchange that is pleasant and beneficial for all. Respect the life that you feed upon and do not
abuse those who provide for you.
Reach out to others in your community. Exchange ideas, information, and support. Be hospitable
to others, and appreciate hospitality when it is extended to you. Do not engage in illegal activity,
for this can endanger us all. Seek to nurture our community and support all those who do the
A bloodline rarely known outside of Romanian folklore, the Strigoi have existed for countless centuries, an almost primordial branch of the Nosferatu haunting the wilderness of Transylvania and Wallachia. Long divorced from the clan which spawned them, the Strigoi have become something of an isolated strain, a self-contained pocket of creatures unconnected to the vast world of the Kindred glittering beyond their impenetrable forests. And yet this isolation has molded them in ways far more terrible than the shaping forces of Kindred society, for the Strigoi still possess the ability to transform into monstrous beings; winged demons that haunt the night sky like relics from a mythological past. . . .
added by Darkness bound--very interesting.
I also came across a good description of this.
A strigoi vii is a unique class of ghoul, and is best viewed as an evil witch with partial vampiric abilities. Indeed, the word strigoi itself is derived from the Romanian word striga, meaning witch. This in turn comes from the Latin cognate strega, which has its origins in strix, the word for a screech owl; a creature often likened to a child-devouring demon of the night.
"Witch" here refers to the word in its most debased form; no wiccans or shamans are the strigoi, but unholy creatures from Romanian folklore, adept at black magic and intent on preying upon the pure and the innocent. They shun the sunlight, preferring to dwell in the blackest forests and emerging only at night. They have the ability to shapechange into animal form, often appearing as a bat, a wolf, or screech owl. They can leave their body behind while their spirits roam free, hunting for prey -- and their hunger is terrible indeed, for the strigoi rely on only two things for sustenance, blood and psychic energy. A strigoi vii can enter the dreams of a sleeping child and transform them into nightmares, riding the child's dreams until dawn and leaving the victim drained of psychic energy; an attack more feared than the draining of blood. These poor souls may grow quite sick, and if hagridden frequently, may even die. It is also said that the strigoaica -- the female strigoi -- are more powerful than the males, and according to folklore their very presence can ruin harvests, spoil milk and butter, stop cows from producing milk, and may even wreck marriages.