rite for invoking your vampyric aspect followed by draining the life energy of a target.
This rite is for invoking your vampyric aspect followed by draining the life energy of a target.
Select your victim.
Altar: cover the altar with black cloth and place it in the western side of the room. Above the altar hang a vortex (representing the gates to hell and the abyss). Place a photo of the victim below it. On the altar place two black candle, a dagger, a chalice filled Blood(representing the blood of your victim).
Music: Something suitably dark. I'd suggest Carpe Noctem (available on Tanz der Vampire) or Seize the Night (available on p2p clients, just look around there).
Garment: Black of course.
The Rite
Ignite the candles, start the music.
The invocation:
Point the dagger to the vortex and chant:
I throw open the gates
to the abyss of horror
I release my demonic double (your name)
out of the darkness into the light of the world
Visualize your demonic brother to arise out of the vortex and merging with you while saying the following:
I fuse and merge with the vampyric aspects of my dark brother
to let (victims name) tremble with revulsion and terror
to feed on the life essence of (victims name)
to let him see the power and glory of hell!
Lift the chalice, and shout the name of your victim.
I drink from this chalice
the vessel of (victim’s name) life
and swallow the life essence of (name)
Drink the wine to the last drop.
I destroy all your hopes and dreams
I'm the darkness inside your night
in the darkness I hear your screams
you’ve been abandoned by the light
I'm thrilled at giving you pain
I'm thrilled at hearing your screams
I'm thrilled at drinking from your veins
I'm thrilled at corrupting your dreams
I'm thrilled at tasting the blood of your heart
I'm thrilled at having you in my control
I'm thrilled at tearing your body apart
I'm thrilled at destroying your soul
I'm thrilled at destroying your soul!
Carpe Noctem Lamia
Sanguim Suga Belua
Repeat until you reach gnosis (seething is a good technique for this one), then come to a complete stop and chant:
Look at me (name of victim)
You are weak
Darkness surrounds you
You belong to me alone
You are lost forever
Your will is broken
Eternal Night's got a hold on you
You are nothing more but an empty shell
I have hunted you down
I drink your life essence again and again
Until I tasted the very last drop
Your soul belongs to me
You are empty
My will be done!
Douse the candles.
This should be done during a waxing moon. The moon should be in a favorable sign for marriage. A pentagram should be drawn and laid out upon the ground. A banishing ritual should also be done. On the alter should be black (2), Blue (2), and a larger red candle (1), two daggers, and a chalice a quarter full of Blood.
High priest/ess:
The bride and groom, both wearing black and holding a black candle, with which each will light the others candle upon the alter with the others name upon it. Open the rite by ringing the bell, and drawing the pentagram upon the air with the sword of the chamber.
Recite: “ina sumsu etu ilu. In the name of the dark lords, we invite the powers of the undead to bestow their infernal power upon us, and grant this couple to ascend towards godhead.”
The participants give a sacrifice of energy and blood to the un-dead gods and the Strigoi Morte
Under the Veil of night we come together in the name of Love, Loyalty, Darkness, Truth and Passion to celebrate the affirmation of the bond between ( Bride's Name ) and ( Groom's Name ), each being the greatest gift to each other.
On this night ( insert date here ) They offer each other the most sacred and precious gift of life, their blood. Tonight, both(brides name) and (grooms name) stand before and honor the Ancients, the dark masters and mistress of our past, and their vampyric brothers and sisters to consecrate this candle of eternal unity.
Lord (grooms name) please repeat after me : This circle that we stand in and the circle of this ring represent our endless love, protection, health and devotion. With this symbol of my eternal love and devotion i thee wed- Forever in this life and the ones to come. (The groom puts ring on brides finger)
Lady (brides name) please repeat after me, (repeats above statement after which, bride puts ring on the grooms finger)
Lord (grooms name) and Lady (brides name) you may now make your bond.
(Bride and groom exchange kisses & rings)
By the power of the Ancients and in the name of these two Souls, bound forevermore, I now pronounce Lord (grooms name) and Lady (brides name) as husband and wife for all of eternity.
With the Sword of the chamber, shape the inverted pentagram, focus upon the fire which be arise from each point as a result chant: ALL THAT IS BORN OF FIRE LIVES IN FIRE.
Through shaping the pentagram the sphere of Satan is opened - the true self is revealed. The Triangle of LAYLAH is to be drawn upon the wind, to inaugurate the symbol of night and death - equaling 77, the tract of rising-GODHEAD. An inverted Triangle should be inverted, focus upon the blood red eye which will glow as much as your desire allows.
Point the Sword to the Sigil of Nachttoter and then to the Wamphyri- Varcolaci Pentagram - Call the Undead gods upon the astral plane - FROM THE FOUR WINDS, WEST, NORTH, EAST AND SOUTH - UNDEAD GODS OF THE NIGHT, ARISE FROM THY CRYPT IN THE REALMS OF THE DEAD, SHADOWDEMONS, THOSE WHO VEINS HOLD THE BLOOD OF TIAMAT COME FORTH!
Hold the Virgin Dagger and the pouch of grave soil, focus upon the sigils of the Vampyre and repeat: I have lived as Moroii, transfering the lifeforce into the jaws of the undead gods, I now seek to ascend into the condition of Vampyre-Varcolaci, to die a mortal death and be reborn to the blood of the dragon! I spill my blood into the grave soil and transfer a part of my essence and being into this - My life-immortal-My WILL STRONG!!! TO BE REBORN INTO THE NIGHT! - Cut yourself deeply enough to stream blood into the soil-while doing so chant and visualize TIAMAT - A burning sphere with a blood red dragon - UNDEAD GODS - Witness the deication of the burning spheres, within I have absorbed the WILL of Nachttoter, those shadows demons of TIAMAT - I have died and been reborn into the WILL of the Red Dragon.
-Hold the crystal and focus upon the Chaos that your WILL has evoked and invoked upon the casual realm - Focus and inject your new being, VARCOLACI.
-Begin a sacrifice of Life force into the Wamphyri-Varcolaci Pentagram, once your astral eyes are opened you can see strains of lifeforce entering the pentagram. After the sacrifice, you may feel a stronger Life Force known as the Blood of Tiamat given back to your being - The Undead Gods give such a sacrifice to you.
Night Shadows and Varcolaci
Astral travel and the rising of the Varcolaci is an important step within the awakening of the Vampyric condition. In recent years there have been many books and articles by the so-called "Magick/occult society" who claim to have the secrets and system of astral travel. they call astral vampyrism "wrong" and unnatural. Is it unnatural for the wolf to devour its prey? Is it unnatural for man to kill cattle and other animals for food? An absurd notion for an individual to deny her/his true nature.
The Vampyre looks upon astral travel as a time of meeting with other Varcolaci who have taken to ascending the human condition. Varcolaci will roam the night and brain lifefore from sleeping (i.e.. unaware) humans.
It is, during these times that the Vampyre may shape shift into any form according to Will. The Varcolaci form is always usually different from vampyre to vampyre. Some often resemble the demonic shadows of the Varcolaci - Wamphyri pentagram, while some are more wolf-like. The form is according to will and can change when desired. Some will travel and feed from prey in desired beautiful forms, as white and flowing beings or as ghastly wraiths.
Astral projection is a several step system of meditation and control. To properly meditate and enter the mindset of astral projections, one must prepare the home or place of this practice in a quiet manner. Take the phone off the hook, turn the TV off, and make sure distractions will be to a minimum.
You will need to find a comfortable place to lay - a bed or couch. Incense should be burnt, either Frankincense of Jasmine will do. A red and black candle may be burnt, of course totally optional and rather unimportant.
Once you lay yourself down to begin, you will want and need to clear All worries and thoughts in general from your mind. Be relaxed and slow your breathing and heart rate.
From your feet up, tell yourself as you relax each part of your body. do this until your entire body is relaxed. Once this is done, concentrate on causing your astral to extend and take the form of your desire - it is All according to your will. Once finished, focus your mind's eye toward extending and rising from your body. You will feel a strike of excitement but you will need to control this emotion and remain calm, nay very calm. The result if not followed will be failure.
Once you rise as Varcolaci observe your chamber and surroundings, look upon your sleeping body and absorb the feeling of pride of watching the sleeping human form in which you walk the earth in.
It is now time to rise and fly the night sky.
The Black Wraiths Ascend
Now that you have risen, you may pass through doors and windows. Float beyond your chamber through a door or window into the night. As you float through you will feel the power that is within the self and only begin to realize your possibilities of being Vampyr.
Once you enter the night, take some time to observe the surroundings, remember your astral eyes are now open and only now can you truly see. things may be a bit different now and you might see things you normally do not ever notice.
A word of caution however, once you have risen as Varcolaci it should be aware that you have practiced a path of inner strength and will to power. The reason is once you enter the state of dream and rise as varcolaci then are you open to the spirits and outer beings and energies within the nightside as well. You are only as safe as you will it. If you travel and float with fear, the predators, others as you may take scent of it... Wolves Smell Fear... a lovely scent for hunting the spirit.
Fly with joy into the night sky and travel where ever you wish to go. You will want to feed upon a sleeping human, for the life force in this state is so pure. Enter their home, float to their sleeping chambers ad watch them with your astral eyes... notice the life force, the astral body which lays with the sleeping opfer.
Float beside them and smell the life force flow through their veins. It is now time to feast and taste the blood which is the life. With your will, send forth a vampyric tendril and make contact with the life force. Once you do so, begin to draw it in deeply, enjoy each slow drain until you are satisfied.
Once you finish draining the opfer, detach yourself and once again enter the night. you will feel much stronger, more invigorated than before. Fly as the bat within the night and enjoy all that is being Vampyr. You are predator and it is your natural duty to feed from humans.
For those advanced into the black arts of wamphyri, there are certain keys to entering other dimensions... however this is only for the inner circle of Coven Nachttoter and is a mystery of the coven. When this is obtained, many strange things will be seen and be sure it is mystery for a good reason. One must be prepared when entering a predatory state... or else he/she becomes prey.
Once you have haunted the night and you are ready to return to your human form let your instincts guide you back to your dwelling... you metaphoric tomb/grave. once you have entered your body then open thy eyes! Behold, you are as god itself. Now open the gates to further realms of Darkness.
The Wake of the Red Death
A Ritual of Destruction
"The Masque of the Red Death" is a very powerful tale by Edgar Allen Poe, the late poet and writer who raised the level of literature during his time which has changed the field of writing and those interested in the macabre for all time. Poe used a great deal of symbolism in his works, a manifestation of death incarnated into the archetypical Red Death, the tall and gaunt figure of blood reds cloaked in the shrouds of the dead. The Red Death is implemented in this destruction rite as the plague bearer, an extention of Azrael - the Angel of Death as a messanger of Will.
This ritual is to be done during the night, past midnight for then the powers of the astral waves are yours to manipulte and man is vunerable at night, more of a chance o success if they are not of strong mind and spirit. If they are as an equal, then there are several secrets in the destruction not listed in these pages. this is either a hermetic rite or could be ceremonial as well.
The Sorceror is to be clothed in a blood red cloak and/or robe. The Sorceror should also be clothed in a white grave shroud which would be placed under the robe or cloak. The face should be streaked in blood red paint or blood, same with any bare skin shown. A personal item of the inteded opfer must be present, be it either a cloth, photograph, paper, etc. A crystal should also be present as well as bones, dagger, above the altar the Wamphyri - Varcolaci Pentagram and the Sigil of Nachttoter - The Red Dragon.
This night you shall become vengence and anger - The law of Abraxas is implemented - The spirit of Kali is invoked. Love love and love causing destruction to those who have crossed you.
The Red Death Awakes
Shrouded in the habliments of the grave, take in your hands the grave soil in which you have blessed as your own, in the other the crystal which you store within your acausal energy.
Face the sigil of the Red Dragon and the Wampyre - Varcolaci Pentagram and visualize fire and blood entering yuour being, filling you with violent and destructive energy - Demonic shapes for within your mind, shaping according to your desire. The Red Death you become this night - Chant:
Tiamat - Mother of Vampyres and mother of immortality - I seek thy energy - thy life - This Dark night I invoke the powers of destruction to spread destruction to my enemy! I will remain un-harmed from this calling and it is my Will that the joy of causing death to my enemies is one of the ultimate pleaures of existence! I am Vampyre - All humans shall bow before my might and strength - For under the bloodied kiss of LADLAH I have risen!
I invoke the Vampyre Earth Goddess KALI, Mother hear calling and enter my sanctuary and my being - I am GOD! Blood drenched mother of nightmares, My enemy is to be devoured this night through MY WILL! MY DESIRE! MY LAW! Just as I cause Joy and Love to myself and others i can and also do DESTROY those who break my law - Hail Death! I now become the RED DEATH, fill me with the spirit - I am of Nachttoter - Blood of the Dragon fills my veins! The fire of Satan envelopes me, enpowering my being through my desire. the svastika of EA spins fast, causing life, love and destruction according to the strong and clever.
Take hold of the opfer's personal item, feel the astral energy of the opfer.
Raise the dagger and repeat:
Through the sigil of the Red Dragon and the Varcolaci Pentagram I condemn thee to Death - - NAME - - My astral talons are reaching to your dormant body and spirit, I am the Plague Bearer, Vampyre. I cast 1,000 diseases towards they life breathe, infecting you with torment and black death... This is my Will.. This is my Law! I drain from your body thy precious life force and install the breath of the Plague - the RED DEATH now upon thy spirit to suffer and writhe in agonizing pain. - - name - -, your life orce is mine to feast upon. The Red Death is above thee...
In hale deeply the life force from the object. Visualize plague and death infecting the intended opfer and the slow death which affects them.. rejoyce in the death and blood.
Mother KALI, I give thee honor as I give myself joy! Victory is mine! Joy to a burning planet which ABRAXAS RULES! SATAN I AM THEE AS 77 - This is my Law - the Joy of the world and the beauty of Night and LADLAH!! I stalk the nightmares of thy enemies - I AM THE RED DEATH!!!! I AM VAMPYRE!!!!
From the seed of Belial
- The Inauguration of the Devil -
Before one seeks to master the shadows of his/her astral one must reach a state of completion and strength within the flesh itself. One must never deny the pleasures of the flesh but one must always be aware to practice self-control and inner strength. This is the law of our kind.
Vampyres are masters of the flesh, we indulge fully in that fact. However, we understand that the flesh is not forever and that even though some of us are fully capable of floating from body to body, that eventually the flesh dies.
We are essentially to be as ghosts, vampyre spirits who have achieved immortality through the Blood of the Red Dragon. We do not fear death, as the spirit is immortal according to our will. However, we enjoy the pleasures of life. The devil is lord of the earth.
Vampyres do now bow to any anthropomorphic being, in fact we only view the archetypal "Satan" as a power... the power within the cosmos and earth, the power within us. Those who embrace this power and all that it is and utilize it in fact become the devil itself - Satan Ascend, Lucifer Rising. This is the law of Satan. Bow before no other gods but yourself.
Belial is viewed as a master of the earth. This is the key of understanding the mastery of the earth - Satan incarnate. The following rite is for those who seek the path of Vampyr, those who would stand strong in the face of a world for their own taking.
This rite can be used either as a hermetic rite or as a ceremonial rite. the primary design was for a hermetic rite.
Awaken the archetype of Pan, balance and joy is the key to rising.
The Inauguration of the Devil
To take place within the chosen ritual chamber. The Wamphyri - Varcolaci Pentagram to be above the altar as well as a Baphomet and the Sabbatic Goat aka the Goat of Mendes. The candles should be black and red. Upon the altar should be an inverted pentagram with some human bones or if possible a human and/or animal skull, to represent the power and lust of the flesh. Clad in black or crimson robes with dagger and chalice. A sword should be used as well.
This is the night you shall become as Satan.....
Invocating Belial
Face the Altar and point the sword first to the image of the Varcolaci/Wamphyri Pentagram, visualize what you are and what you shall become... lust upon these symbols for they are to be representations of your essence.
"In nomini dei nostri Satanas Luciferi excelsi, I call forth the dark lord of the earth... Belial, I am of your seed, a demon of the flesh to shape the world as I see fit. This is the law of the Strong. My will incarnate."
With the Sword, face the South, point the sword towards the baphomet pentagram:
"From the South, I invoke the essence of Satan... upon the wings of darkness you shall come unto me!!!"
Face now the East:
"From the East I invoke the essence of Lucifer, the bearer of light and insight... come unto me!"
Face now the North:
"From the North I invoke the essence of belial... lord of the earth, come forth unto me"
Face now the West:
"From the West, I invoke the essence of Leviathan... come forth serpent of the Depths.. come unto me!"
Take now the Dagger and recite:
"By the sigil of the Infernal Dragon, the Red Dragon of ALL I call unto the forces of Nature and align myself further with the natural powers of the earth! I will and do partake of the pleasures of the flesh and recognize myself as a god of the Earth. No one is before me as I am the Devil incarnate!
I call with the sigils before the spirits within... enter and grow within for I am Vampyr, of Dragon's blood. From the four pillars of Satan my law is sounded and the beast is unleashed. My flesh is iron and the werewolf is awakened! My voice and desires enter as will to incarnate in FLESH! This is as PAN and the love of the Earth and Cosmos. LADLAH is witness and love unto me, all is a mirror of sight and vision. Heil Shaitan!"
Take the chalice and recite:
"Within is the elixir of Life and Love, of strength and hate, destruction and creation. Renewal and completion. I recognize there is no god before the self and that self preservation is the highest law. This I say with my voice, which casts deep into the abyss and carries with it a law forever spoken! Heil Tiamat! I drink and am now reborn from the seed of Belial! So it is done! The gates are aligned!"
Meditate now upon the sigils and all that you have recited. Become as Satan. stand proud and push the self towards the heaven of ecstasy.
Awakening rite
you will need an octogram, a sword or dagger, incense, a red candle, and a skull. The aspirant(s) should be dressed in black robes or clothing. The priest/ess should be dressed in a hooded robe. The priest/ess raises the sword or dagger and says “In the name of the elder gods I call forth the powers of darkness to bestow these aspirants before thee the powers of their natures and to open their eyes to those things unseen by the humans.”
The aspirants sit cross-legged on the floor meditating on those words and the dark being he/she is about to become. They begin a sacrifice of energy to the elder gods, and focus upon the darkness become them.
The priest/ess says “Arise o awakened for thy journeys of darkness is upon thee”
So be it done.
Awakening Prayer
Benighted ones rise like the flames of Paradise burning to ruins.
Fallen is the throne with darkness overthrown ...the light drifts away.
Glory to those who raise the Dragons
sign before the altar of chaos and chant the sacred names,
that conjure the benighted.
Forever art thou
Eternal we live.
For there is life in the Blood
AZRAEL - release my immortal soul
I embrace the Angel of Death
through the blood my soul is forever reborn.
The Blood that is forever shall flow throughout these veins.
Awakened, and eternal;
thy kindred shall usurp and reign.
I rise unto the cosmos into the vast astral seas.
I embrace the darkness for all eternity.
Through the gates of rebirth I rise before thy deity whom stirs in primordial Chaos.
Thou art spawned from the sea.
The Blood that is Eternal
of the Chaos Breed
fills thy soul with hunger
to see thy prey bleed
Cold as the depths of winter’s frost,
our souls are ancient.
Awakened art thou to the world of spirits of the plane,
to walk the worlds eternally.
I am bestowed the pathway of the stars.
The path of the Vampyre that guides me unto everlasting life.
I drink the blood that is forever,
embracing the Scarlet Sacrament.
The Wolfcharmer
In france they are called by the humankind the "Meneurs de Loup" which were said to lead wolves by the use of a bonepipe, creating the orchestra of the night. The Wolfcharmer is a total misanthrope who in his heart hates the human race. The wolfcharmer is the leader of the wolfpack, and can by the use of the bones pipe, command the wolves to attack human prey.