Tzaddi's Journal

Tzaddi's Journal


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7 entries this month

Colors and What They Mean: This is Good!

07:49 May 15 2007
Times Read: 1,417


Element: Air

Direction: East

Planet: Moon

Chakra: 7th

Day: Monday

Number: 0

Diety: Goddess

Gender: male or female

Tool: wand, cauldron, scrying crystal

Tarot: The Fool

Scents: sandalwood, wormwood, myrrh, lemon, frankincense, honeysuckle, anise, cedar, heliotrope, betony, lavender, parsley, thyme

Herbs: rosemary, woodruff, mugwort, marigold, mustard, rue, sage, tansy, St. John's Wort, betony, burdock, mint, fern, elder flower, heather, lilac, lily

Woods: birch, elder, almond, hawthorn, ash, white heather, cedar, coconut, elm, hazel, juniper

Animals: dove, snowy owl, chameleon, cat, lizard, magpie, whale, swan, bear, hawk, dog, wolf, praying mantis

Stones: opals, clear crystals, mother of pearl, quartz, moonstone, pearl, aquamarine, agate, amethyst, rose quartz

Healing Properties: eases inflammation

Majickal Properties: purity and purification, truth, sincerity, peace, protection, spirituality, higher self, virginity, self, innocence, meditation, cleansing, clairvoyance, healing, consecration, divination, sleep, a substitute for any other color


Element: Fire

Direction: South

Planet: Venus

Chakra: 4th

Day: Friday

Number: 1 and 0

Diety: none

Gender: female

Tool: wand, cauldron

Tarot: all the sevens

Scents: sandalwood, rose, apple blossom, gardenia, jasmine, lavender, ginger, sweet pea, strawberry, apricot

Herbs: lily, violet, cherry, feverfew, rose, basil, coriander, crocus, avocado, ginseng, kava-kava, lady's mantle, yarrow, yerba santa, allspice, pennyroyal

Woods: orange, olive, peach

Animals: cat, dove, sparrow, deer, conch, clam, oysters

Stones: pink sapphire, pink tourmaline, pink or rose quartz, pink diamonds, pink garnet, ruby, red jasper, emerald, peridot, adventurine

Healing Properties: none

Majickal Properties: honor, morality, planetary good will, harmony, peace, friendship, relationships and enhancing them, love, romance, affection, attracting new love, emotional maturity/healing/love, caring, nurturing, femininity, self love, spiritual awakening, exorcism, quick change, service, liveliness, conversation, relaxation, openness, intuition, warmth


Element: Fire

Direction: South

Planet: Mars

Chakra: 1st

Day: Tuesday

Number: 1

Diety: none

Gender: male

Tool: athame, cauldron, incense burner, candle

Tarot: The Magician, all cups, all fives

Scents: dragons' blood, basil, pine, cinnamon, mullein

Herbs: sunflower, nettles, holy thistle, hops, wormwood, chili pepper, chives, spikenard, onion, rose, mustard, garlic, rosemary, dill, hibiscus, woodruff, tobacco, heather and yew

Woods: none

Animals: bear, horse, wolf, ram, marsupials, night creatures, tiger, lion, badger, alligator, ant, beetle, cardinal, porcupine, chicken, peacock, salamander

Stones: ruby, garnet, bloodstone, red tourmaline, red topaz, agate, rhodochrosite, quartz crystals, tigers eye, pyrite, diamond, red jasper

Healing Properties: associated with liver, testicles, ovaries, blood, heart, lungs, blood purifying, protection from fire, rashes and inflammations

Majickal Properties: strength, health and healing, vigor, passion, protection, courage, energy, career goals, fast action, love, lust, vibrancy, survival, driving force, enthusiasm, power, spirituality, fertility, willpower, magnetism, danger, charity, change, birth, stimulation, intensity, ego, anger, aggression, war, fear, violence, destruction, force, transformation, loyalty, marriage, freedom, potential, Fire aspect, can be wild and unpredictable in majick


Element: Fire

Direction: South

Planet: Mars

Chakra: 2nd

Day: Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday

Number: 2

Diety: God

Gender: male

Tool: wand, censer

Tarot: all the eights

Scents: dill, lily of the valley, savory, honeysuckle, sweet pea, jasmine, lavender

Herbs: fern, lily of the valley, marjoram, savory, valerian, vervain, buckwheat, snapdragon, flax, senna, mugwort, rue, fenugreek, gardenia

Woods: hazel, beech, maple, lemon, lime and orange tree.

Animals: swallow, prairie dog, butterfly, scallop, bison, crane, fox (clarity), hawk, squirrel

Stones: moss agate, carnelian, orange sapphire, quartz

Healing Properties: associated with the thyroid and mamary

Majickal Properties: encouragement, adaptability, stimulation, attraction, protection, business and career goals, ambition, property deals, general success, legal matters, justice, selling, action, gentle strength, joy, changing luck, intellect, vitality, travel, balance, communication, authority, kindness, energy, change, Fire aspect


Element: Air

Direction: East

Planet: Sun

Chakra: 3rd

Day: Sunday, Wednesday

Number: 3

Diety: God

Gender: male

Tool: wand, athame, chalice

Tarot: all the knights, all the sixes

Scents: lemon, frankincense, bay, patchouli, marigold, lavender, cinnamon, orange blossoms, musk, vanilla, cloves.

Herbs: bay, ash, rue, marigold, St. John's Wort, centaury, chamomile, mistletoe, saffron, geranium, morning glory, snapdragon, daffodil, rosemary, sunflower, daisy

Woods: none

Animals: phoenix, snake, beetle, dragonfly, meadowlark, chameleon, antelope, crow, bobcat, goat, lion, mouse, gull, sea lion, parrot, oriole

Stones: topaz, yellow diamond, pyrite, rutilated quartz, clear quartz, chrysolite, citrine, some tigers eye, carnelian, amber

Healing Properties: associated with the choroids, pancreas and thymus

Majickal Properties: attraction, persuasion, charm, confidence, mental powers, intellect, study, memory, learning, concentration, divination, clairvoyance, logic, communication, harmony, creativity, activity, unity, sanctuary, joy, comfort, jealousy


Element: Fire

Direction: South

Planet: Sun

Chakra: none

Day: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday

Number: 2 and 3 and 0

Diety: God

Gender: male

Tool: incense burner, candle majick

Tarot: all the sixes

Scents: frankincense, patchouli, cinnamon, marigold, ginger, cedar, musk, tonka beans

Herbs: sunflower, marigold, buttercup, St. John's Wort, chamomile, mistletoe, saffron, geranium, morning glory, snapdragon, daffodil, rosemary, and daisy

Woods: none

Animals: canary, goldfinch, beetle, chameleon, antelope, crow, bobcat, goat, lion, mouse, gull, bear

Stones: topaz, yellow diamond, pyrite, citrine, clear quartz, chrysolite, malachite, some tigers eye, carnelian

Healing Properties: projecting this color aids bronchial disorders

Majickal Properties: attraction, persuasion, charm, confidence, intellect, study, divination, wealth, winning, safety, happiness, playful humor, healing, spirituality, success, understanding, rational thought


Element: Water

Direction: West

Planet: Moon, Neptune, Mercury

Chakra: 5th

Day: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday

Number: 5

Diety: Goddess

Gender: male or female

Tool: wand, cauldron, chalice

Tarot: Hierophant and all cups

Scents: lily of the valley, honeysuckle, cedar, basil, jasmine, sweet pea, lotus

Herbs: carnation, honeysuckle, orange, heather, cypress, hazel, oak moss, mallow, aloe vera, daffodil

Woods: hazel, willow, birch

Animals: dolphin, whale, blue jay, gull, giraffe, robin, deer, ass, clam, lizard, frog

Stones: azurite, turquoise, coral, sapphire, hematite, sodalite, agate, lapis lazuli, aquamarine

Healing Properties: associated with pineal gland, known to decrease pain and reduce tension

Majickal Properties: impulsiveness, depression, change, psychic powers and awareness, good fortune, communication, wisdom, protection, spiritual inspiration, reassurance, creativity, meditation, tranquility, relaxation, soothing, sincerity, truth, forgiveness, prophetic dreams, karma, balance, awareness, friendship, luck, loyalty, devotion, understanding, patience, health and healing, happiness, sanctuary, inner child, power, astral projection, oceanic aspect


Element: Earth

Direction: North

Planet: Venus, Jupiter, Mars

Chakra: 4th

Day: Friday, Wednesday, Thursday

Number: 4

Diety: none

Gender: male or female

Tool: wand, cauldron

Tarot: The Emperor, all the sevens, sometimes the aces

Scents: elder, mint, musk, sage, vanilla, pine, sweet pea, mugwort, patchouli, vervain, cinnamon, marjoram

Herbs: birch, catnip, blackberry, coltsfoot, foxglove, thyme, yarrow, feverfew, burdock, pennyroyal, plantain, verbena, basil, cedarwood, dill, clove

Woods: birch, elder, almond, hawthorn, fig, oak, pine, orange

Animals: fish, bee, bull, rabbit, rat, alligator, turtle, grasshopper, bison, frog

Stones: emerald, peridot, jade, malachite, coral, green tourmaline, adventurine, green quartz, rock crystal, onyx, azurite

Healing Properties: associated with the pituitary gland and physical healing.

Majickal Properties: finance, fertility, luck, growth, employment, prosperity, abundance, personal goals, healing, herb majick, calm, ward against anger, jealousy, discord, sickness, cowardice, stimulation, sanctuary, inner child, energy, charity, ecological aspect.


Element: Air

Direction: East

Planet: Jupiter

Chakra: 6th and 7th

Day: Thursday

Number: 7

Diety: none

Gender: male

Tool: wand, cauldron

Tarot: The Chariot and all the fours

Scents: cedar, carnation, nutmeg, lotus, angelica, bay, cinnamon, ginger, sandalwood, jasmine

Herbs: mimosa, wisteria, mugwort, hazel, eyebright, rowan, elder, rue, clover, oak, dandelion, betony, meadowsweet, cactus, iris, violet

Woods: willow, lilac, mulberry

Animals: elephant, rabbit, jaguar, chickadee, cuckoo, eagle, elk, penguin, vulture, grasshopper, chameleon, lizard

Stones: amethyst, sapphire, lapis lazuli, beryl, clear quartz, opals

Healing Properties: associated with the spleen, suprarenal, prostate, and parathyroid, as well as healing severe diseases

Majickal Properties: tensions, ambition, success, business progress, influencing people in high places, self assurance, power, spirituality, spiritual awareness and shielding, religion, idealism, inspiration, meditation, psychic ability/growth/awareness, hidden knowledge, intuition, insight clarity, divination, spirit communication, astral plane, justice, devotion, guidance, royalty, dignity, blessings, wisdom, discourages envy and jealousy, independence, occult, sadness, piety, sentimentality, changeability, impulsiveness, depression


Element: Earth

Direction: North

Planet: Earth

Chakra: none

Day: Monday, Friday, Saturday

Number: 2 and 3

Diety: none

Gender: female

Tool: wand, salt, chalice

Tarot: all the pages and all the tens

Scents: birch, cherry, cloves, lilac, rosemary, orange blossom, bergamot, comfrey, linden, patchouli, myrrh

Herbs: corn, tansy, ginseng, willow, lily, ivy, grain, oats, orange tree, almond, daisy,

Woods: none

Animals: toads, dog, ostrich, wolf, bison, pigeon, horse, deer, pelican, turkey, woodpecker, ants, snake, pheasant, beaver, goat, moose, cow, bull

Stones: rock crystal, smoky quartz, amber, some tigers eye, turquoise

Healing Properties: associated with healing animals

Majickal Properties: neutrality, healing, animal majick and kinship, influencing friendships, special favors, animal healing, houses and homes, attracting money, stamina, study, concentration, overcoming hesitation and uncertainty, physical objects, grounding


Element: Air

Direction: East

Planet: Saturn

Chakra: 1st

Day: Saturday

Number: 6

Diety: none

Gender: male

Tool: athame, wand

Tarot: all the queens and all the threes

Scents: holly, juniper, yew, myrrh, cypress, pine, apple, yarrow, rowan, vervain, peppermint, basil

Herbs: oak, yew, beech, elm, comfrey, holly, ivy, horsetail, Solomon's Seal, mullein, cedar, clove, cypress, rue, betony, elder, fern, yarrow, cayenne, dragons' blood, mandrake, flax

Woods: oak, ash, aspen, birch, hazel, rowan

Animals: bobcat, panther, raccoon, rhinoceros, groundhog, blackbird, lynx, bat, owl, jaguar, praying mantis

Stones: onyx, jet, obsidian, black quartz, black star sapphire, agate, pyrite, diamond, moonstone

Healing Properties: none

Majickal Properties: loss, discord, confusion, protection, repelling/destroying/absorbing negativity, binding, shapeshifting, absorption, endings, removing hexes, spirit communication, truth, banishing, meditation, quiet power, restriction, sickness, wisdom, control, resilience, discipline, night majick


Element: Water

Direction: West

Planet: Moon

Chakra: none

Day: Monday

Number: 6 and 1

Diety: none

Gender: male or female

Tool: scales, chalice

Tarot: The Hanged Man, all the threes

Scents: ginseng, jasmine, comfrey, mullein, sandalwood, vervain, myrtle, willow, wormwood, heliotrope, betony, thyme, basil, chamomile, myrrh, lotus

Herbs: clove, hyssop, oak moss, St. John's Wort, rosemary, yew, cumin, birch, feverfew

Woods: none

Animals: armadillo, ass, cat, dolphin, opossum, snow leopard, weasel, wolf, chameleon, lizard, spider, lion,

Stones: moonstone, opals, quartz, onyx, malachite and rock crystal

Healing Properties: none

Majickal Properties: cancellation, neutrality, stalemate, loneliness, balancer


Element: Air

Direction: East

Planet: Moon

Chakra: 6th

Day: Monday

Number: none

Diety: Goddess

Gender: female

Tool: wand, cauldron, scrying crystal

Tarot: none

Scents: sandalwood, wormwood, myrrh, lemon, frankincense, honeysuckle, anise, cedar, heliotrope, betony, lavender, parsley, thyme

Herbs: rosemary, woodruff, mugwort, marigold, mustard, rue, sage, tansy, St. John's Wort, betony, burdock, mint, fern, elder flower, heather, lilac, lily,

Woods: birch, elder, almond, hawthorn, ash, white heather, cedar, coconut, elm, hazel, juniper

Animals: dove, snowy owl, chameleon, cat, lizard, magpie, whale, swan, bear, hawk, dog, wolf, praying mantis, dolphin

Stones: opals, clear crystals, quartz, moonstone, pearl, aquamarine, agate, amethyst, rose quartz

Healing Properties: none

Majickal Properties: telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, psychometry, intuition, astral energies, psychic development, dreams, communication, deep wisdom, healing, patience, happiness, quests, opportunity, money, balance, ward against depression, removing negativity

From online BOS download I have copyright and retail sale rights



00:45 Dec 18 2019

a lot of good stuff


Magickal Elements

09:24 May 14 2007
Times Read: 1,428



Gender: Female

Direction: North

Color: Green

For Spells Related To: fertility, employment, money, business, health, stability, ecology


Gender: Male

Direction: East

Color: Yellow

For Spells Related To: memory, intellect, tests, psychic powers, divination, travel, drug addictions


Gender: Male

Direction: South

Color: Red

For Spells Related To: success, sex, banishing illness, protection, legal matters, competition, strength, energy, health


Gender: Female

Direction: West

Color: Blue

For Spells Related To: love, friendship, meditation, healing, dreams, childbirth, clairvoyance, purification



01:06 Oct 29 2008

How cool... I did not know this!!



02:59 May 13 2007
Times Read: 1,433

1st Chakra

Also known as: Root Chakra, Base Chakra

Location: Groin

Color: Red

Stones: bloodstone, onyx, smoky quartz, sodalite, agate, quartz crystal, tigers eye, citrine

Properties: This is the base of all the chakras. It is from this chakra that all other chakras can be fully opened. This chakra is responsible for our present form, and the maintenance of our bodies. Earthly and universal energies join through this chakra. It is associated with birth, beginnings, renewal, self-reliance and safety. If this chakra is not free, paranoia, overaggressiveness, self-destruction and low self-esteem can be the result. It is important that this chakra be balanced.

2nd Chakra

Also known as: Spleen Chakra, Belly Chakra

Location: Three fingers below the navel at the abdomen

Color: Orange

Stones: garnet, hematite, smoky quartz, selenite, chalcedony, lapis lazuli, chrysoprase

Properties: This chakra has a strong Earth connection. It is responsible for relationships, social interaction, empathy, sexual issues and identity. If blocked, it can make someone antisocial, dysfunctional, incapable of expressing and feeling emotions, as well as create poor sexual relations.

3rd Chakra

Also known as: Solar Plexus Chakra, Spine Chakra

Location: Navel

Color: Yellow

Stones: moss agate, jasper, malachite, moonstone, onyx, opal, clear and smoky quartz, carnelian, hematite, topaz

Properties: This chakra is the center for movement. It involves intelligence, mental clarity and the balance between will and emotions. It is the first place attacked by those whom you can't refuse. It aids in astral projection and telekinesis. If blocked or unbalanced, your energy can leak destructive forces or your energy can be stolen.

4th Chakra

Also known as: Heart Chakra

Location: Chest

Color: Green or Pink

Stones: adventurine, bloodstone, emerald, citrine, rose quartz, azurite, fluorite, beryl, opal, rhodochrosite, sapphire

Properties: This chakra is where the power to transform your life resides. It is essential to the seeker, as it is responsible for inner wisdom and knowledge, sending and receiving love, and the secret of your life's work. This is where you meet guides and teachers, who will help you on your journey.

5th Chakra

Also known as: Throat Chakra

Location: Center of the throat

Color: Blue

Stones: lapis lazuli, onyx, citrine, quartz, rose quartz, agate, chrysoprase, moss agate, topaz, tourmaline, turquoise

Properties: This chakra is your voice in the world. It is responsible for communication, oral as well as mental and written skills. It is also where some tension related muscles derive.

6th Chakra

Also known as: Brow Chakra, Head Chakra

Location: Forehead

Color: Purple

Stones: lapis lazuli, jade, sodalite, amethyst, chrysoprase, sapphire, rose quartz, citrine, azurite, quartz crystal, tourmaline, turquoise, peridot, opal, selenite

Properties: This chakra is also known as the Third Eye. It allows you to see future events, auras, as well as possess awareness in both the spiritual and internal aspect. As adults, this chakra tends to be blocked or closed by choice, where children maintain an open chakra.

7th Chakra

Also known as: Crown Chakra

Location: Top of the head

Color: White

Stones: quartz crystal, fluorite, diamond, amethyst, agate, obsidian, smoky quartz, carnelian, tigers eye, tourmaline

Properties: This chakra is the "All-knowing" source, where all the knowledge from the Universe is drawn. This is where the information from the Third Eye is gathered. It is related to time, good and evil, priority, unity, understanding, knowledge and the connections between all things. If closed, it can create the incapacity to draw upon your own knowledge and divinity, and this is where perceptions are altered.

I know it's not a potion, but it fits here because it is informative. From "The Couldron", and in my BOS




Headache Relief

04:15 May 09 2007
Times Read: 1,439

Soak in a warm tub. Use 5 drops of peppermint, lavender, and chamomile. You can also make a compress using 2 drops of each oil.

Headache Tea Relief


A pinch of lavender, mint, rosemary, and chamomile into a coffee filter and make it the same way you would make coffee. You can also use a spice ball, and let it steep in hot water for 15 to 30 minutes.



18:36 Oct 04 2008

Ill use that next time I have a head ache :D Bb Mm

01:58 Jul 27 2011

Would you mind if I kept a copy of this? I get a lot of migraines and so does my husband.

Thank you



03:24 May 09 2007
Times Read: 1,441

Parsley is a wonderful plant. It decorates food. It is good for urinary tract infections. It also has diuretic properties which helps to treat fluid retention. This lovely herb is also known for freshing breath, and works so well it masks garlic! Parsley shouldn't be used by pregnant women.





22:31 May 05 2007
Times Read: 1,450

You will need:

1 pint of vodka

2 teaspoons anise seeds

1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds

4 cardamon pods

1 teaspoon marjoram

1/2 teaspoon ground coriander

2 teaspoons chopped angelica root

1 2/3 cups sugar syrup

This magickal drink can be found in Gothic and English history. It is even the drink that Mina drinks in Bram Stoker's Dracula. It is banned in this country because the original recipe calls for 2 teaspoons crumbled dried wormwood, which is poisonous, and causes hallucinations.

Place vodka in a large jar with a tight fitting lid. (Origional recipe calls to add wormwood, shake well, and steep for 48 hours, then strain.) Crush seeds and pods in a mortar. Add them and all remaining herbs to vodka and steep in a warm place for 1 week. Filter and sweeten. pour into a bottle and enjoy this piece of history.

Pour a half glass of water into the half glass of Absinth for authenticity.

Adding wormwood is not recommended. Add at your own risk. You have been forwarned!



05:39 Jan 08 2009

seriously this is awesome but sadly I can not drink because I am under-age. when can legally though I will totally try this out (not including the wormwood). ^-^ yay thanks you.

06:21 Jan 07 2012

Absinthe has been legalised in the U.S. again as long as it does not contain any Wormwood


Amish Friendship Fruit Starter Recipe

04:49 May 01 2007
Times Read: 1,294

3/4 cup canned sliced peaches with syrup

3/4 cup canned pineapple chunks with syrup

4 ounces red maraschino cherries, drained, halved

1 1/2 cups granulated sugar

1 package active dry yeast (some recipes will

substitute 2 tablespoon brandy)

For later addition

1/2 cup canned sliced peaches with syrup

1/2 cup canned pineapple chunks with syrup

To Replenish Starter


1 1/2 cups starter juice

2 1/2 cups granulated sugar

1 (32 ounce) can sliced peaches with syrup

DAY 10

2 1/2 cups granulated sugar

1 (32 ounce) can pineapple chunks with juice or 1 (16 ounce)

can pineapple chunks and 1 (16 ounce) can fruit cocktail

DAY 20

2 1/2 cups granulated sugar

2 (4 ounce) jars maraschino cherries, drained and halved

(You can use 1 jar of red and one jar of green for color,

or use 1 (10 ounce jar)

In a 1-gallon glass jar with wide mouth and lid, combine the peaches, pineapple, maraschino cherries, sugar and yeast (make sure the yeast is well mixed with syrup). Stir two times the first day. Stir once a day afterwards. Do not refrigerate this mixture. Keep loosely covered.

Two weeks after starting the starter, add 1/2 cup peaches and 1/2 cup pineapple with syrup.

Wait several days, stirring daily, then drain 2 cups of mixed fruit and use to make cake as directed in the cake recipe. Reserve 1 1/2 cups starter juice and leave in glass gallon jar. Count this as Day One, and begin the process for renewing starter and making cake.

DAY 1: To reserved 1 1/2 cups starter juice (or to starter juice given you by a friend), add 2 1/2 cups sugar and a 32 ounce can of peaches with syrup. Stir daily. Keep loosely covered. Do not refrigerate.

DAY 10: Add 2 1/2 cups granulated sugar and pineapple chunks with juice. Stir daily. Keep loosely covered. Do not refrigerate.

DAY 20: Add 2 1/2 cups granulated sugar and drained and halved maraschino cherries. Stir daily. Keep loosely covered. Do not refrigerate.

DAY 30: Drain fruit, reserving 1 1/2 cups juice for renewing starter. Use drained fruit to make 3 Amish Friendship Fruit Cakes, give excess starter juice to friends, and start a new batch of fruit (repeat aforementioned process).

NOTE: At the end of 30 days, you will have enough excess starter juice to give to about four friends. Be sure to keep enough juice (1 1/2 cups) for your own starter. At the end of 30 days, there will be enough fruit to use 1 3/4 cups fruit in each cake, which makes the cake better and doesn't waste the fruit.

The cakes can be frozen. It is not necessary to bake all three cakes the same day, but stir the remaining fruit mixture every day until it is used (this fruit mixture can be refrigerated until used). The drained fruit can be frozen until you are ready to bake the cakes.

This recipe has been passed along for ages. You may have heard of it called Brandied Fruit. It is delicious on ice cream, cakes, or what ever floats your boat. I would say this is a mighty fine potion.

Please feel free to copy and paste, share it with your friends!!! Enjoy ~~~~~~~~~~~~ =^^=



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