My stuped unsignificant other is not my friend. He is only a room mate, really. He is the bigest lying piece of shit that the planet has ever experienced. Personally, I hope he dies. We have nothing in common. I want to make my life better, and this asshole goes to the bar and drinks all the money that is supposed to feed us. LOL I am on a limited income, and I am totally sick of the stupid charade that this Moron wants to call his own. He thinks I am his OLD LADY. What a nic e thing to call your 'friend"and that is a load of SHIT also. All I want is a nice person, male or female to spend some quality time with. I have no problem with Women. At least they know how to Feel. I cannot wait to be out of this totally fucked up room mate situation. I can't even imagine what got me into this stupid mess any way! I must be a dumb fuck.