Rarely do I just write a rant. But I'm feeling a bit dejected. My "significant" other is such a lazy bum. All he does is whine about how tired he is, and how sore he is. Well, fuckface, if you hadn't decided to take the winter off after I got the check for the cats vet bills, you wouldn't be sore now would you, you piece of fuck. The check was a chip in where I got donations from people who wanted to help out. The check was for 700 dollars. Needless, fat fuck made sure it was gone. Now I'm stuck with a vet bill which he clearly stated that he wouldn't help pay. You ask me why I stay??? Hows 16 cats for starters....I'm not one of those asshole people who decide to move into a place which doesn't allow pets. I don't throw my animals away like some bastards do. They drop their cat or dog off at the shelter and walk away. Thats the end for the pet, they kill them. So thats why I stay with this freak. And I forgot to buy a ticket for the Mega Million today so I guess I'm stuck here for awhile longer.....
06:12 Mar 30 2012
Keep the cats kick the bum.