This spell is to change the color of your eyes.
You Will Need:
One or more candle(s) of the color you want your eyes to be. The more candles you use the more powerful the spell will be and the better it will work.
A pentacle. If you do not have a pentacle the spell will still work but it might take a bit longer for it to work.
Light the candle and sit in front of it. If you are using more than one candle have them around you but still in front of yourself.
Clear your mind and chant three or more times
"1 2 3 change for me, 1 2 3 (current color)
to (color you want your eyes to be)"
Once again, clear your mind and chant three or more times
"By the power of three, Let it be seen"
06:56 Sep 16 2010
Wow, awesome! Now does this change ur eye color for that day or a couple of mins?
07:13 Sep 16 2010
It honestly depends on how many candles you use and how much you want it. It could last a few minutes or a few hours. Some people have made it last for hours but I've only made it last for roughly an hour or so.