I guess when you have something on your chess .The best way is to some how vent .Now I've had a lot on my mind lately and fame seems to be the motive .Now I guess it's best time as any to get some of this out .And the odd thing is just the other day I was reading something about( LIES) It kind of looks good when people can tell such convincing(LIES).. .I mean don't get me wrong it (LOOKS) just like there telling the truth ..The (TRUTH) can be a hard thing to spot. Since fame is the motive .To be continued .
What if it was just a lie .a lie ...kind of makes me wonder have i lied ...and if so about? nothing that i can think of ...besides lie for what? does no good either you are or your not ,have or you don't etc etc. LIES,LIES LIES. True
02:21 Jan 25 2013
Actually chess is a board game. Perhaps you meant chest? I assume you went to school in the South? But you are right the truth maybe hard to discern when one discharges so much false verbiage from their deceitful mouths.