The potions sits while you sit down, come on out the aromas' round.
Everything has one simple display, the innocent polite childs' play.
Not the kind that true kids have, the adults play that life spins around the circles' play.
The kiss that come from the potions curve makes you alter the words insured
Insured the words will come out right, tonights the night to come out of flight.
The thought of being rejected is just god way of telling you wrong direction.
Before the flows of religion and being i'm here to say for the time being. Everyone has the time and the place to say whether they believe in what god race.
I'm not here to convince i'm bot here to judge, i'm here for the story the of rejection judge.
Hit the end of the road, hit the bottom on the water; but rise back up and breathe the air and flutter.
I've had every though run through my mind, and it all runs back to that four letter word.
L O V E.
Wondering if I could ever truly find it; if I can truely feel it, be human or vampire.
Then you look up at the sky and go back to that deep thought that exists in the clouds.
And then with that undying way you release your overwhelming emotions as a female.
You tear but only for a moment to wipe your face, and feel the emotions well up inside you.
Look back down to your notebook that you thought you would write your emotions in, but now the page in filled up with tears.
Goodbye Love Thoughts, Hello Steps to Recovery.
I been listening to leaves as they meditate in the wind.
Every falling petal from the tree has a voice.
That voice may not be heard, but is seen when you step on that dried and unwatered leaf.
You feel its crunch under your shoe and you'd wish you had seen it sooner. Believing that the world would be so kind as not step on you.
The sad and only truth however is the world will take that step on you.
Even if it means your death.