It was sad and hilarious at the same time because I was annoying the fuck out of the police officers.
They were all like "Anyone got ductape?"
Though I must say, handcuffs are extremly ANNOYING! I couldn't get hair out of my face when I had them on, and to make matters worse, I was cold, and when they put me in the car, the seats were PLASTIC. Ugh! I was freezing the entire ride home!!! sucked
I got home late yesterday, and it's the first time that's like, ever happened, and I had a good reason --- me and Lucas traded pants because mine had a huge hole in 'em and we forgot to trade abck so I had to try to remember his number while I was at Joe's house and they were working on some consession stand, so they couldn't come just then.
Then when I got home my mom had disconnected all the phones and hid them all in her room, and since she is scared of me, she stayed in her room with the door locked.
And I'm now freaking GROUNDED!!
She did it on purpose, so I would HAVE to spend Thanksgiving with her.
*Is annoyed*
And now I don't get to see Jacob until NEXT week and I don't get to gowith Britt for her piercings.
I am soooo freaking pissed off right now.
I'm at school, and it is really sad and degrading to be here.
I can't stand seeing couples in the halls, it makes me so freaking sad all the time and then I will be hanging out with my friends and they're boyfriend/girlfriend will be with them, and I hate having to fake a smile and pretend like everything is okay when it not.
Why is it such a major problem to me?
I am in Austin ISD. My boyfriend lives on the edge of Austin pretty far away from me and he goes to Manor ISD.
Was so freaking amazing!
I hung out with my boyfriend, Jacob, all weekend. It was sooo much fun, and I got to see my old best friend that moved like two years ago, and she met him, and I saw a lot of people I haven't seen in over two years. Everything was so perfect! My mom even trusted us enough (oddly) to let him sleep in my bed with me both nights, with the door closed!
Haha. So it was a pretty rad weekend, and a lot of things are going on this week, which is also pretty cool.
So, I'm new, and I find this site pretty cool. Everyone on here seems really nice to me. (So far)
I like it, and you guys can defeniatly count on me to be coming back on, though I will most likely only be on at school until I get my computer.
Oh, by the way, my name is Ailee. [A-LEE]
It comes from my actual name which is Amberlee.
I also go by Amber, but I prefer Ailee.
I'm currently attending Anderson High School located in Austin, Texas.
Feel free to come into contact with me whenever. I love meeting new people (usually) I just tend to be a little shy depending.