Ive never wanted a part of my fireteam to feel the pain of a thousand knives before but the more my ghost talks the more my thorn aims at her, the more my fireteam yells and crys the more i turn my back, i'll take that last word and throw it off the side and holster my thorn as i know in the end it's just me and her. the ghost has no power were the dark is, and i know the true savoir is the shot that doesn't miss. you think one two three shots is enough? how about that reload that scares you into cover as my fireteam falls my thorn reloads and has my back until the end, and the ghosts are scared of the shot that could end them and im about to loose the light for the dark as it has loved me harder then the light that starved me to death just to brink me back into the pain of hatred that I've always felt.