218m, multiple shots.
They missed them ALL!
I took 12 shots landed 8, and won that fight.
I can turn anything into a sniper.
Come at me.
I got my Nezarec's Whisper to 10k kills.
Level 117 at 0%
I think i use it too much!
I just love how it goes stabby stab....
Speaking of stabby stab, i got the third gun now in High on Life.
I love this game, fucken mortey.... LOL
Re2RM has taken a hard backseat as of late.
But the fires out.
Tyrant is chasing my Peach like a fat kid to candy.
I did claire first cause i wanted to do leon story B.
I preorderd the new enhanced RE4, even know i got it for xbox.
The new exotic smg is amazing, but i find it easier to use with a warlock.
the heists are crap. just a battleground in a sense.
The manticore reminds me of my Recluse.
I fear it may be a new favorite like the Tarrabah is.
I get so hard for smg's GAWD!
I plan to play more RE2RM tonight, but im getting the 5 chests done for the challange.
I'm to chief Irons office elevator currently.
Not sure how much ill get to do of RE2RM, but imma try.
Been very busy, but im trying to squeeze games in.
Just my sleep suffers.
Lets start as Claire.
So Claire Game A.
I just started.