Terra, spiritus, ignis et aqua. Ego imperium tui potens regni. Facis per manum meam sicut praecepi tibi domino meo quod clense terram.
Earth, wind, fire, and rain. I take control of thy powerful reign. By my hand you do as I command, my mind your master as I clense this land.
Dimittere tua tenaci quod meum sum non totum amisit in tempore. Illumina anima tua iniquitate quae fecerat mihi nactus
The energy inbound so cold and red
Like the evil coursing through thy head
By the moon, earth, wind, fire, and rain
They shall achieve from me no gain
Their negativity shall not reach my heart
instead will retract and tear thyselves apart
In industria inbound ita frigus et rubrum
Discurrens capitis tui sicut malorum
A luna terra, ventus, ignis et pluvia
Ipsi consequi a me non lucrum
Eorum negativity non pervenire cor meum
pro erit revocare et vellere tuum se absque