AS I neared the entrance to the lighthouse I realized that I was not the only person in this deserted place as I heard an extra pair of footsteps on the stoney breezeway between the lighthouse and the Manor. I stopped and looked around and saw no one. I thought that maybe I was just humoring myself as to believe I was alone, but I knew that htere was another....vey near.
Into the lighthouse with swift feet, I moved quickly as I did not want what or whomever was following me not to be right on my heels, I wanted the upper hand in our inevitable confrontation.
I crept into the shadowy crevices put off by the dimmly lit building. It was cold and dank and smelled of old rusted piping and musty water.
I felt the person moving closer t me , just passing my line of sight as I stay under the cover of the shadows and let him pass and I said abruptly as I could, "What is your business here and for whom have you come to see or kill as may be the case?"
The tall slim man, reached into a front pocket as he turned around with a faint tear in his eye...."It is you, my Beloved Ashlyn. Why I have searched through out the vast mountains and flats to bring you back home. Tonight if you wish"
I had no idea what in the devil he was talking about then I seemed to have a memory of some sort cause I became abit light headed and then I recalled having seen this mans face at least once more before this moment. He cocked his head to the right and siged heavily and really began to sob, like a toddler.
I comforted the stranger or an aquaintance rahter...But why was he here and ?
Will continue this next week.........................