First you need a small black stone....then you need a large moving body of water (Ocean, River, large must have a moving current so as to properly work the spell) As you stand near the waters edge you grip the stone in one hand or the other and close your eyes and focus all of your anger from deep down inside yourself.You may mentally picture the person, place, thing/situation) that has angered you beyond control and focus all of that rage and anger you have been caring around inside and feel it building up inside more and more (this will take several mintues) then as you feel this anger ebbing-you push all of theose angry & dark thoughts and feeligns into the stone you have been holding and release it all into the stone then cast it into the water, never to be enraged so deeply has it had is now an after thought and it will be pushed away from you down into the depths of the rushing water, carried away from you so as to not to be harmful to you no longer. I guarantee you that after you do this excerise You will feel rejuvenated, Alive. You will be able to relax better than ever before.