"Vegan Cooking For One"
Ok, so most of the roads, at least the county roads, in Wisconsin are assigned letters rather than names or numbers. There does not appear to be any logical arrangement behind the naming, such as going from A to Z or anything of the sort.
This allows for a unique road game. While driving around, try to drive on connecting roads to use the assigned letters to spell words.
The best one so far, you start on County Road EE, turn onto County Road I, then proceed to County Road E, turn back onto County Road I, and finally turn onto County Road O.
This can actually be done in several configurations, ranging fom E-I-EE-I-O to E-I-E-I-O depending on which part of the song you feel like emphasising, or even EE-I-E-LO to add a bit of a British flair to your driving.
LOL... I remember those roads and playing similar games growing up in WI... The thing that always made me laugh is that counties near each other tend to use the same letters, so sometimes you end up w/ 2 completely different roads (going different directions) with the same name... Like MM going to one town and 5 miles down F there is another MM going to a different town.
My daughter farts more than anything I've ever seen.
I'm so proud. *tear*
As long as you didn't beat her up for not saying "Safety".
Lol, we used to 'fart' my daughter by pushing her knees to her chest a bit when she was a baby during diaper changes. :)
00:02 Jul 31 2009
HAHA maybe if the vegan ate meat they'd have some friends. :P Everyone loves a good BBQ!
03:28 Jul 31 2009
I think I just urpped....