Nightblossom just announced, while sound asleep, "I couldn't get the corn lit."
Farmers beware.
Fucking timing belt.
So, Nightblossom and I are sitting here in our apartment. I'm at the computer desk on my laptop, she's sitting on the bed. She looks over and spits her gum across the room at me. (Yeah, I know that's a little weird, but she's cute, so I forgive her.) It flies across the room in an arc, and hits my right hand hanging at my side. And sticks. Perfectly centered on my hand.
We both stopped, looked, blinked, then blinked a few more times to make sure it really happened.
lol Now this a good healthy relationship. It is good you found each other.
AH...young love
my son, I rejoice in your happiness.
I'm still butthurt I wont see you for spring break...
new orleans isnt soon enough
XD Now that, would have been fun to watch =)
Fucking CV joints.
What exactly is a pornball, and what would it look like?
Photoshop project, anyone?
Its a big hairy wrinkly dicked guy curled up in bed with his favorite penguin
there's a lot to be said about penguins
18:49 Feb 27 2008
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAH Corn, the alternative fuel.
21:27 Feb 27 2008
Flannery talks about futurama and mumbled philosophy in her sleep, among other things.
23:07 Feb 27 2008
use less k-y jelly more friction = fire
01:20 Feb 28 2008 West Virginia, Ohio area....that is dangerous indeed.
05:12 Mar 22 2008