This was in response to a very sarcastic forum post I made Here. The link in my first response was to the Wikipedia entry on "Joke."
Prologue finished, begin message chain of utter stupidity.
you got a problem wit me
--- On 06:01:04 - Aug 12 2005 - ToiletDuc wrote ---
Not surprising for a denzien of an ancient Eastern Germanic tribe as your username would suggest.
--- On 05:57:39 - Aug 12 2005 - gothic wrote ---
you lost me some where
--- On 05:56:15 - Aug 12 2005 - ToiletDuc wrote ---
I apologize sincerly if my antidisestablishmental views of the rules of the English language encroach upon your appearent views of disregard of such.
--- On 05:50:32 - Aug 12 2005 - gothic wrote ---
dude wat the hell are you talking bout
--- On 05:47:53 - Aug 12 2005 - ToiletDuc wrote ---
A retort that an Ivy League debate team would be proud of.
--- On 05:46:41 - Aug 12 2005 - gothic wrote ---
yea sure wat ever
--- On 05:43:57 - Aug 12 2005 - ToiletDuc wrote ---
Hence I was very sarcastically pointing out to you the reply I made to your post that you became so up in arms over, at least I think, it was difficult to discrern being written in a horrendously poor simblance of english, was a blatantly obvious joke.
--- On 05:41:50 - Aug 12 2005 - gothic wrote ---
umm i fall for it never mind ok
--- On 05:41:16 - Aug 12 2005 - ToiletDuc wrote ---
That page is an encyclepedia entry explaining what a joke is.
--- On 05:39:54 - Aug 12 2005 - gothic wrote ---
umm that site ia a joke rite ?
--- On 05:38:02 - Aug 12 2005 - ToiletDuc wrote ---
Click here if you'd like to shed a little light on my post. I do apologize, but it's written with legible spelling and grammer, you're obviously not used to that, but I'm sure you can make your way through it.
--- On 05:34:38 - Aug 12 2005 - gothic wrote ---
you want to know sum i dont gave a shit wat you think ok so dont tell me wat to
Can people not read the goddamned FAQ on here? Can people not use the slightest thread of common sense from reading existing forum threads and replies?