I want to say something
But I can't turn thoughts to words.
I know deep inside what I feel
What I want
But I can't seem
To bring forth the etchings from my mind
To a place where their meaning
Can be brought to light.
Can you see what I long to bring forth
But am reaching for
Yet cannot seem to grasp
Even though it is of my own volition?
Are you able to see through the haze
Of what comes forth
And harness some validity to thoughts that are interlocked
So much so, it's like a code that must be broken?
Carefully, carefully I let you see...a word...a line...a thought
Very guarded at what I let you see in the intricacies.
Looking at me,
I can see you are confused
Because you don't know why I'm confused.
You think I know
and I am trying to tell you that I don't know.
I need clarity for what to you is already crystal clear.
So we are at an impasse
And I become aware
That I must find some tiny bit of encryption
To unlock the chasm between us.
So that there will no longer be a fortress between us
And even if we do not see the same
We will be on even ground
And be able to share
In a way that frees the mind
To explore the options, the benefits, the risks.
There is a way.
There is a way to sequester your attention
And that way is known to none but you,
But I will wait,
And a clue will be forthcoming.
I will pay attention
And at the opportune moment
Veer the course
To a place where our thoughts become fluid.
Only then will the story begin.
An original untitled poem by,
Tralorna S. Martin
TJ Tralorna
I'm so tired
Tired, not wired
Tired tired tired
You just don't know
I am so low
But not below
Strange that this rhymes
Now of all times
It kinda sucks limes
I'll leave you with that
Wish I had a cat
Well...that's that!
Thinking of life
Thinking of love
Thinking of stars in the sky up above...
05:37 Sep 20 2016
I like it. Very Nice.