Dateline: Bean Blossom, Indiana. Summer of 1999.
For those not into the "Biker" crowd, the Bean Blossom Boogie is known as the "Midwest's Best Biker Fest." It's a 4 day celebration of drunken hairy fun.
Being as I was worried about having enough money for social pharmies, I decided to just buy a lot of Boone's. I shot for 100 bottles but they didn't have that many. They had 5 cases. 1 each of the following, Strawberry Hill, Sangria and Apple. They had 2 cases of Strawberry Kiwi.
Knowing I'd be able to mooch beer from friends, I figured a bottle an hour for the roughly 15 hours a day I could probably stay awake would hold me over.
Nature taught me something that year, when it's 98 degrees out, you tend to get thirsty. Nothing goes down like a icy cold bottle of Boone's. I'd drank the first case of Strawberry Kiwi by 4pm on Thursday. (I'd got to the party at Noon) The second case met it's end by 10:30pm and I passed out in front of my tent when the zipper was found to be insurmountable.
I awoke to my first case of "wine flu." Well nothing like the hair of the dog right? Wrong. The bottle of Sangria I chugged upon waking made a reappearance shortly there after. 8 Maximum Strength Tylenol and 2 bottles of water later, I managed to start drinking again. it was around 9:15am.
Boone's is a evil task mistress, she "heals" you only to drive you lower into the bowels of hell shortly there after. After 4 bottles the Apple, (Sangria had scared me a little) I was right as rain. The remainder of the Apple and 6 bottles of the Strawberry Kiwi later It was 7pm and I was on top of the world.
I joined some friends in polishing off a bottle of 100 proof Peppermint schnapps, and soon had to redistribute my intake in the woods before passing out.
Saturday, was by far the worst of the days since most of it remains a blur, though there are some pictures of me doing things I'd not of believed a man of my size could ever do. (Including a nice series of back flips down a hill behind our camp)
Lesson: Don't Drink Cheap Wine.... Unless your broke.
King's Island. A semi-shitty, theme park in Ohio. They have a ride called "White Water Rapids" or something equally as clever. The ride involves a bumpy ride down a faux river in a large floating inner tube that has seats in it.
Well, long story short, the tube I was in sunk under mysterious circumstances. My friends and I just climbed out, waded the "Creek" and then climbed up the bank to the path. As we'd drank our way through about $150 worth of Jack Daniel's and Sierra Nevada in the parking lot waiting for the gates to open that morning, we were actually more amused at the sinking than we had been with the ride itself. We were casually stumbling toward the next ride on our list, (I can't ride roller coasters, harness can only be asked to do so much. I think it's a union reg.) When 8-10 Rent-a-Cops showed up and started demanding we go with them, blah blah blah. I kept walking figuring my friends would just follow me. I was wrong.
The "spineless quartet," as they shall ever be known, sold me up the faux river. Accused me of everything from masterminding the sinking of our previous vessel, to the actual mutiny before hand. I'm not too sure that the Lindbergh baby wasn't also mentioned.
My, attempted "escape," as the walking away came to be called, was foiled when I was distracted by a vendor selling potato wedges. I'd stopped to peel a soggy $20 out of my wallet, when Deputy Dog and the rest of the Keystone cops showed up to place me under confinement. This involved one to actually attempt to explain to me why he was going to cuff me and then take me to a place where I would politely wait for the police to come and escort me to where ever it was my crime deemed I need go. (From the way he sounded he thought I deserved the guillotine.)
Well, fat drunks being what fat drunks are. This didn't go well for Lt. Sparky and his pals. It did involve a spirited round of "we can't make him get up from the picnic table," and a rousing turn at, "he says he'll leave when he's done with his fries."
I finally finished eating, and followed them to the waiting area, only to walk past it and go on back to the car where I passed out in the back of the station wagon, until the rest of the "gutless gang" finally returned to. In doing so I managed to get the worst sun burn on my arms I've ever had.
Moral: A fat man and his fries are not to be soon parted. Unless he eats them fast like a rookie.
As, my room mate and I, both drive trucks we made a little list to help people thinking about driving as a living. This list is also a check list for those who already drive. Please excuse spelling and grammar as it was hard enough to keep up with the ideas, let alone type them out.
This is also a bit of what drivers have to deal with.
1) when your ego drives the truck you lose
2) GOAL is a way of life. learn it, use it, love it
3) Big hoods and chrome don't help you back into anything, so why make a big deal about it?
4) "No lizards" stickers will not help you keep them at bay
5) Lease programs are almost entirely crooked.
6) Want to be an O/O? think again. unless you have 5 years exp, then take my word that you don't have what it takes.
7) Time management is the key to your success
8 ) if getting home for a big party is a priority for you, this isn't your cup of tea
9) Recruiters lie (mostly). to think otherwise is willfull ignorance
10) If your trainer isn't teaching you anything, get a new one. youre there to learn
11) If you cant get a load there on time then say so when you are dispatched. you might have to answer a few questions as to why, but it makes your job easier. trust me.
12) log books arent a joke, so don't treat them like on
13) A cluttered dash board will get you inspected x5 as many times
14) Attitude at a consignee will get you nowhere, i don't care how they come off, or what you feel like, smile and be nice
15) if you spend more then 150 bucks a week on the road regularly, you have a problem.
16) you are NEVER as good as you think you are
17) the reference points they teach you in TDS don't do anything for you so learn to drive the trailer, because there not gonna put out cones for you to reference at a consignee
18 ) some times you just cant get home. it happens. This is real life, and the world does not revolve around you
19) if you are wearing fingerless gloves i will personally make fun of you at every given opportunity, preferably in front of large crowds
20) if you think the movie "Black Dog" is a good movie, don't ever get caught driving a truck
21) PTI's will help you out. don't magic pencil them, actually do them. i know its cold out side, or maybe its 117 degrees in the shade, all the more reason to get out and take a look at your rig, it might just save your life some day.
22) If playing music across the CB seems like a good idea to you, i will personally introduce you to a new world of pain, and i will find you
23) If you cant live for long periods of time on your own completely devoid of human contact, this isn't for you
24) If you think that your rig is a phone booth, i hate you
25) Snow happens. So does ice. its good to be afraid of it. its better to respect it.
26) Repeat after me "i will not break the speed limit in California, or they will sacrifice my first born male child to the DOT god"
27) Driven it like you stole it is the same as driven it like you have a death wish
28 ) If you think that "outlaw" will be a good possess an ability to deceive yourself better then any con man
29) When in doubt stop and ask directions (i prefer to call ahead, regardless of whether or not we have directions on file), it only takes one wrong turn at night shave 3 feet of the height of your truck on a low bridge you didn't notice
30) If you are a CB Rambo you deserve to be beaten with a large stick until you come to your senses
31) it is always a good idea to assume there are x3 as many cops as you can see on the open road
32) Trying to get a young woman to flash you only makes us all look bad, so don't do it.
33) Having a lot of stickers or suction cupped signs on your truck is a good way to get a ticket
34) Take a frigging bath. you might not think you stink after 3 or 4 days, but you do. trust me.
35) repeat after me again "I am not an 80,000 lb cruise missile"
36) If you're tired, then go to sleep for a bit.
37) Do not use words like "big" or "couple" when writing directions for your company database. Those words are a personal judgment call. A "big" warehouse to me is 100+ docks. not 20. and "a couple" lights tends to be anywhere from 3 to 10, so be specific. also note that you will receive directions like that, so get used to it.
38 ) The worst known set of directions i have ever heard of where for NYC and where, i quote exactly, "Take the exit (no # or street/exit name given) , go down a couple lights, and turn left at what used to be Frish's Big Boy." see what i mean?
39) You will NOT find a parking spot in a TS after 8pm, so don't even try. i don't care how many times you circle the parking lot, its just not gonna happen
40) If its not a parking spot, don't park there, DON'T BE THAT GUY!
41) stopping a distance back form the light and then creeping forward does absolutely nothing. again...DON'T BE THAT GUY!
42) Jake Braking on flat ground is unforgivable unless you are hauling a smooth bore tanker.....DON'T BE THAT GUY!
43) Parking on a fuel island for a period of time in excess of 10 minutes is a good way to get thrown a beating. Going to sleep on a fuel island is a good way to never wake up. *baleful stare*
44) Respect the Old timers. They know more about driving then you do about anything, and can park a 53 foot trailer in a blind side uphill dock thats only 40 feet long has another trailer parked on the outside of the dock, and requires you to back from street with live traffic without breaking a sweat. in short, they rock, we suck. admit it and move on.
45) You alone can not make or break your company. so if you feel the need to issue ultimatums to your dispatcher, i hope you feel the need to check out the wanted ads as well. If you are an old timer, ignore this. you rock, we suck. I admit it.
46) You should buy the lunch of the driver next to you if you notice him/her wearing anything that lists miles in the 7 digit range as a safety award. he/she just might toss you a backing tip in return that will make you wonder why you never thought of that.
47) If at anytime you are driving down the road and you see the right side of a JB hunt, schnieder or Knight truck, something is wrong.
48 ) Repeat after me again, "West Coast turn a rounds are not to be eaten like skittles, if at all" I myself have never used them, but my aforementioned room mate has, and had to go to the hospital once because he crashed hard when he got home and slept so long he was dehydrated when he finally woke up.
49) If you want to stay awake at the wheel, then do the following. A) take a $100 bill out of your wallet. B) fold it length wise.C) hold said bill between your index and middle finger on your left hand in the center of the bill, right up against the pit between your fingers.D) stick hand out window while going 65 miles an hour. You will not blink for at least 15 minutes, and you will be more alert then ever before. trust me.
50) While Mountain Dew will keep you awake, Jolt Cola will make you wired for sound.
Ryogoku prefecture, Tokyo, Japan. It's the Sumo city so to speak. It was like being an orphan all my life and finding my family. I was treated so well that I nearly didn't come back. Everything was catered to fat guys. I nearly wept.
I was traveling on my own for 5 days while friends flew in from various locals. I got to stay in a "stable" with actual Sumo. They were friendly and showed me all about their sport. It's not just 2 fat guys beating each other up. It is a sport based HUGELY on ritual and religion.
I took a subway there and walked most of the time. Btw, the subway in Japan, has little guys who's job is to stuff more people in the cars. I did get to travel by a pedal-cab one day. Poor little fucker. I gave him a $20 spot tip.
The locals automatically assumed I was Sumo and treated me like royalty. And to my complete and total amazement. Sumo are considered the most eligible bachelor's in Japan. Women everywhere smiled and what not. I didn't hook up with any, at the time I was still a virgin and planned on staying that way til marriage. ( I know I know.) But the opportunity was there.
I don't recommend anyone feint of heart read any further.
I'm serious.
Ok, while there I was allowed to live as a Sumo, I ate, Chanko nabe with them I slept in the "dorm," and yes I wore a mawashi. Thats right the big diaper thing. The mawashi is actually one piece of cloth some 30 feet long that helper's wrap around you.
All in all, I nearly stayed there forever and were it not for my tattoos I would of considered it my vocation forever.
On one of the first occasions that my Ex, and I had dinner at my dad's house with the rest of the famn damily. My older sister, out of NOWHERE, mind you announces to my Ex, "There's three things you should never do. Don't ever tell him he's right. Don't ever swallow, and NEVER take it up the ass."
I sit there flapping my mouth with no noise emitting. My dad, snorts his laughter back. My step mom, nods her agreement with my sister. My brother-in-law, looks slightly broken hearted. My Ex, in one of the greatest moments of our relationship, looks at my sister and announces to the table at large. "Too Late."
Sometimes I almost miss that evil bitch.
It was late December, 1998. I was nearing my 21st birthday. A couple friends of mine were working for a topless bar and told me they had a job for me. I had worked in a few bars, as a cook, at this point, and had occasionally helped people leave "involuntarily." So I figured I could handle being and actual "bouncer." Well turns out the first night they wanted me to work was the night of my 21st. They knew that it was my actual birthday, and had agreed to throw me a party at a later date if I worked through the holiday for them.
Monday, December 28th, 1998, was my first night as a bouncer. I would work every night that week, and have my party on January 2nd. Considering what they were paying me I was fine with this. Not to mention a party with an open bar for all my friends.
The night started fairly slowly. Probably less than 25 old men, ogling some floppy tits. Until around 2200 when a birthday party arrived. A guy with the same birthday as me had shown up with about 20 of his friends for his birthday.
It was kinda odd. That group was like the "mirror" image of my group of friends. They came in ordered drinks and started tossing $1's around.
AntiMe, was not as big as I was but not a small guy by any means. He was way down the road towards his first "legal" case of alcohol poisoning when he arrived. The group in general just kept spending money on girls, and dances, and were fairly well behaved.
I was walking around the room, keeping tabs on the lap dance area, and generally keeping busy to avoid boredom. I was making my way back towards the bar area, when I hear one of the girls “yelp.” I look towards stage and AntiMe, has grabbed the dancer’s g-string. She is doing her best to keep covered up while pry him loose. Before I could make it around the stage one of the other bouncers had grabbed him and got him to let go. They sat him back down told him to be good, and enjoy his birthday. Now I’d been told that as long as they don’t do anything completely retarded, and are spending money, we give them a warning before we boot them. AntiMe had now had his warning. I continue on around the stage and talk to the other bouncer.
“So if he fucks up again, he’s out right?”
“Yeah, he should be alright, his buddy is who talked him into it. I’ve been standing here for about 20 minutes just watching. I gotta piss stay here and I’ll be right back.”
I lean against the pillar and light a smoke. I’m feeling pretty cock strong and tough. AntiMe, and his buddies continue to blow money, and drink, like they are going to the Russian front in the morning. Juan, the other bouncer, wanders back from the bathroom and begins walking around the room like I had been doing previously. He gestures for me to stay there.
There is a dancer switch, and the new dancer is a girl I went to high school with. She about shit when she saw I was working earlier that night. It was probably to do with the comment I made about, “I always knew I’d get to see you nekkid.” She is extremely attractive, and with her “whore” paint on, she is a 5 star. Easily a 5, she made anywhere from $500-$1000 a night, in a small town titty bar.
AntiMe goes nuts. She works him like an ATM machine. He starts throwing $5's and $10's at her, she starts doing her little tricks for him. Now one of the oddest of these tricks involves the tipper to turn around and lay back on the stage face up. The tipper places a folded bill over their nose, and the dancer squats over his face, shakes her crotch a bit then uses her ass crack to pinch the money off of the tippers face.
AntiMe folds a $20, lays back on stage and the trick begins. As “Kami” goes to pinch the bill away he reaches up and grabs her by the waist and lifts her down to his lap. She tries to wrestle away and he continues to paw at her. Juan starts around the bar, but I’m already there. I snatch Kami up and set her down towards the changing room for the girls, and look back to AntiMe.
“Man, you were warned Bro’. Time for you to leave.” He looks at me dumbly for a moment kinda nods and starts to gather his stuff and get his friends wrangled together. One of his friends starts talking shit.
“Fuck that, we’ve spent a lot of money. We ain’t gotta go no where.” Juan shows up at this point and remarks.
“Yeah ya do.”
I begin to walk Instigator to the front door. He doesn’t need dragged and is walking on his own towards the door. Still running his mouth but moving non the less. I show him out and walk back in to see Juan holding AntiMe by the arm talking to him. Apparently he’d got a bit pissed about Instigator being walked out and had started swelling up. Juan is a fast talker. He basically had AntiMe talked back down and walking out when I realized I’d made my first mistake as a bouncer. I’d not made sure Instigator couldn’t come back in.
“Fuck You Mother Fuckers!” He yelled from behind me. I turn towards him snatch the little shit off the ground as I head lock him, and proceed to toss his ass onto the sidewalk in front of the bar. I can hear the scuffle inside before I can see it.
Juan has AntiMe pinned to the stage. TheBartender is standing down the rest of the group with a huge can of pepper spray. One of the big can’s that look like fire extinguisher. Juan stands AntiMe up and partially carries and partially drags him towards the door. Instigator can be heard screaming from out front, which again charges AntiMe’s batteries. He shrugs Juan off and turns to swing at him. I grab him by his collar and pull him towards me. He continues his spin and hits me with his biceps as I was much to close for the roundhouse to work. Juan is back on his feet by now and grabs AntiMe’s left arm, while I grab the right one. We lift him and start towards the door.
As we pass TheBartender, who is still herding the rest of the group, Instigator darts back in to try and rescue AntiMe. I turn and kick him back out the door. I’m guessing, by the look on Instigator’s face, that being kicked in the stomach by a 500lbs man hurts. He falls backwards out the door and starts retching. AntiMe begins to struggle. By struggle I mean, shakes me off like a pesky flee. He then lands a right cross onto Juan’s jaw. And I shit you not, Juan looks at him and says, “No You Fucking Didn’t?!” Then proceeds to beat AntiMe off the wall.
After a minute I figure Juan has beaten on this poor fucker long enough and grab his right arm again, and proceed to drag him out the door. Now here is where it gets odd. For some fucking reason still unknown to either Juan or myself. TheBartender, decides that we need help, and fog sprays us (AntiMe, Juan, and me.) with the pepper spray. I mean all fucking over.
We, the sprayed fools, all stop for a second as we realize what has just happened. Knowing I was about to be in a world of hurt, I tighten my grip on AntiMe and fall backwards through the door. I was hoping I could get him outside before I was useless. (I had been fairly useless already, I know, no need to comment.) Juan apparently had also thought along those same lines. He had decided to just shoulder shove AntiMe through the doors at about the same instant I began my tossing maneuver. Well with the added help of my toss and Juan’s shove, AntiMe is hurled out of the bar and slides across the sidewalk on his face. Literally on his face. Juan, not expecting my help, is also launched out of the bar and onto the sidewalk. He doesn’t skid on his face but does do a number on his forearms. (Have you ever heard a man scream as pepper spray residue and his freshly torn meat mix? I don’t recommend it.)
I’m now gagging and puking all over the entry way, and myself. People running out of the bar, which is now fogged over with pepper spray, spit, gag, and kick me on their way out. Juan is doing the same thing I am and receiving the same treatment from the people leaving, except he has the added bonus of road rash ala pepper spray to enjoy.
Finally after what felt like about 9 years, the burning lessened and I could almost see again. One of the girls helped me to the restroom and gave me a towel soaked in milk. She’d heard that it was supposed to help. It did a bit. Juan is being nursed in the women’s restroom by someone else. By the time I was cleaned up so was he. We both look like hell. He’s sporting a bar towel wrapped around his arm, and a puffy face. I have a puffy face and a black eye from someone kicking me. We begin looking for the bartender. I was gonna stuff the pepper spray up his has and trigger it. Juan later said he was thinking the same thing except he was going to stuff it up his ass SIDEWAYS. Turns out the little shit figured we were gonna eat him and left.
By the time the bar had aired out all the way, it was time to close. We walk all the girls out. Juan locks up the bar. And we start to leave. As I am getting into my van, Kami pulls back up and gets out of her car leaving it running. She walks over and hands me $100 in twenties. She kisses my swollen cheek softly. And says, “Thanks, by the way, Happy Birthday.” She hugs me and leaves.
I’ve hated my birthday ever since.
Juan and I finally got TheBartender back. At my aforementioned birthday party, he passed out and we dripped pure capsaicin oil into his left eye. We kept the oil for TheOwner’s Bloody Mary’s. We’d dip a toothpick into the oil and stir it through the drink. I later find out that pepper spray uses about a 20% solution of capsaicin. Oops.
Pet peeves. What a fantastic idea for a thread. I've been wanting a forum where I could voice my feelings on a few things. Let us not dally, we've some area to cover.
I. - Driving
1. Everyone take a moment to get out your personal driver's license and look at it closely. Now make a note of what type of license you have. Is it a standard operator’s license? Is it perhaps a C.D.L.? (Commercial Driver's License) Maybe it’s a Chauffeur’s license. If you have only the standard operator’s license the following apply’s mostly to you.
A. YOU DO NOT OWN THE FUCKING ROAD. That’s right. While a minuscule amount of your tax money pay’s for the roads you drive on, the professional driver’s of the world pay far more than you do.
B. DO NOT drive if you are in any way shape or form impaired.
impaired (m-pârd) Diminished, damaged, or weakened: an impaired sense of smell. Functioning poorly or incompetently: a driver so tired as to be impaired. Having a physical or mental disability: an impaired child in need of
special assistance.
(This includes but is not excluded too; Stupidity, Ignorance, Extreme Shortness, Excessive Age, Mental Retardation, Anxiety, Anger Level, Apathy Level, etc, etc...)
C. Respect Semi’s. The average semi, can weigh as much as 80,000lbs. The average passenger vehicle, weighs roughly 2,500lbs. So if your jaunting along in your Toyota Camry and cut of a semi, then slam on the breaks to make an exit, don’t be upset when your killed. You should take pride in the fact that your death will most likely be spectacularly gruesome.
D. If you are a professional driver, (C.D.L., Chauffeur’s etc etc...) DO NOT USE YOUR FUCKING JAKE BREAKS ON FLAT GROUND!!! Do Not Fucking Be That Guy.
This concludes the introduction to Article 1 of my psychopathic rage initiator’s. I will compile the rest of my outline as time allows.
Editor’s note: It should be mentioned that if you are a woman with a small child, you should not read Article 253, “Babies at the Movie Theater.” If you do choose to read it, sub-article B, should be avoided at all costs. “Forced Sterilization and it’s Pro’s and Con’s.” will not make me any friends.
Hell? I'm getting offered a job from Satan himself as PR guy.
After getting out of high school 2 years early for reasons of "Safety to Faculty and Students," I decided I wanted to study theology. I mean really where else can you have a profession that the main guide book lets you make up shit as you go. OH YEAH, Lawyers and Doctors do that too.
Either way, I was attending a few core classes at BSU and taking some other classes elsewhere. Having ditched a final for the want of "something to tell Padre in the box," I found that if I didn't get at the very least a 70% or better on said final I was bombing the course.
This worried me a bit as my father is roughly the size and shape of a bulldozer with legs. And his money was the money being wasted on my "education." While worrying about this, we were actually on the way to Bloomington to pick up some lysergic acid diethylamide. (I should of took chemistry as a major.) My friends said they'd help me if I thought of a way to get out of it and get a re-test.
At this point in the trip, on Highway 46W, we were nearly killed by a near-miss accident with a dump truck driven by what was later described as a "waste of good skin," it came to me. (It should be brought to the attention of the readers that I was not currently using the acid, yet.)
After getting back to Muncie, we started laying plans. We get my car and head to a little used and hard to observe parking lot behind some apartments. We line up the angle and then ram into each other. Yes, some people say they were in an accident to get a re-test, I staged one to get my re-test.
The impact was a bit more than I'd expected and I ended up slamming my head into the door window, shattering it and cutting open my left eyebrow at the same time. This makes necessary a trip to the ER to have my face knitted back together.
The next morning I am waiting for my Prof at his office at 9AM with my un-bandaged head, and smashed up car in the spot next to his. He shows up, and looks at me and the car. He invites me into his office and asks if I'm alright. I say that I am and that insurance should cover the car and the injury, but not the final. He says I can take the re-test when I feel "able" to do so.
His concern is apparent as he walks me back out to the car. He asks, when the last time I slept was, not thinking I reply that I hadn't slept for about 48 hours. Thinking I'd blown it, I look over at him almost ready to cry for fucking up my story.
He looks at me closely and says, "Mr. Fox our obviously still dazed from the accident, it's a good thing you didn't sleep you probably have a concusion. Your not to drive like this, I'll take you home and your to rest until you absolutely must go out."
I dumbly get in his car, and sit in silence during the ride. As I'm getting out he tells me to wait for a minute while he makes a call. Turns out to be his wife. He explains to her that he has a student who has been in an accident, who has a head wound and is curious if he should take me back to the hospital as my eyes are still dilated oddly.
I can't hear what she says but apparently she told him I should be fine cause he tells me to go get some sleep, and drives off.
I spent a good deal of my youth growing up on a diary farm in rural southeastern Indiana. There were a number of us boys nearly the same age. No more than 8 years between the youngest and the oldest. At some point between the ages of 10-12, I participated in the creation/birthing of one the most homicidal inanimate objects on earth. The Tree House.
We picked a 3/4s dead elm tree. It's lowest branches being roughly 40' above the root cracked ground. With lumber, tools, and other implements of mutilation, scavenged from around the farm, we began the sub contracting process. We hired an older cousin, he was nearly 20, who used a tractor and a complicated web of spliced chains, rope, and bailing twine to haul roughly 2000lbs of material into the large lower branches. We used old tobacco stakes nailed to the tree as a "ladder" as means to scale the tree, to the construction site.
( Author's Note :To simplify, I shall refer to my cousins by a numerical system. C1 being the oldest and I was the youngest.)
C3 and C4 were twins, and dumber... er, braver than most of us. C3, being smaller and lighter than C4, was attached to the "ascension" equipment, and dangled roughly 60' in the air while he attempted to nail the "floor joists" into place. This was accomplished with a counter weight technique. I (yes insult fat kid joke) was tied to the other end of the rope and was on the ground basically being ballast. I'd move a bit to raise or lower him as needed. C4's , job was to "stabilize" his brother by poking him in the head with a 5' 2X4. I didn't really see as to how it helped, but being the youngest my questions often were answered with violence, so I just watched in good humored silence.
After having made the "foundation" we began laying the floors and constructing the walls. It was during the raising of one of the walls, the one with the door to the cool rope slide we were gonna have, that the Tree House began showing it's true colors.
I was being used yet again as ballast. I was being aided by C6, just a year or two older than me. He was all of 80lbs. Wet. He stood with me and held onto my belt loops to make sure that I didn't fly off into the tree, should C1-C5 misjudge and let the wall fall from the foundation. They did this at the first opportunity. I was jerked from the ground a good 12ft, and was only halted, when the wall caught itself on a branch after slammed against the trunk 2 or 3 times. I was bleeding from both nostrils and my left ear. C6 had skinned both his knees and bloodied his nose also. There was a fast round of "convince C6 to not tell on us," and construction continued. (It should be noted that convincing C6 to not tell on us was a game that was played very often, to different degrees of effectiveness.)
Being as how that was about the least injury ridden accident of the build, I'll move onto the first night we "camped" in the Tree House.
We packed rations and provisions to last 1 night, the list of gear includes but is not limited too;
5 packs of hot dogs - no buns
5 bags of chips
2 cases of soda
1 box of candy bars - Milky Ways
2 packs of cigarettes - Paul Maul Red
1 dozen comic books
1 much abused issue of Playboy
1 battery powered lantern
7 flashlights
1 boom box radio
150 cassette tapes
50lbs of batteries
1 ax
7 pocket knives
7 jackets
7 sleeping bags
7 boys with no idea what god had planned for them
It was going great. We were enjoying the fruits of our labor. But our pitiful blood sacrifice was not enough to appease the Tree House. We'd all began nodding off to sleep, when for some reason C6 decided to fall out the door and 40ft to the ground. He immediately began saying that someone had "kicked" him out the door. I was the nearest person to him and I can testify to the fact that NO ONE kicked him. He was stupid. And Clumsy. And had called me a lard ass for the last time.
He began the 1/2 mile sprint back to the house to tell on us. C4, in an attempt to save us all from being grounded, DOVE out of the Tree House. When I say dove, I mean, like a paratrooper, sans chute. He went at it like a dirt belly flop. He of course missed C6, but his act, made C6 stop and look for a moment, and gave C3 time to catch him. C3 snatched him up, and began to drag him back toward the tree. C6 struggled and managed to kick C3 in the balls. C3 makes good his escape and bolts for the house. C1 is trying to figure out how to bury C4 before he gets found, and as I'm about as fast as glacial thaw, it was up to C5 to save the day.
He left the blocks like Johnson and his gold shoes at the Olympics, he sailed over fences and pushed through mud. And He managed to catch C6 as he grabbed the back door's knob. He beat th... convinced C6 to come back to the Tree House, to talk about what happened
And once C4 and C3 had recovered. Ladies and Gentleman, thats how Todd nearly died.