Timbr's Journal

Timbr's Journal


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2 entries this month


We Live Forever Part 2 Girl in The Glade

17:34 May 19 2010
Times Read: 509

We huddled together in the living room over a pad and pen writing ideas about what might have happen to the girl in the glade.

Why had she been killed? was it merely for food? was she a threat to a vampire and he or she felt they had to eliminate her? If these were the possibilities why not hide the body so not to bring attention to themselves or their kind.

This was one reason why Lorraine felt it was a rogue vampire, beside the smell that was left of the vampire that had killed this girl. Lorriane told me as a vampire I would find many aspects about what I could and couldn't do. At the moment this was of no importance what was important was the girl and her killer.

I was told that being a vampire meant we had a duty to protect our kind as it was with all other vampires. Obviously this sloppy kill was done by a individual who held no such, hmmm be it morals? or condictions. I visualized the dead girls body quite clearly in my mind how she was laying the gash in her neck etc. Had there been tracks? I retreated to my memory to see if there indeed had been tracks. I saw them in my mind clear as if I was there looking up close at the details. I surmized that they were the prints of a female. The question now was, were they prints of the victim or the killer. Lorraine had that answer she said she thouht they were the killers. as the girl in the glade was barefoot these were prints of a small foot with boots or shoes on.

I agreed with her thoughts and we continued on discussing the possibilites. Lorraine was telling me when someone is turned at times there could be a drastic change that they as a person may not beable to support mentally thus they were a vampire without any restraints and they as a norm would be eliminated immediately. That was what she had been watching in me but I seemed to have made the transition without a hitch. The thought briefly passed in my mind had I been a bad transition would she had killed me, and then I came to terms almost immediately I would have prefered death to being a rogue vampire. Then then the obvious question was there, how do we find this vampire? She explained to me it may not be all that hard as she was killing without remorse or consequences. It was obvious to us both she would strike again very soon, maybe even in broad daylight. I ask Lorraine do these rogue vampires show any kind of traits might help us know they were insane. She said unfortunately no infact they could be very very smart. Also they might even be so deceptive we know them but not that they are the ones we seek. This new life was already so intriging and I couldn't wait to get on the trail.

But I felt a need to rest as did Lorraine so we crawled into my bed and rested holding each other trying to figure out what our next step would be. Sneaking up on her would be out of the question as our senses were highly attune and she would know other vampires were near. So the obvious solution was bait and a trap. We hoped she would attack whatever bait we might put out there in a frenzy and not notice out presence till it was to late. The thought of using a human as bait was not a very pleasing thought to us. So we racked our brians for a answer. Unfortunately human bait was what we kept coming back to. I asked lorraine did she have any human friends crazy enought o do this. I was so surprised when she said why of course I do we have humans that know of our existance and want to be turned so they serve us without resevations.

I didn´t question her further about human servants but it occured t me I never asked her how old she really was so I put the question forth to her. Just how okld are you Lorraine anyway? She turned looked at me and sais oh about 235 years old, then we just both burst out laughing. Toi me she ws beautiful beyond words and as I chuckled to myself she asked why are you laughing I said because you have a world of experience in all areas a life and then I winked at her and chuckled again. She said oh my my your a bad boy aren't you? Moi? I said? Never and we laughed somemore.

Although e shared a jovial moment that rogue vamoire was constantly in the back of our thoughts and we knew she must be stopped at any cost.

The following say Lorraine left to talk to a few of her friends.

She siad she would return about 5pm as I looked at the clock realizing it ws just 2pm now. I heard my dog yelp in pain and i ran outside to see why and a woman with beautiful red hair flowing in the wind had him by the neck about to bite him. I yelled for her to stop and she turned her head to look at me dropping my dog in surprise, he hit the groud running i have to admit and he was gone into the oods. She snarled a me and started to walk towards me. I had to think to myself ok now what do I do? She looked ready to pounce when she snapped to the right and snarled a hidious snarl. Then I heard a second snarl then a third. I glanced to the right to see Lorraine ready to pounce on this vampire with the red and golden locks. It was only then I realized I was the third snarl, The redheaded vampire seemed cofused as to whom to attack first, but then thought wiser and ran off into the woods. Lorraine yelled after her

and we set followig this vampire. Our speed was to quick for the human eye to bear witness to. She had a bit of a start but we could see her backside as she ran in front of us. Lorraine said to me I thinmk she is our rogue vampire but I can't be sure toill we get closer, as a after thought she muttered if we get closer. It did appear the girl was pulling away from us and she soon disappeared into the forrest.

We searched the better part of the afternoon for her but could not find a trace of her. We turned and returned back to my cabin. Lorraine was tellig me how lucky I was hat she had returned back early. She continued on saying I may have not been a match for the girl as I was still a fairly new vampire myself. I asked her where do you think the girl went? Lorraine said oh believe me she is around she can not let this episode throw her off. In her mind she wants what she wants so she will be back and now we have our bait. I said oh good who is the unlucky human? She laughed it's nt a human it's a vamp. Oh? She continue to laugh harder and was able to get out between laughs it's you. I some hw did not find this amusing at all, what do you mean it's me? The girl is obessed now with killing you, she will try again and agian till she kills you or we kill her. I prefer it be her. I have to admit Lorraine was quite amused by all of this. I jumped when she pat my knee saying don't wory darling I won't let nothing happen to you. I was not reassured by her laughing but she was a contagious person and I had to laugh too.

I was surprised as a vampire how quick time had gone by since our encounter with the redheaded vampire a year had flew by. I had stop working all together as my needs were filled with some smart business decisions and my monetary needs had been fullfilled and then some.

So I now as with Lorraine concentrated on bringing this redhard vampire to vampire justice. She was running rampart and killing at her leasure and the vampire counsel had contacted Lorraine with their concerns about being exposed and we were all in great danger.Lorraine I tried to come up with aplan as we had sensed the redheaded vampire out in the woods many times. I felt like she was watching muy every mood and Lorraine said that probally was not far from the truth. This vampire was obessed with destroying me or mating she was not sure as the impulses the redhead vampire felt were very similar either way she would probally mate with me then kill me or as she smiling said at least try.

It actually takes time to become powerful in the world of the vampire. I was ina years time actually stronger then most by this time. I was surpised when Lorraine said I would become her Master in about 5 years more as my strength was continuing to grow and I would soon surpass her. I might evan have the linage of the counsel in me and one day be of the counsel. All this at this tie did not matter to me all I wanted was to put a end to this crazed vampire killing without compassion or remorse. It seems strange to em that killing her did not gie me a feeling of repulsion but was just a matter of fact thing to do. So finally Lorraine and I came up with a plan to bring this vampire to our justince. It should be known the only justice penalty in vampire law is death there are no other options. You threaten our existance you die plain and simple. That night before we were to initiate our plan we made love as we had many times before but because of the hunt seemed so much more stimulating.

Maybe it was the nearness of death that I would face tomorrow I have no idea I just held her tight.

The sun crested over the trees about 8:30 am and I was ready.

She will probally attack after dark sweetheart Lorraine told me I will be nearby but you must fend for yourself till I cna get to you. If you kill her first so be it. I anticipated all day the out come and felt I was ready. The hours flew by then Lorraine came to me said it's time my love. I gave her a grin and said no worrys it will work out or it won't. Lorraine said if she hurts you she will die a slow slow death. Then she elft.

I want and sat on the porch as to intice our rogue vampire to come. I must have been there a hour when I sensed her presence but couldn't see her as of yet. Then she appeared out of the shados beautiful to look at. Walking so slowly to me not in a position to attack, but none the less I was ready.

She looked around curiously and I knew she was trying to sense Lorraine. The I was in utter shock when sh spoke to me her voce like a harp of heavebnly music. Fortunately Lorraie had warned me of these tactics to bring down my defenses. I allowed my visitor the klluxoury to think I was being seduced by her. She smiled when she was sure all was well and spoke to me saying I am here to serve you in any capacity that I desired. I have to admit if I was anyone else I might had been tempted and was sure she had used this tactic on many others before the kill. I said to her come sit welcome. She responded to me you know why I am really here? I said I think so you feel the need to kill me?

A throaty laugh left her lips and ina wink of the eye she was on me screaming yes I have to. My snarl escaped my lips as I tossed her off me she laughed and said, oh my you will be a challenge you are very strong. I also knew Lorraine was on her way and be here in seconds shje charged me I slapped her away she hit a tree but amazingly had turned and was now grabbing it she perked up as she heard Lorraine coming I pounced with amazing speed on her and held her tight. She

was not gonna escape me this time. a clawed hand passed my throat so close I felt the breeze. I did not release her I bit into her neck tearing some flesh away and spitting it out she screamed and started to fight harder. Then Lorraine was there and cut her throat with a long sharp nail. We did not drink from this blood but watched as blood gushed out of her.

I was being told by Lorraine that this would not kill her but that she need be bound with chains and set a fire till all of her did not exist anymore. I ran to get wood and started a raging fire. The vampire girl yelled I will not die you will see. To which Lorraine screamed back we shall see. The fire was raging strongly now and Lorriane tossed the girl into the center of the fire. I was floored when I saw she was not burning and just laid there seemingly unscathed

I look to Lorriane and to my surpise loaded wood on top of the gil making the fire so much hotter. Then the screams began. Our rogue vampire was starting to burn. She screamed this is impossible I am mighter then you.

soon the screams faded away as did our rouge vampire but we kept the fire going for two days. Then as the fire died away we seached the ashes for pieces of her.Any piece that was found was piled together and then burnt again till was gone. We then notified the counsel that the rouge was gone and not likely to return. The counsel appointed Lorraine as Benefactor of all which in human terms meant the protector, due to my lack of time as a vampire there was no reward for me, however they did permit her to make me her assitant, in it self a reward. We went home to relax as for the fact all was calm and well in the world of the vampires, as the tale of the girl in the glade came to a end and justice had been dished out I thought back to the girl in the glade and knew she rested in peace.




We Live Forever Part 1

17:32 May 19 2010
Times Read: 510

I was standing alone in a deep dark forest with sweat running down my neck to my back giving me a chill each time the cool breeze blew past me. How I got here was yet still a mystery to me, it was not 2 hours ago I was sitting in my cabin living room enjoying a warm fire and a cup of hot chocolate. There had been a whooshing sound and then I had found my self here lying in damp moist leaves.

I had not risen as of yet because I felt a odd sense of weakness. I then made the effort to sit up, as I did I felt a wetness around my throat. How odd I felt no pain merely a curiosity to see what it was. being it was so dark I really couldn´t see more then a few feet in front of me. I finally got up and turned to see if I could get my bearings and find my way back to my cabin. I might be wise to bring you up to date on who I am and where I am. I am Becker Richardson and I am from Sharon Massachusetts. Sharon is a small town a population of about 8000. It´s located between Providence R. I. and Boston, a small town where nothing ever happens. I am sure you know the type of town I mean. I am 36 years old and about 6´2¨a stocky built man.

So to find myself here by myself is a bit of a puzzle to me.

I work for a Factory in Boston, where I manage 102 employees.

I look between the trees and sure enough in the distance is a light, it appears to be about a quarter of a mile to where the light is. So I start trodden towards the light. To my surprise I walk very quickly and am soon there, thankfully it is the light to my porch and cabin. I swiftly enter the cabin and it´s when I notice that for a temp of 35 degrees outside I had not been cold nor had I broke out in a sweat from the brisk walk back to my cabin. I had also noticed I had been able to see quite well for being so dark out.

Once I was back inside I went to the bathroom to do a inspection of myself and find out if I was hurt and in shock which might exlain some of the syptoms I seem to have.

I looked in the mirror and saw a huge smear of blood and at once was washing the area to find the wounds.

But no wounds were there not a scratch. When I looked at a cut I gave myself earlier when cutting some vegetables I was stunned to see it was not there either. In essence I was in perfect shape. It was then I noticed a strange desire for something, a craving that was as it seemed getting worst as the minutes went by. It was for me a disturbing event.

I looked at myself in the mirror and realize some how I was different. It wasn´t anything I could see at first, then as I observed it closer indeed my skin seemed a tad paler then usual, meaning I was a fairly robust man to begin with.

Then I noticed my eyes and they were shining so bright and seemed to swirl fleks of color. I felt great under the circumstances and didn´t see a need for the doctor.

I surely was not anxious enough to call the police due to the amount of blood that seemed to be soaked up by my shirt.

So I went and sat down at my computer and decided to chat with Lorraine a good friend of mine and who was wise in many aspects of life, and i was sure she have a answer to all that was happening. So I brought up yahoo messenger and saw she wasn´t on at the moment, soo I figured I would wait

I noticed over the horizen thru the window the sun was starting to peak over the trees and I felt a strong desire to rest. I first by instinct apparently needed to close the curtains not to allow any light to enter. As I was closing the curtains a ray of light went across my hand, it didn´t hurt but gave me a feeling of warmth that was very agreeable. I at the time did not notice how my skin was reacting to the light. I crawled into bed and immediately was asleep yet well aware of what was going on around me. The last thought I had while awake was how from being confused and lost in the forest I became alert and stronger as I returned to my cabin, then sleep overtook me. I was keenly aware altough I slept I was not really asleep, because I was aware of every sound, smell, and shadow about in the cabin and outside.

It seemed I had morphed into some sort of being with extra developed senses. But what was I?

I was out of bed by 4p.m. and felt why had I bothered to try to sleep in the first place. I would tuck away the info for future analysis. I went to my coputer to see if Lorriane was there on yahoo and luckily he was>

I sent her a message need talk to you it's urgent.

She responded oh my you sound stressed out. I said no actually Have never felt better.

She saiid ok what is so urgent? I then began to explain the events of last night till time I woke up. She responded with are you ok? I said again I never felt better. She said I am confused about what your telling me. Lets google the symptoms. She said hmmm this can't be right, what I am reading. I asked what does it say and wondered why I had not just googled it myself. She comes back with it saying you are the undead a vampire. I started to laugh heartedly a vampire? I have never drank anyones blood ever. In the back of my mind the craving was still there pushing to the front and the sound of drinking blood sent a thousand volts rushing thru me. Bur my rationality said this can't be true

vampires do not exist. Or do they?

I thanked her for her time and said I had lots to think about.

All I knew at this time is that the craving was rapidly consuming my thoughts and reasoning. I could smell something in the air and started to follow the scent.

I was running thru the woods and the scent was becoming so much stronger it was like it was pulling me to it I never stopped to notice how fast I was running. As I entered a clearing I saw a large elk with a slash in it's side bleeding and I lost memory of what happen next. When the frenzy wore off I found myself with my mouth at the slash in the Elk's throat and I was drinking greedily and relishing every drop. Rhe blood was making me feel so strong and powerfull.

Yet something was lacking and inwardly I knew what it was.

I longed for human blood. Lorriane was right I was a vampire.

A startling revelation as it was I was not all together unhappy about it. I was powerfull strong fast and so well atuned to my knew found extraordinary senses. I was running back to my cabin when I saw Lorraine outside waiting for me.

Her first words to me were how was it? I saoid how was what?

Well not to get off track with my tale but let me introduce you to Lorraine. Lorraine was 28 going on 100 and was so very beautiful, long lusheous black hair, them green but sometimes another color yes, Her skin was like porcelin a paleness that did not take from her beauty but added to it.

She worked with em in the factory I mentioned earlier.

I repeated my question, how was what? Lorraine got a smile on her face which was amusing but seemded so serious at the same time. She said how was your first feeding? I stepped back with utter astonishment asking her how did you know about that?

She chortled a little and said I have been watching you this whole time to see how your transition from a human to a immortal would go. It sometimes does not go so well. She shivered a little and then said bit that is of no importance now

as your transition went off without a hitch as I knew it would.

I just starde at her and, am sure my mouth was open in complete surprise. What Lorraine said to me next was yet another shock for me. Lorraine started with Becker I have loved you for many many years and desired to turn you so we could be together for all eternity, but I was reluctant as you seemed to be content as a mere mortal. My feeling for you have ruled the day and I have brought you into my world where I hope we may live happily.

I realise I am a souless monster but don't monsters have a right to be happy sometimes? I could not fight my feelings anymore and I turned you last night. If I did wrong I am sorry. I could not respond as I had no idea what it all meant to me. I was now a monster, without a soul? What did this all mean to me. Not being a overly religious man I had a lot to think about. I saw her stress and the feelings I had for her made me rush to her to hold and comfort her. I was content as it was for now.

Well we spent hours talking about the events of the pass two days and what it all meant as opposed to me, she was patient and kind in ehr explanations to me, I believe she was trying to cushion the blow of my being turned. I have to admit I was intrigued to find out just what it meant to be a vampire, would I be a crazed lusting creature only living to satisfy my need for blood? I did not see myself in that light , nor had I ever seen Lorraine in that way either. So I knew without doubt I had options. I would not become a blood crazed feind.

I would however take advantage of the new found powers.

I readily admit I would not feel bad to save on my grocery bill either.

In truth I didn´t need any of the amenities we had grown accustomed to, such as heat, light, (my eyes had fully developed and could see as well in dark as in day)and of course was no need for food either. I did not evne need to kill but drink till satisfied, this did not mean killing your victim. So it all seemed to em for the better. Lorriane was staring at me as I was pondering the many changes in my life, she asked a penny for your thoughts? I was happy to relay to her that I was not at all opposed to being a vampire, in fact it intriqued me a great deal. A smile sprwad across her face like a sun ray goes from one end of a meadow to the other side. The joy in her eyes said it all as the colors danced merrily in her pupils. Her lushes lips spoke to me although no words pass them and to my surprise although I was considered undead my heart filled witha love that even surprised me. In layman terms I believe we were having a moment. I must tell you friends I never understood that expression till now. I glanced out the wondow and was a little taken back that the day had passed so fast and it was dark already. Lorraine suggested we go and hunt up some dinner.

Hunt up some dinner had a whole new meaning for me because it was meant literally. We entered into the dark together side by side on the move for a scent of blood we could follow. I immeidately picked up a strong scent just as Lorraine did to. We set to the trial and we were upon the scene right away. in the forest opening there layed the body of a young girl who had her throat slashed adn a ead wolf layed next to her body. The blood was everywhere and the scent was intoxicating. Lorraine restrained me and said something is wrong. This is not just a common murder.

She glanced at me and I saw worry in her eyes, as she said this was not done by a wolf, the poor animal is being made to look like it did this to her. Look at the slash it is to neat to be done by a wild animal. More the wolf has no flesh in it's teeth. Something terrible went down here in this glade. Guess who is gonna find out what? I gave her a quizzical look err I said ummmm us? She gave me a huge grin and said that's right. Leave this as it is let the human authorities handle this. Lets go eat then we will start our own investigation. I knew Lorraine was more aware of what had happen then she was willing to share. So I let her have her space and knew she would tell me when she was ready.

We found some prey a couple of deer and drank our fill leaving them a little weak but alive. I knew they would recuperate assuming no predator found them first.

We then returned to the cabin at top speed and that my friends in human terms was lickity split. We sat down to talk and she began with Becker darling I said that wolf did not kill that girl and that is correct, but in our world we have rogue vampires that do not respect human life as we do. A human to them is a mere meal nothing more. We mut hunt out this villian and destroy him, I asked can we be killed? Lorraien chuckled and said of course we can. I started with the I am immortal conversation and she stoppe me with a glance of course we can die and yes we are immortal as long as we can maintain our secrets. There are ways to kill us for sure.

For a example Beck you can live a human live and never get hurt, however on the off chance you had a accident you may have been killed. I was beginning to understadn her reasoning as she continued. She then saif a vampire may live 1000 years as long as he or she protects her identity by perhaps moving or maybe taking the identity of a younger person in the family. We all know many times a person like a nephw or maybe a offspring can look identical. These are ways to protect yourself. I then asked the hard question how can a vampire be killed? She seemed genuinly amused. I knew that was coming she said as she chuckled. Well let me say all you know about killing a vampire from TV or most books forget about it. I for one like garlic in my spaghetti sauce. A wooden stake might annoy me but it wouldn´t kill me. The two ways to kill no wait let me say three ways would be one to cut off their head, that would definately do it, second would be to drain them o any blood in their bodies, they would indeed perish from that as well. The third would be to set them a flame and they burn. Although we heal very fast from any wounds as you may have noticed by now we can be hurt bad enough to die in such the case as burning.

I nodded to her in understadning and we set down to figure out what had happen to the girl in the glade.

My next part will be called the girl in the glade as the vampire would be sleuths try to find out who killed the girl, and why, and to stop the rougue vampire



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