My boss asked if I wanted to tackle a new project that would require my ability to organize, my meticulous attention to detail, and my super-keen interpersonal skills.
Naturally, I jumped at the chance. I mean, I don't have much else to do right now so I have plenty of time to devote to a new project. Perhaps they need me to work on a new business pitch, or organize a focus group, or manage a brainstorming session...
Sure, I said, I'd love to!
What is this new project, you might ask?
It's the company football pool.
And, hell yeah, I'm in charge!
'cos, ya know, it sure beats work.
*puts feet on desk and counts money*
I can't wait to get on the intercom in the morning and announce:
Turn in your picks by 5pm, cash only, no checks, no whining. Thank you.
Another round of lay-offs at work. Two people were laid-off this morning around 9am.
It's strange. No one's talking.
People walk by each other in the halls and avoid eye contact. They look at their shoes and don't speak. All the managers and vice presidents are in a meeting and the rest of us are running around pretending to be too busy to notice.
I think I survived this round, but it's so hard to tell.
I'm going to hide out in my office for a while.
What you've just described is sooo familiar...
Youll be alright, you're good at what you do :)
I wonder if all these "higher levels" get together and decide that this is the time to screw everyone......
Layoffs are being announced at my company today and tomorrow.............
Don't be hiding out at a time like this... toot your horn loud and clear! Make them see you for who you are and what you do for them! It's the one's who pretend to be invisible that tend to get the ax, in my experience.
I made myself be known, they didn't like me and the rest is History...there is a fine line!
Still it also could of been because of the Court case I have against C#### lol!
5:00pm. I just caught a glitch the accounting software that almost caused us to under-bill our client $40,000-$50,000
My reward?
I get to work on it until it's fixed!
yay me!
One little problem, boss: I'm not in the accounting department. But it's after 5pm and they all left for the day. I'm taking one for the team by doing it by myself.
I'm going to remember this the next time someone says I'm not a "team player".
They're all weasels.
Those bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah, but I'll be a hero... tomorrow. (maybe)
someone owes me $40,000!
(I'll take it small bills, please)
how bout monopoly money? do you accept bits of string lol
Be sure and bring it up at EVERY available opportunity...just in case they 'forget'.
I got a few thankses and good jobs, but that was it. They must have forgotten to have a parade for me today.
I'm glad it was an easy fix and I didn't spend that much time on it, honestly. I'd be pretty mad about the low quality of the accolades I just received if it had taken a lot of effort and man-hours to fix.
Regardless, my fellow co-workers aren't as obsequious nor as grateful as I'd like them to be.
Kick them...
It usually works for me :D this card for anymore upcoming layoffs!
I would spit in their drinks! Wankers!
20:36 Sep 17 2009
hahahah awesome
00:47 Sep 18 2009
Go Packers! heh heh...nice to hear they got the best guy for the job.
13:44 Sep 18 2009
Do you think Packers will beat the spread?
21:46 Sep 18 2009
Did you ever see the episode of "How I Met Your Mother" where Marshall runs the football pool at his law firm......
If not you have to google it and watch........ :)
04:23 Sep 29 2009
Funny, I was at city hall today troubleshooting a printer... and the woman was complaining that it stopped printing properly when she tried printing her football pool...
...right in front of the comptroller.
Needless to say, that didn't go over well.