Notes from a Corporate Vampire, part 1...
I received an email recently asking what I do.
I don't remember how I worded my response, but I think it was something like this:
I'm reluctant to go into much detail... I think if people knew what I did all day long -- if they REALLY knew -- I would quickly lose what little respect I have earned on VR.
See, I'm in advertising.
that's all I'm going to say for now, but in the spirit of full-disclosure I wanted to state that again.
It's on my profile, so it's not a secret.
But isn't this where you'd expect to find vampires; among the glass and steel 'belfries' of corporate America?
See, I think that's exactly where they'd be.
Okay... I'll 'fess up, I'm not really a vampire.
not the blood-drinking type, anyway.
Maybe a psi-vampire....
I know I'm not the only one...
I don't often wish to rant about work... so here is where I shall do so. In the back of the cave, where it's dark and quiet. The bats call it guano, and so shall I.
Vampire droppings, if you will.
Speaking of rants....
Not to sound petty, but the woman in the office next to me slurps her coffee every morning; from 9:05am to 10:40am.
After each slurp, she sets the coffee cup down with a loud THUNK!
Every day. Every morning.
slurp THUNK! slurp THUNK!
slurp THUNK!
slurp THUNK!
for 90 minutes.
and it drives me insane.
Yeah, I lied.
That was very petty.
and it felt great.
Next topic; EVIL.
hands up... who still likes me?
02:10 May 02 2008
*raises her hand* ME!!! :D
03:35 May 02 2008
my hand is up...but don't tell the other vampires
16:05 May 02 2008
(mr. burns)
01:43 Aug 31 2008
drink lady`s blood
drink the coffee
and don`t forget about the
all is guano, my friend!
08:34 Oct 25 2008
ooo...a corporate vampire...*smiles* there's nothing wrong with being petty once in awhile
17:43 Nov 07 2008
Hmm that is just as bad as my pettyness of hating to hear people slurp the milk out of the bowl of cereal... Raises her hand I still like ya.
22:13 Dec 15 2008
Hand Up!
07:59 Dec 23 2008
*waves hands around in a crazy-person like fashion as she bounces her head maliciously off of the wall*
Ya Still got my Vote Sweety!!
*rocks back and forth on floor watching the computer screen for the next entry...*
ummm I'm addicted to journals now ^ see ^.. and yours is highly entertaining...
22:18 Jan 06 2009
Give her a pack of bendy straws. Go the extra mile and stick a bow on it. Chicks dig that "mystery admirer" crap.
15:02 Jan 28 2009
I think that I had better stop speed reading lol...unable to see how I missed this!!! Feck these dam blinkers!
22:47 Nov 03 2009
*raises hand*lol
Your funny with a touch of evil.