ThothLestat's Journal

ThothLestat's Journal


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little things

15:40 May 26 2008
Times Read: 870

little things...

Life is hard on the little things...

-Nicolas Cage, Raising Arizona

I know. It's ridiculous to kick this off with a quote from a movie, and a comedy at that. But it's a good quote and it's the first thing that came to mind two days ago.

See, several weeks ago, a few birds got into my screened-porch and made themselves at home. This is mainly a testament to my own procrastination -- I never got around to fixing the hole in the screen (I still blame the raccoons for this, though I can't prove it).

Once the birds moved in, it seemed rude of me to kick them out. I figured they were safer from predators on my porch. And I wasn't really using my porch much.

Plus, in a selfish way, I could enjoy their company. My porch became a giant bird-aquarium. What are those called? Bird-arium? That sounds about right. (I'm kidding. I really DO know what they're called).

Anyway, they built a little nest and had 5 little eggs. The eggs hatched and they had 5 little birds. I sorta named them Pointy, Chirpy, Squeaky, Beaky, and Nathan Jr. (a reference to the Arizona Quintuplets from Raising Arizona). See? It all comes back to that.

And now, the bad news.

The birds abandoned their nest two days ago and flew away, but not without leaving something behind. Sadly, two of the little ones died. I found them face down on the porch. Total bummer.

I buried them out in the back yard, near the tree where I buried my cat (she died of cancer 2 years ago) - I think she'd enjoy the company. The bluejays and robins gave a wonderful eulogy.

But yeah, it's a total bummer. I know the odds are stacked pretty heavily against the little ones in life. But I figured I gave the birds the benefit of shelter and safety from predators. Maybe that's worth something, after all, 3 of the 5 little birds survived. Humans may be the only creature where the Strong and the Capable take care of the Weak and the Infirm -- it's a credit to our species, really. And, sometimes, it becomes apparent that Nature doesn't really work that way.

I suppose I hate being reminded of that.



16:43 May 26 2008

Well you did better than me and my family of great tits hon.

16:58 May 26 2008

You buried the little birdies?? You really did? What are you? Perfect????? Damn distance... :(

You have a heart of gold, don't you? lol This has to be the most precious thing I've heard of in a long, long time. You showed them little critters a courtesy that I'm sure most of us wouldn't. I'm sad to say it, but I don't know if I would myself. Maybe. If I didn't use the porch and I didn't mind them flying around and pooping everywhere. Well, and it would be kinda cool to watch them have their babies and see the babies grow. Pipa would love that! lol I'm side-tracked though. By you giving those birds a chance they might not have had, you have shown that you care. Caring is so rare.

While it's true that we do take care of our more weaker counterparts, it's also true that, sometimes, we don't. It's good to know that there are people like you out there to pick up the slack. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Really. :)

I bet you earned, like, lots of good Karma points for that!!! *steals them* :P

20:34 May 26 2008

GREAT movie. One of my favorites.

Do you see why I want you to write? Your journal entries, be they rare, are high points in my day. Thank you. You are a delight.

15:31 May 27 2008

I was reading Pipa a book last night, a book of prayers, and I came a long a little prayer that made me think of you and your little birds.

Dear Father,

hear and bless

Thy beasts

and singing birds:

And guard

with tenderness

Small things

that have no words.


14:47 Jul 31 2008

I'm glad I read your last post before I read this post; see for me they go together. When I was in undergrad one of my best friends had been part of the film crew who filmed Raising AZ. His name is Star...yep, his mom was a Beatles fan and if he was born a girl it would have been Strawberry. We have lost touch. Well, not we. I went down a path most of my intelligent friends chose not to follow. They tried to keep me from going, but refused to follow. Self-preservation. I'm proud of them and glad they didn't jump into the water with me...it had freaking electrical appliances in there! But I burned and recreated myself again, like all good Phx do.

I now am a therapist for very young children. I hear and see the worst or the worst cases releated to trauma, neglect and abuse. I would have to say the birds' odds of 3 out of 5...are pretty good. I might take those over the odds of most of the children I see. I think man is born with the capacity to protect--but occassionaly something gets fucked up at the manufactuers and a person gets out w/out a concious.

3 out of 5...hell that aint bad. See if those birds were human parents/adults and not mom/dad birds---they would have thrown the little birds out way before they were ready or maybe they just woudn't have feed them at all. *cries for children lost* thank you for your journal entry...

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