The hits keep on comin'. We just had another round of lay-offs. 20% of our staff lost their jobs this morning. My department went from 6 people to 2. Luckily, I'm one of the two.
I should be grateful that I have a job, but it's bittersweet. I feel awful for my former co-workers, even the annoying woman in the next office who slurped her coffee and slammed her mug on her desk after every sip.
We're running out of non-executives to lay off, but the rumor is that the execs took huge pay cuts so that more people could keep their jobs. I wonder how much worse this day could have been.
I didn't need another reason to hate Mondays. but I have one.
Lay offs....
This sucks.
We had to lay-off two people this morning. Damn this economy. Damn it!
Of course, the way HR says it "they were let go this morning..." as if we're setting them free like lion cubs raised in captivity. Off ya go! You're free now! Be free!
They're free alright. They're effin' unemployed.
It sucks for them. They were excellent employees and were fun to work with; young, hard-working, eager to learn, and full of energy. But when clients cut back their budgets due to the economy, we had to make cuts as well. I get it. I really do.
The thing is -- the cuts only seem to come from the bottom. We had two people "let go" who made $30,000 each, yet we have over a dozen account execs who make 6 figure salaries. I'm not even sure what half of them do besides play golf with clients. I know where I'd make the cuts if it were up to me. Just sayin'.
Morale is at an all-time low. Everyone is nervous about their jobs... and it shows.
Things need to improve soon.
Ehhh.... I should probably log-off and get back to work.
*grumbles to himself*
sorry to hear you're having a hard time with work.
The word management is now the most severe insult one person can hurl at another at my place just now.
I so agree with what you say...*hugs*.
I'd like to fire at least one person now... But unlike you're situation, they're not an excellent employee. I'm sure in these trying times, we could find someone to replace them who actually deserves this god damn job. Not someone who doesn't want to do any work in a correct manner and collect a check for it.
it sucks doesn't it?
We had to lay off two people today. My boss made me write 2 letters of recommendations for them yesterday when I went to get my check =[
I feel bad we are understaffed as it is, but we can't afford to keep them on anymore...
I hope the economy picks up soon...
this shit really does suck...
oh and btw hun, I am not annoying...
I am Keri durr ;)
for once i would like to see execs take care of their employees during a slow economy
i'd like to hear about a group of execs who cut their own huge salaries, even just the littlest big, to help out those under them, instead of having to 'let go' people who work hard and do a good job for those same execs.
it seems to me that the interest is more about 'what can i put in my own pocket' and not 'what can i do for these people who are helping put that in my pocket'
Sounds bad dude. Sorry. Here I am grumbling that I hate my job and there are some who would kill for it. Best I keep my chopper closed me thinks.
You look after that job of your...I don't want you ending up like me....
Sack the management, bunch of over paid wankers!!
Pink Slipphobia.. Everyone silently reviewing how their productivity compares to the next guy..
16:59 Mar 30 2009
I am sorry hun.
17:19 Mar 30 2009
More *hugs*.
18:48 Mar 30 2009
That is going to be a rather glum Office Fourth Of July Picnic, if they even have the budget for the Annual Shindig
18:50 Mar 30 2009
Remember be a moving target, hustlers never get fired. Unless they personally offend someone involved in the process of deciding lay-offs (I have seen such cases).
18:54 Mar 30 2009
on the positive side:
my trivia team still has 4 members so I think we're gonna win the next big trivia death match!
also on the glass-is-half-full side of things:
bigger slices of cake for everyone at the next office birthday event!
(but fewer birthdays overall)
19:13 Mar 30 2009
Is the woman who liked to watch you eat bananas still there?
19:15 Mar 30 2009
no, she's gone too!
Cloud... Silver lining... etc.
00:32 Mar 31 2009
Wow - a close call, huh? Glad that you still have your job!
00:38 Mar 31 2009
WHAT!? Coffeeslurpingmugthumper is gone? NNOOOOOO!!!! *tries to stifle sobs*
10:49 Mar 31 2009
Must be quite scary for you...what's the other person like who your stuck with..or who is stuck with you lol.
13:24 Mar 31 2009
I'm pretty sure he's bipolar and has multiple personalities. He's friendly and helpful one minute, then belligerent and angry the next.
And these are EXACTLY the skills I look for in a manager. FUN!