Yep. Yet another attempt to stoke the flames of anger & drama that seem to reign supreme at the VR ranch.
I get it, I do. You probably think that you're a clever satirist, attempting to expose our folly and shallowness with your witty "I hate everyone and everything" attitude.
But you're no satirist. You're not clever enough -- or smart enough -- to pull it off. You wouldn't know satire if it stubbed your toe. You wouldn't recognize irony either.
Oh sure, you're ironic, but only accidentally. I won't even tell you how this is so. You'll just have to figure it out, if you can.
That's why I said "Your kung fu is weak."
Hell, at least Abaddon made it clear that it was his policy to rate 1s to everyone.
His stamp was clever. Humorous. Satirical, even.
See, it's been done before. By better people. Smarter people. Funnier people.
You come off as a petulant child.
Which, of course, you are.
I don't care about the rating. Your ONE doesn't hurt me in the least.
But I care about your impact on the general tone at VR. Anger begets anger, and all that.
You have nothing to say, and nothing to offer this site but your petulance.
p.s. Please go away. Now.
16:14 Dec 10 2008
Reminds me of That 70's Show
"You leave Canada, please!
16:20 Dec 10 2008
Hmmm, sounds like yet another troll. And not even a funny troll.
22:50 Dec 10 2008
Awww man... There was a lovely "New" stamp under Thoth's journal. Those are like M&Ms to me. Screw you, ONE-giver; You robbed me of a snarky fix. Infidel!
06:45 Dec 15 2008
Abbadon? The exTerminator?
funny indeed.
I think you misspelled cleaver for clever.
And humongous for humorous.
And Satires were those bearded ugly guys?Well, Abbadon was not bearded I think...
22:10 Dec 15 2008
Stubbed toe wishes to such children.
22:43 Dec 17 2008
Oh at least I gave you a
03:20 Dec 18 2008
yeah, but i earned it.
07:55 Dec 23 2008
hahaha you're awesome dear!