Fuck you, Halloween 2!
knock it off!!
There are so many reasons to love Home Depot.
The fact that I can go into ONE store and buy gloves, duct tape, rope, chains, bleach, and a wood chipper... and NO ONE asks me a single question.
I heart them.
Don't forget the oil!
It helps when you need to put something in a very confide space and it seems stuck.
Just throw a little of that oil on their and poof that sucka slips right through!
LOL well see I learned something new today. Makes a note " don't piss off thothlestat!!!" hehehehehe
I might have asked them too many questions about the wood chipper rental.... like size limitations & if it's necessary to clean it afterwards.
A friend of mine just emailed me this:
Whenever someone says "I'm not book smart, but I'm street smart", all I hear is "I'm not real smart, but I'm imaginary smart".
and I know that it's too clever for them to have thought of it.
hahahha... awesome...
Ha! For real :P
I know, right?
In a away I feel honored that she would feel the need to borrow someone else's joke -- and it IS a funny joke. But it's not that important to me that she wrote it herself or not.
It's a great quote, I may send this to somone!
I woke up this morning convinced -- convinced -- that it was Friday already.
This seems to happen to you a lot........I know it is ALIENS.....ALIENS ARE STEALING YOU IN THE NIGHT!
* dam them! *
*looks warily up at the sky*
*wraps head in tinfoil*
they're stealing my thoughts.
just so you know...
tomorrow isn't friday either :)
don't let them tell you otherwise ;]
I'm hoping that tomorrow feels like Monday, Thursday will feel like next Tuesday, and Friday will feel like last Saturday.
I wonder if I should stop drinking cough syrup.
Fuck I hate that. Happens to me all the time.
Your entry however prompted me to asking myself...what is the day today anyway? (another problem I have)
Wednesday, my night off.
Then I realised that then it must be Tuesday for you.
"guts for you" (your kiwi-sm for the day)
Wow today is the day!
I just got back from a trip out to the New Mexico desert. Hot & dry. Full of snakes and strange plants.
I saw the sunrise between the mountains. I saw the stars against a desert sky. I ate a lot of very hot & spicy food. And drank tequila.
*rocks back and forth, bites lip*
Sometimes, getting away from everything familiar & putting yourself into completely alien surroundings allows you to see things differently.
:P Or the tequila helps you see things differently...
man, I need some enchiladas and Hatch green chiles.
Reading this made me really want good Mexican food...dammit - where is the ex when I could use his culinary skills?
Suddenly, I have received a lot of emails from friends asking me to provide a reference or a recommendation. I'm not sure if this means that the job market is looking better, or getting worse. I want to be helpful & write an honest assessment of their work, with lots of good ACTION words and POWERFUL phrases. Like this:
So-and-so is a dedicated employee whose intelligence and hard work are only surpassed by her motivation to excel... blah blah blah...
What's-His-Face met each assigned task with a high level of enthusiasm and energy... blah blah blah...
After writing three of these today they start to sound the same. Interchangeable.
I think I'm going to create a Recommendation Generator that spits out a collection of pre-written phrases that are generic enough to apply to just about anyone in any field of expertise.
In the meantime, I am going to respond to my friends with a form letter:
I have known this person for ___ years.
I hereby endorse this former co-worker and/or current friend and can attest to their satisfactory occupational performance, proficient abilities, adequate language skills, and/or acceptable hygiene. They would be a welcome addition to your office, team, workforce, and/or bowling league.
Warmest regards,
You know what - that would answer more questions for me as an interviewer than most peoples' résumés answer...
Dear Thoth lestat,
As I deem your opinion of high esteem, I humbly request a reference for my Cirriculum Vitae.
I like it, yeah you can write one for me.
I'm going out of town for a few days next week & will have to board my dogs at a kennel. They've had all their shots, but now I have to fill out an effin' 5 page application.
Part of this form has "psychological" profile stuff on it.
This is hilarious:
"Q. What percentage of the time does your dog respond to commands?"
I respect my dogs. I don't make a lot of demands. I don't command them about for my own entertainment. They sit when I tell them. They come when they're called.
If I said to them: "Get the phone" or "sweep the floor" they wouldn't obey. They'd roll their eyes and go back to sleep.
There's not enough room on the form for that answer.
I'm going to say "97%"
(it took me over an hour to fill out these forms)
Well, in any case, have a nice trip. I know the doggies will miss ya'!
(Of course they may be pissed off at being boarded, so when they get home, they may demand that you roll over and play dead).
Ah well, my imaginary dog Bonzo would have filled the form in himself lol
I am suprised you don't have to take them in and have them 'assessed'.... that would probably involve them laying on some kind of couch. Leaving them scarred for life after answering a list of questions about their father 'Thoth'.
They probably make the dogs work for them, answering the phone and whatnot. All hell is going to break loose for that business when your dogs won't keep up with the paperwork.
oh, well, damn, lol.
And did you fill it out in a serious way?......(ummmm)...oh dam it!
Yes, at one point the application asks:
"Q. Has your dog ever bitten anyone?"
And I wanted to say something funny like...
yes but I don't think the tax collector really qualifies as 'human'...
In the spirit of full-disclosure, my dog DID try to bite the pizza delivery boy, but I gave the kid a 10 meter head start. He really should have been running faster.
You're ahead of the game. When Meatball hears my voice, he stops, drops, and rolls...anything voiced by me = a belly rub. I respond to his commands about 97% of the time. I don't share my food near as often as he'd like...but then again, he rarely brings me a mouthful of kibble when I'm a good girl!
I think the psychological question in this case was for you... maybe they wanted to know that you are able to respond rationally after the first questions! A PSYCHOlogical questions!
I saw a snake in my yard this morning. It was small, so I let it pass without a quarrel.
And no, Morri, I didn't get a good look at its face.
I stand by my specist slur:
They all look about the same to me.
How could you ever say that? It is like saying all Toths are the same, and that is simply not true. You are far more distinguished in absurdity.
No doubt it would have stopped to quarrel with you had it known you were a specist.
Umm, that's what SHE said! Ha cha cha cha....
Yep, long and thin and hiss at you if you poke them with a large stick!
Oh, c'mon! Where's the fun? The excitement? You could have asked the snake about the Forbidden Fruit.
don't tell anyone... but it might have been a poisonous snake! Maybe a cottonmouth.
*looks around nervously*
All snakes are poisonous. (My own personal slur) You could have died! I'm so glad you're okay.
01:48 Aug 31 2009
01:54 Aug 31 2009
it's driving my Firefox insane. Every damned page brings a teaser for Halloween 2. I gotta switch to Google chrome. I hate to switch browsers though. I really like Firefox.
it might be easier to log off for a while... I mean, True Blood is coming on soon.
02:18 Aug 31 2009
I'm using firefox and I'm not having any problems.
02:32 Aug 31 2009
Well I am using Chrome, the damn thing never came on my profile hardly before the release......now it's out I can barely go between pages with Michael flippping ripping through screen... arghhhh
03:36 Aug 31 2009
yea! you tell it! *backs away slowly*
03:53 Aug 31 2009
it looks like Cancer fixed it.
I humbly withdraw my vented spleen.
10:00 Aug 31 2009
11:46 Aug 31 2009
Everyone keeps talking about these ads.. I haven't seen one in several weeks...
Watch, now that I said that I will get the back load of them running across my screen waving a banner going HA! And YOU thought you escaped us!
^-^ It pays to be a premium member now ;)
12:36 Aug 31 2009
I said that about the first one it didn't :(
12:49 Sep 01 2009
Lol, I still use IE!
I don't have that many issues with them....well none now it's fixed.
13:42 Sep 01 2009
I didn't even try IE. I switched to Google Chrome, but it makes things look a little funny & I need to import my bookmarks.
I really like Firefox and I have lots of cool extensions loaded on to it. *evil grin*
01:55 Sep 06 2009
Cinns prayers were heard!
Great idea about the commercials!