I've been gone for at least two months which I'm kind of upset about because I enjoy this website. It helps me escape from reality which is fun.
The reason I was gone for so long was actually due to my reality. I've had a lot going on and I drifted away from the internet. But now I'm back and it makes me happy. I like talking to random people online and I enjoy this website.
School is starting on August 22 which is unnerving. I've never been a fan of school and I think many can relate. I've never fit in and people don't really like me.
I'm starting to accept that though and I only have two years of high school left anyways. I can make it through.
But recently, I've entered a situation that's really bothering me. My parents are having trouble accepting me. They've always said that no matter what, they would always accept me and never judge me but now they've went back on their promise.
They dislike my fascination with the Gothic subculture and how I've embraced it. They think it's weird and have tried to stop me from being myself. But this is who I am, this is what makes me happy. I think a lot of people go through this, especially people who are like me. My mother and I have always been close but now we're drifting apart because of this. I just wish they could accept me for who I am because they're pushing me away.
I need some wise advice from an experienced person.
06:47 Aug 16 2016
Time fixes a lot of this... when they see you're still YOU, with them, that matters (even if they don't admit it).
I'm pretty sure you understand why they are worrying...
No one wants their offspring to be discriminated against or treated like a second class person (which is what the str8 world can do to people who look different).
So, they try to discourage you...
Stick by your principles. Be true to yourself.
07:25 Aug 16 2016
Your parents shouldn't be trying to change you, and basically the only thing that you've changed is your outer appearance I'm guessing. I highly doubt your personality has changed that much, I could be wrong because I don't know you on a personal level, actually I don't know you at all, but you don't have to drift apart from your mother. If need be, have a good talk with her, let her know how you feel. The school thing, don't worry about it because even though some say "we'll always be friends no matter what, we won't lose contact...." that changes. Those you were once close with will seem like strangers and you'll meet newer people who you will be even closer with. Just focus on the things you do like and what get's you through the day.