OK so i officially think my teachers are hypocritical assholes.
I go to two schools during the day.
One is a specialized trade school and the other is a normal high school.
My high school has a "zero tolerance policy" about cell phones.
My morning school doesn't care about cell phones at all as long as your not making calls.
Today was the first time i forgot to turn my phone off when i got to the high school.
You are suppose to leave your phone off and in your locker.
I do not use my locker because i only have one class with a text book.
Also, i do not know the combination to the lock.
I had accidental set an alarm to go off at around 11am.
So of course it goes off in the middle of class.
My teacher takes it away when i pull it out of my bag to shut it off.
Their policy is once it is taken the first time you can get it back in 24 hours.
School is not open Saturday...
I don't get my phone back until MONDAY!
The administration is not at all understanding.
I understand that it was my fault for not turning it off.
What makes me mad is that prior to this the same teacher who took my phone made a call during our class with his cell phone.
why do teachers have the right to do this but i get punished for an accident?
This pisses me off immensely