My hearts been shattered
Not sure if it will mend
Yes i love another, but he wont extend a hand
The first one ive loved
Has put a gun to my heart
Left me here to die alone
I'm drowning in my sorrow; I'm choking on my blood
Will i ever be at peace again?
No answer to my soul
I'm silently slowly dying
Will anyone ever know
The love i wish id gotten all buried in the snow
He never adored me he always ignored me
I guess i got what i deserve
I deserve to die without a space
In the hearts i love
I'm drowning in my sorrow im choking on my blood
This is the end
Forever more
I'm silent as a dove..
Beauty in her smile
Eyes to stay a while
Luster of her hair
Skin so smooth and bare
Mind to speak
Laughter from the cheek
Lips to kiss
Curves you cant miss
Desire from the heart
Teasing her part
Passion burning hot
Seeking that spot....
06:55 Nov 30 2011
thats beautiful hun :)