I just need to get this out.......
Whats wrong with me? Why can't I be happy with what I have? I seem to always want what I cannot have or what is out of my reach.
Take men for an example....lol
Most men that fall into my life seem to all be freaking married!!! wtf!! Yes, I have dated them, if thats what you want to call it. I am not proud of it at all! Im very ashamed.
My best friend is very high in the moral department but, loves me and accepts what I do. But, she harps on me about the sanctity of marriage. But, shouldn't the guy not be tempted to stray too...fuck. OK anyways....off that part of it.
Even when I find someone that is single, they ......
grrrrrr be back to edit this in a few......need to get my head around it...
hello my dearest journal......
Sorry I haven't been writing in you for a bit. Been keeping a lot to myself...
Lots of things running through my brain these days and hell I cant seem to get anything to settle down for 5 mins.....lol
I am not ready to share much at this moment but, just wanted to touch base with you and say hi.
02:23 Jan 31 2008
I love you so much.
15:16 Feb 03 2008
dont sweat it - we all do it. i've dated a few married women (and one or two married men), and dont feel any guilt. sometimes people need to have an extra marital affair to keep themselves from going crazy. sometimes it is just a bit of release, sometimes it's because they are truly not happy in their relationship.
humans are complex creatures - extremely social and gregarious, so monogamy is really going against our nature. we also have relatively long lives,and we all have different needs. people change, and we can love people in different ways.
if when you applied for a new job you had to sign a declaration to always work for that firm, no matter what changes are made to the working conditions, and you were never allowed to leave that job for your entire life, no promotion, no retirement - well that would be totally unreasonable. so why expect it of relationships?
nobody has the right to own another person forever.