TheeLadyHawk's Journal

TheeLadyHawk's Journal


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4 entries this month

Emotions all over the place this week

14:19 Aug 29 2010
Times Read: 532

Ok, Looks like its nearly here now. In less than 24 hours I will be on an operating table, having my stuff taken out and getting a tune up.

You know I'm not scared or nervous. I'm really just put out. Put out that it has to take so long to heal. I am not a good patient. I cannot sit/lay still for too long. Doc wanted me out 4-6 weeks but, I told him and will again tomorrow morning.....that he gets three weeks and thats it. I need to be back at work for one. and two my babes need me. I will do what I am told for the first week.....and we will go from there.

I heal quickly so maybe it really wont take me as long as others.

So.......ready, not worried, anxious (to be done w/ it) restless.......

Now on a happier note. :o)

I had my face to face interview on Friday. It went very well. She said she had two more interviews Monday but was sure she had what she wanted to make a decission already. So hopefully I will hear something by the end of the week. I really would like to have this position. I am so excited but trying to keep it down low so I don't get my hopes up too much. But its hard.

Citimortgage sounds like a great place to make a new career. The position is more than I could have hoped for...and it sounds great.

A Corporate Relo Closer. Working with the top Fortune 500 companies. Yes! They have tons of benifits and they do some awesome charity work and promotions. I told her their marketing department is fantastic. It sounds like a place I want to be part of. If things slow down in one department they cross train you in another one. Not to mention the amount of networking.....their building is pretty big and there I would say are at least 5-800 ppl working there.

Anyway.......excited, hopefull, trying to hold back.......guess we will see.

So whomever is reading.......please send good thoughts and luck my way......thank you.



11:03 Sep 05 2010

Consider them sent sugar-

But you do what the doctor tells you- the last thing you want to do is to do something stupid like get back to it too soon, and end up making yourself REALLY sick and land in the hospital for amonth because you tore something up. I"m just saying...

18:36 Sep 06 2010

Thank you RQ :o) I am trying to be good.


whew what a day

04:12 Aug 25 2010
Times Read: 545

I think I needed more coffee this morning. It was my forced day off and I had my pre-op appt and my urologist appt. Did my pre-op they took blood really fast too.....man. She stuck me and when I opened my eyes she was putting the cotton ball on and had two viles already........I must bleed pretty quick. Then off to the urologist. Ok I don't know why I was surprisede when he said he had to actually look down there and poke around. WTH couldn't he just take my word for it. I sneeze I pee. I cough I pee. Its simple. ........ugh.......its a good thing he was nice to look at, cuz he stuck a cathider (sp) in me. OMFG! I just wanted to cry.....but he was so cute. and I was so embarrased. So.......I get a nice little hamick for my bladder next week. woo hoo.

To finish off the day.....I got a phone call from a company that I have placed a few apps with.....and I had a phone interview. Hmmmmmmmm and a face to face scheduled for Friday morning.

My irons are hot and I'm juggling as carefully as I can..... :o)

that phone call made me sorta forget about how much the cath. hurt.



08:49 Aug 25 2010

You're simply incredible .. love you. x


02:05 Aug 20 2010
Times Read: 557

Ok so, looks like I will be doing some pre-op on the 24th and going to the urologist as well. My tentive surgery date is August 30th. Now I just need to make arrangements for the boys since I won't be able to drive for a bit.

Things will be ok. They always work out. Hopefully I can get back to work in two weeks not the four or more doc says.

ugggg....I don't know what to do with Patrick. He is 9 going on 2. Damn. He doesn't agree with anything and everything is a fight. He fights about doing homework, eating taking a bath......grrrrrrr everything thing. We cannot have one single conversation that doesn't involve me yelling at the end. I swear I am on the verge of child abuse some times. I have to just put him in his room and walk away.....

He still has fiits......wtf is that all about?! Supposedly he does this at his dads too. Sean said their dad has had to sit down and hold his chest a few times after yelling with Patrick. I some times wonder if he would benifit from going to a military school or something for even just a week away from both houses. He thinks its cool to hear about kids in juvie as he calls it. I am just not sure what to do with him at the moment. I don't want him to go anywhere but I need to figure something out for him.



15:25 Aug 20 2010

Just remember if you need the 4 week then take them. If you don't and you strain something, you could be looking at 6 months rest!

Patrick reminds me of someone ... oh yea .. it's me!


this entry is def tmi.....so be warned

03:35 Aug 17 2010
Times Read: 565

So yesterday my indometriosis (sp) decided it wanted attention. Yeah. well it got my full attention and the boys too. But, at least I was able to get the yard work done before I planted myself on the couch for the rest of the afternoon....evening then to bed. OMG.....normally when it kicks in it last maybe 12hr no more than a day. Well as I am sitting here its thru gritted teeth. day two and its hurting pretty bad. I went to the doctor today.for more pain meds and we talked about having a complete H. So.....I will be talking to my boss tomorrow and deciding when I will be going on short term disability. I am hoping its no more than four weeks. Doc asked me if I have any bladder leakage when I sneeze or cough....ha......every day since my 9yr old was born. So I have a call into an uraligous(sp) I know thats wrong.but I am hurting too much to care. anyways he said may as well have my bladder lifted while Im in there.....since I have a huge deductable....smart thinking on his part.

So I will be doing that in september. I am sure after Im all better I will be so glad and wonder why I waited so long. Oh he did say he will leave my left ovary so I don't have to take shots or drugs for hormones.

I suppose while I am out I will also work on looking for work. I am sure my company won't mind me being gone for a month........since that will save someone else's job for that long. I just hope I will have one when I go back :(

Hmmm back to my girl stuff....this is weird.....also this is where the TMI comes in....so stop reading if you don't want to know any more.

I have noticed that this time (cycle) I can't really sit and be comfortable. Can't sit straight up. I feel like things are pressing together or theres too much down there.

I just realized what that might be......Doc says I have some long word, for my uteris being spongy and heavy when my time comes....and in turn he says it drops down.....a sinking feeling. OH yeah.....its there. Of course now that I am concious of it I am afraid to stand up or uncross my legs for fear it will fall out.!!!! LOL>........my imagination is on overload.....



02:27 Aug 20 2010

Prolapsed uterus? You need a cooter-lift sis lol...I hope everything works out for you and you get all better soon..that is horrible to suffer so much. And I hope your job situation improves too.

13:54 Aug 20 2010

LOL.........yeppers that sums it up sugar! Thank you for the giggle :o)

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