So in the end the beer has won....
I have been woken up by Mrs Ban a short while ago...ok I had fallen asleep. I had worked a 12 hour shift on Tuesday night. Gone swimming and caught a cat nap!
I can hear the sweet sounds of her silently screaming at me now to come to bed...(Something to do with being sad and....)
....I could still fart on her *chuckles* and blame it on the beer!
I am still reading journals and will need to go back to some, as I eat my way through them! Wow I did miss a lot in my weeks away!
I will get round to them soon!
You say weeks? I swear it only felt like you were gone for a weekend.
sure you will.
Wait till you get to the ones who say BAD stuff about ya....I stuck up for ya though....
Lol, I am sure there are many...I do tend to rub people up ^^ and not in a nice way lol
“A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road.”
'Henry Ward Beecher'
Well I went to bed in the end and got about 5 and a half hours sleeeeeep. I also managed to get my internet to work on my phone for about 120 seconds then it cut me off! Grraaa booted me off the Rave. I logged back in on the phone and got booted again because of the IP address. Bugger!
I now am home and back on the Rave lol!
I need some sleep but will stay awake....wouldn't want to miss anything!
This is more serious than I first thought! lol
I need help!
the only prescription is.... more vampre rave.
Ok I have soooo much to do and lot's to look at and lot's to read..
That's before I get online!
I was telling the xAXEWOMANx I have about thirteen journals left to read and catch up on...actually I have been to but not swam in yet ^^
...just dipped my toes in!
I must leave some more voice thingy things!
I will get to it, beware lol!
**whips you**
Get your arse to bed ;)
I will I will!
This is not good, not good!!! *radios in the special team* "yea, Theban is at it again."
ha ha ha
Will you actually have time to go to work dear ? lol
Well, I want to thank you for reading my journal - I appreciate it!
Got bored of rating *cracks fingers*
Time to eat some journals...with maybe the odd bogey! It's only salty dust for gods sake ^ ^
Ha, I just found one small packet of chocolate buttons.
I have just rolled one you can have!
ewww dirty me lol
more chocolate!!!!
not good naughty you ;)
Glad to have you back.
00:45 Nov 12 2009
and when you fall back asleep she might visit you with a frying pan.... :)
08:17 Nov 12 2009
Yep she has thrown water over me before....grumbles!
10:09 Nov 12 2009
That's almost romantic....almost.
21:44 Nov 28 2009
*shakes head*