Wow five years today I signed up on this profile and in that time I have spoken to many people all over the world about what they do and what they believe in. People are fascinating and this is a great site to explore the fascination., even though it can get a little rocky sometimes ; )
Thank you Rave
My daughter dancing in her group for Heal the World, I am so proud of her. She has only been dancing for 3 months
She is on the second row on the right with the white dress on and the one who holds her dress at the end of the dance.
They won gold.
Oh and what lovely west country accents lol
How awesome is that! I would be proud too if I were you.
It was lovely,thanks for posting it.
Lol she wanted me to show my friends on the Rave.
Good show, mate! I know how I beam over the efforts and accomplishments of my kids - I know you must be very proud. :)
That was soo cute!! xD
She looked like a little doll! :D
Really pretty! :)
Next stop FAME. Brilliant.
Gets it from her mum?!!
I watched the entire video.. she is so sweet! and did her dance very well :) You must be one very proud, Mr. Daddy Ban! :)
Now that was just adorable...!
Proud papa, eh??? I don't blame you. She danced like an angel!! Tell her that Cinnamon said, "You were awesome!" :)
The time has come for me to wander again through the vast halls of the Rave. I have messaged my Coven master Bloodlife and also messaged my intended new Coven master of my intentions.
I have had a fantastic time in Bloodlifes Coven where everyone has been very warm and welcoming and I would recommend it for a visit for a Sire or anyone who is looking for a Coven
Thanks Bloodlife
So while looking at illuminati spelling it backwards and typing in out pops ~Welcome to the National Security Agency - NSA/CSS National Security Agency/Central Security Service Public ~
I appear to not be the only one who has done this...
Then I typed in scavenger in there search engine, they do Maths lol!
Apart from a brain cell I think I am missing something
I do like psychology
o.O interesting... or should I say gnitseretni...
Lol it's not the backwards spelling that is special, it was the writing that made you read Illuminati both ways, when you turned it around as well.
But nevertheless.. cute attempt :P
Do find the whole clues scattered in dollars and such to be say the least..
Slowly but surely it is getting there, though I'm still having big issues with bar chords and having fingers like sausages that move like a stunted dwarfed ballerina on crack doesn't help.
I however, as explained to Mrs ban, need an electric guitar now because when I practice the acoustic all I get from Mrs Ban is
“That sounds pants”
“OMG your awful”
“Is that thing in tune or broken?”
“You’ve been torturing a cat again” Which is a reference to my singing whilst attempting to play, and to put it really bluntly when she has had enough..with a knowing look
"After all these years you still really sound shite”
“When are you going to sell it”
The biggest issue I have is getting the rhythm right...the up down strokes!
So I have explained to her if I get an electric one then I can plug in headphones into the amp and she won't hear it!
She still will not let me get one though so today I have bought her pink ear plugs!
You could always say you don't feel appreciated for putting so much effort into making a romantic love song for Mrs Ban :P
And if that doesn't work, I hear the crickets are looking for a guitar player to accompany them in their evening song..
*chirp chirp* xD
Poor devil, I have sympathy for you :P
Damn...and here I thought for sure you would have had that up/down stroke down pat!
Ha! You need a 100 watt Marshall 2x12 amp and some cool effects pedals. Distortion and volume are where it's at! She'll come around... eventually. Especially if you play Motorhead and AC-DC songs.
*air guitar*
yay Thoth has it right. Rock on Theban! and if you have a distortion pedal and a huge Marshall amp blasting, nobodys gonna know if the playing is good or not hahaha :P
Hard love in a reverse psychological sort of way. But it's all encouragement :-p
Poor Mrs. Ban.. I have a special pair of ear protectors that protect up to 125dBa that I always send across the water!
Well it's nice that you two can be openly frank with each other...
She loves you, but not your singing or guitar plucking.
So - an electric guitar is in order!
You will now be know as...Lister of the Rave :)
Mrs Ban and the beasts cheered on tonight as the plaster came off and I showed them my swollen nipple. At last they chanted....
Bloody well cost me over 20 quid when I had it done 12/13 years ago I think, and now it was out and healing nicely.
I miss my nipple ring but at my age just not cool so the beasts told me and I kept catching it and making it swell up all the time! It's still twice the size of the other one!
Good for!
Oh, maybe Mrs. Ban might keep flicking it all night long lol! Ask nicely eh
OMG...I cringed as I read this...ouch!
I still am going to miss it and it has pretty much healed over now though still is huge compared to the other one!
'Still twice the size of the other one' eh ... I must get that cock ring sorted!!!
Ha ha OMG that made me laugh!
So just a gentle message and a nudge in the right direction and I am really hoping it will work out for her. If it doesn't then I am sure it will eventually.
"I think that you need to be on medication, I am not able to remember if perhaps there is a trait of depression which runs in your veins, though I am aware that it appears you have Psychosis.
I am being really serious and I am showing genuine concern for you safety and others that you may work with or come into contact with.
I suggest you contact your therapist if you have one and if you don't, get one immediately."
'you safety'
lol I know I know....this is why I should use a checker all the time!!
The Secondary delusions appear to have kicked in now and one really needs to keep that in check, also it can also be as simple as a Vitamin B12 deficiency or a Vitamin D overdose, check your food intake!
At least talk to a Therapist
giggles, I would love to know who you are talking about because I know one of them too!
We could share notes heh!
Love you dear friend... now where are my meds...
When you said 'therapist', I thought you missed out the space between the 'e' and 'r'!!!!
Lol there is always one!
Oh have one of those at work too?
Irritating, isn't it?
So the Americans have supposedly killed Bin Laden. What I find interesting is that when Saddam was killed there were pictures for all to see, why not with Bin Laden?
Cameron must be asked the question, WHY are we sending money to Pakistan, when they are harbouring known terrorists, I just do not believe the Pakistanis did not know he was there right next to a military base.
How quickly we forget the FUNDS which flowed from USA to IRA (thats Irish Republican Army, not Individual Retirement Account) before 9/
Just a little dig you know!
They do have pictures of him but you know they have technology there as well so they are running DNA tests and such. Also, he has at least 9 to 10 living sons. I am sure they knew in Pakistan he was there. They didn't want to get involved. It was politics and religion. I don't believe they didn't know we were coming. It kept their hands clean as far as Islam and public opinion.
Throws tomatoes at you.
Oh and Saddam was executed and it was not by the "Americans". Whereas Bin Laden was killed in a raid...shot in the head. Two different things. CNN is going on and on about it. Watch. By the way, "the Americans" did not kill him, the government sent in covert military and they did that. We have no say over that but most are happy because of 9/11.
I think pictures and DNA tests will be forthcoming, but I don't think they will convince everyone. The money that was sent to Pakistan bought their passivity. They turned a blind eye when the Navy SEALs went in to attack the compound. I think there was a Pakistan military base nearby. They HAD to have known what was happening.
Oh great *glum look* so if Thoth is right that will turn the bastard into another Elvis Presley.. Is he, or isn't he? heh
Lol I think Thoth 'is' right, I think that he died ages ago lol!
I'm gonna wait for the film, Hollywood always tells the truth :-p
OY! lol
What..."the Americans" did not kill him, the government sent in covert military"
Yeah and the military are American : P
So the Americans killed him lol!
That's why I say 'Don't trusst the gov't!' lol!
And on a more serious note...whether the gruesome pics are shown or not, there will always be some who will come up with a conspiracy theory about the event.
Also - if Bin Laden was truly buried at sea, he got more than he's not like his body was blown to pieces like his victims, you know?
14:33 May 20 2011
I'm about 1 month behind you but you've nailed one of the best things about this site. When you look beyond the nuts there's some very interesting people with amazing views about the world from so many different points of view. Congrats on sticking with it :)
17:26 May 20 2011
So glad you did hun, WE LOVE YOU!
17:41 May 20 2011
Happy anniversary :-)
18:53 May 20 2011
Yay! Congratulations! and many years to come! :D
20:16 May 20 2011
Five years? I thought that you were on for less, like around three years - like me...
Well - time does fly when you're having fun, doesn't it?
01:21 May 21 2011
We luvs ya!
15:46 May 22 2011
Mr. Ban, so lovely to know a gentleman like you on the site :) I hope you enjoy the next five yourself! Coming up on 7 myself... it's an addiction to last a lifetime :)
16:07 May 22 2011
Coming up on 7!!! Holy pigeon poo!
14:39 May 23 2011
I've been here five years too. I had a friend tell me once that in order to get what I paid for as far as my Lifetime Membership goes I need to be here seven years. So, guess I'll stick around at least that long. Maybe longer . . . if y'all are lucky! :P
Happy anniversary!