Ok this is a script for relaxation and well being, I have put this on cd now but thought I would stick it in here so if anyone reads it they will see the power in words. It takes about thirty minutes to read it slowly, but of course it is up to who ever come's across it, to read it in the way that they wish*smiles*
So make your self comfortable now, either siting in a chair or lying down, and if your going to close your eyes to go into trance, well you can do it now.
And if you open them as you go along well that's fine, it's really up to you. initially you can just let your self be exactly where you are. Just feeling what your feeling, experiencing what your experiencing. And not particular trying to relax or feel more comfortable or make yourself go into trance and just let any conscious distractions that are there, be there. What ever conscious efforts are there to be there just letting your self be there in your own way, to start the process of going into trance in a way that works for you. It might be that you begin to feel some processes of change......Changes in your perceptions maybe an alteration in your feelings, your sensations, And maybe now also some feeling of changes in your muscles that you have sometimes with trance. And in a moment we can continue with that process of relaxation. That process that is so important to us all. When we relax were in control when we relax, we see things clearly, when we relax we can do the things we want to do. I want you to start now by thinking from the top of your head...that's a good place to start, and also a place where tension often starts, in the little muscles of the scalp, I want you to think about those little muscles in the skin of your scalp....just let them go and relax. And now think about all those muscles in your face and just let your skin go slack. Your forehead your eyes, your eyelids relaxing, your cheeks mouth, jaw muscles. Isn't it such a wonderful feeling when you let all your muscles in your face relax. You can actually feel the skin settling, smoothing out. It might mean that your mouth opens a little what ever is right for you, just relax and let it happen. You know that the more you physically relax the more you can mentally relax. And the more that you mentally relax the more you physically relax.
And now allow that relaxation to move into your neck, your shoulders, the tops of your arms, tensions just draining away. I always imagine that its just an ocean of calmness, an ocean of calmness just moving down your body, a wonderful peaceful feeling. And now be aware of you back and stomach muscles and that ocean of calmness making you completely at ease and just as comfortable as you your self would like to be, that's right. Down to your waist and hips now, relaxing into your legs, your knees, shins, through your calf's, into your ankles, down into the very tips of your toes, that ocean of calmness leaving you at ease and so very comfortable and while you are in trance I want you to just let now your mind and imagination drift, in a moment Iam going to ask you to imagine certain things, but you know it doesn't matter if you cant imagine all the things that iam going to be asking, you may find your mind wandering quite a bit, so that my voice fades into the background. It doesn't matter if your conscious doesn't hear all the words I say, or dont say, because the sound of my voice is going to continue to relax you anyway, and your subconscious will automatically hear them.
So now that your so beautifully relaxed, no body wanting anything, nobody expecting anything, and absolutely nothing what's so ever for you to do, except to just relax.
I want you to imagine that your standing on the terrace of a lovely old house, a house like perhaps a stately home or an old country manor house, I dont know how you will imagine this house but what I do know is that its a beautiful day, its a gorgeous day and you can feel the sun on your head and shoulders, not to hot, just comfortable. And there's a gentle breeze playing around and against your skin, and as you look around you notice an elegant marble flight of steps. Ten broad steps leading down into a beautiful sunken garden, a garden where you sense peace and tranquility, well being and comfort. Make the scene really vivid in your mind colours, smells, see it. In a moment iam going to count down from ten, to zero, and as I count down from ten down to zero, I want you to imagine that each number is a step down on this beautiful stair case a step down towards this beautiful tranquil garden. And each step you take, is another step down into deeper and even deeper levels of relaxation. So by the time you get to zero, you'll be as deeply relaxed as you can ever imagine. While still being able to here and to respond to my voice.
So Ten, take the first step down now, relaxing and letting go, Nine feeling more and more relaxed no need to hurry and letting go. Eight moving down so much easier now, just being aware of how nice the air is to breath, deeper and deeper. Seven deeper now. Six deeper still, your breathing now becoming slower and steadier. Five really relaxing now, just let go. Four becoming calmer and calmer, three calmer still. Two more and more relaxed and peaceful. One and all the way down now to zero, and so now you find yourself in this wonderful garden. You can feel the softness of the newly cut grass beneath your feet, as the scent of masses upon masses of brightly scented flowers seems to envelop you. Can you smell the flowers, and as the gentle sound of birds singing, echoing faintly in the stillness of the air, its such a magical place stretches into the distance as far as the eyes can see in all directions, beautiful shrubs in different greens, tall elegant trees swaying gently in the distance and now you see an ornamental fountain which flows into a gently trickling stream, and this facinates you and you wander over to the stream and gentle lower your self down onto the soft grassy bank, and just sit for a while gazing into the soft cool, clear water, marvelling at the sense of tranquility that sweeps over you. While your sitting here iam going to tell you a short story.....
There are two trees, growing by the bank of a river, a tall tree and a short tree.… Now that small young tree it knew how to wave and dance in the breeze, it knew how to be very flexible so when the wind blew it enjoyed its perspective it enjoyed dancing and moving, moving and dancing. It would see so many things when it changed it's perspective. But that big tree was so inflexible, it used to envy the small tree. But it was a little bit scared of changing its perspective, it was a bit nervous about it. So one day it asked the small tree'how do you do that, how do you change the way that you see things. How do you change the way that you enjoy things" And the little tree said "well you just kind of let go, and you just let it happen "And so the next time when that wind blew the big tree really wanted to let go and the little tree said "you can do it, you can make those changes, no need to be afraid your roots go down deep into the ground and you can have inner stability. Even though your moving with the winds of change enjoying the dance, that inner dance of life. and you can allow that to happen all by it's self" Well that big tree was so happy feeling it's way into a new way of seeing things. And because it had a new way of seeing things it also had a new way of recalling things. Bringing back images of when it wanted to recall the dance. Well, that big tree also learned as it became more flexible in it's behaviour and in it's perceptions that what it thought was the horizon, was really only a limitation it was placing on it's self. And as it danced and swayed, and swayed and danced it could see further and further, fields beyond towns, the sea in the distance and it was so happy to have a new way of seeing things. So happy to be able to recall in a new way pleasant images, pleasant memories.
And while you ponder on these things and you lay back on the grass, just gazing up at the sky and just wondering about those two trees, and as you relax more and more your eyes begin to close and you drift and dream, and as you drift you have a dream, a beautiful dream. You dream that your whole body is becoming lighter and lighter. So light, that you feel you must shortly float on air at any moment. And then you feel yourself just floating and drifting, gently lifted and supported by a soft warm breeze. And you can somehow see through you closed eyelids that your floating in a sea of colour. A warm sea of colour that gently relaxes and comforts you as you drift. Suspended in warmth and colour that seems somehow unreal, and yet at the same time has a comfortably familiar feel to it. You are aware of misty reds and oranges, soft muted yellows. Gentle greens and blues that seem, somehow like clouds of colour. And the deepest colours, like indigo, that you can ever have possibly imagined. So now it begins to dawn on you, that your floating in a rainbow. A magical rainbow, because in this rainbow, time and space just doesn't exist as we usually know it. You might of floated there for just a moment, or for a hundred years, maybe for a lifetime, or just perhaps for the blinking of an eye. You could of floated forwards in time, into your future, or maybe way back in time. And it gradually seems to you that you might be able to float here for as long as you wish. With this wonderful relaxed feeling just floating and drifting through this magical sea of flowing colours. Where time seems to be of so little importance. Your still pondering on these thoughts when you begin to feel yourself float gently downwards, lower and lower. Softly sinking down, down through this beautiful rainbow, becoming even more relaxed even more lazy. Until you eventually realise that you've stopped floating down. And you find yourself on the shore of a tranquil lake, a large tranquil lake. Surrounded by softly rolling hills, shrouded in a gentle silver mist, there are trees and sweetly scented flowers and shrubs, and grasses growing at the waters edge. And everything here is bathed in a beautiful golden light. A golden light that seems to bathe everything in it's warmth. You find yourself marvelling at the sense of warmth and deep comfort, that seems to fill your entire being. As you stroll lazily along the sandy shore of this wonderful lake. noticing with a sort of lazy curiosity that it seems to be constantly changing colour. Subtle changes, blending so smoothly that its difficult for you to know when a liquids blue has become a deep soft violet. Or when that deep violet became a relaxing translucent green. And these changes fascinate you, and you settle yourself down onto a small smooth rock and just gaze out across the crystal clear waters. And every so often a fish or something, just something breaks the surface, creating ripples that seem to flow gently and endlessly in all directions. Ripples that eventually lap against the edges of the smooth rock, which your sitting on. And you smile and lean forward to dabble your fingers amongst them and as you do so, you create more ripples. Ripples that shiver in a colidelscope of different colours across the lake. Interacting with the others and making new and ever changing patterns. And you realise now that this tranquil place is the pool of all knowledge. That while your hear, you are part of everything, and everything is part of you. And you find it easy, so very easy to open your mind. To let go of any barriers to memory or learning. To let go, to change. While your here, your subconscious mind is confirming that its helping you to relax. Giving you the confidence within yourself, to deal with any situation that life has to offer. Your subconscious mind is also giving you a new understanding of yourself, misunderstanding can give you the power to make vital changes in your life.
So now with everyday that passes, your confidence is increasing. Its the confidence that knowing your capable of doing whatever you set your mind to, with a positive attitude and a quiet strength. Now more and more your aware of a transformation taking place in your personality. You have a more positive outlook on life, you believe more in yourself every day. Your learning to act boldly realising that your fully capable of making the proper decisions and having the confidence to carry them through. With this new understanding you now have a new relaxed attitude towards yourself and others. And you realise that your gaining control, control of your thoughts of your feelings, control of your emotions. And this gives you a tremendous feeling of satisfaction and security. Knowing that what ever happens you'll deal with any situation in a calm and relaxed way. Because you know that the key to your good health is a calm relaxed positive attitude towards life. And in this way you enjoy life more, everyday. As you continue to relax more and more with everyday that passes, you will feel better within yourself. you feel better about your self.
This gives you the opportunity to become aware of the wide range of resources which are yours. Resources which are within you, they've always been there for your use. As you become more and more aware of these resources, you become more and more positive, and more and more confidant. And with all these resources you know that you can direct your life now. And you know that life can bring the good things for you, every faze of your life can be good, every faze of your life can be a joy, and in this way your happier with each day that passes. If you anticipate happiness, happiness is yours. If you anticipate success, success is yours. And the more you do this the more you will develop an inner peace. And this inner peace leads to an inner awareness, and this inner awareness leads to an inner strength to sustain you now and for the months and years to come. Anticipate happiness and happiness is yours, anticipate success and success is yours
My mark was given a while ago and it has made me feel more like I belong. I reached it in I think it was about two or three weeks. One thousand points most of which were by playing the dreaded blue man.
I had not been into playing these games until a certain person who I had been talking to told me how much favour she had!
bah!!! LOL, so as I rewrite this I have to take my hat off to her because she was able to do what no one else here was able to! influence me to play the blue man...lol...sounds rude!! Hang man of course isn't rude but if I cant guess the word then ILL rant and swear under my breath*smiles*
So nightgame I still dont know how you got me to do it.....even as this is rewritten I do so with a large smile. Thankyou
This will not be able to be finished today so ill make it short.
(Dreams of a child)
I was a child who dreamed of things most people dont. I dreamed of death and destruction brought apon by me and another.
This person came into my dreamlife when I was about three or four years old. I didn't know what he was but after a few years I became aware that he was what people call a vampire.
Why me, why visit me, why show me things of such beauty to gain my trust and then destroy them. My parents couldn't believe what I told them as I told them of far away lands and strange sights. Interesting that at the age of three/four I didn't know what a vampire was. I would be told off for waking them up with my screams for help at the sights which were shown to me in my dreams by this thing!
My parents and others of my family thought....and still think that iam strange. Sometimes even I frighten myself...in a nice way of course*smiles*
My parents of course, tried to condition me from an early age about religion..... I was kicked out of Sunday school for saying that I wanted to be like old Nick himself.
"SATAN" I had said only wanted to sit on Gods Throne, and wanted to take more of a leading role. So as I was outspoken it was decided that sunday school was not for me....
Right back to the dreams,
It was a turning point for me when in the end I rebelled against the teacher..... He turned me into an animal and for that I am not proud. Hating mankind for all that they stand for!
Even today although my path has somewhat altered...my hatred of mankind still lurks and trys to catch me unawares.
For me it is about control....lol...I used to see red alot, but In my age has come understanding...oh the dreams.
Right well it turned for me when we feasted on anyone and thing. I didn't agree with authority in my waking life so why should I agree with his?
I felt I was as good as him if not better at ...lol at getting prey.
Anyway after years of torment I fought him time and time again. Some times others he would send against me to kill me, who failed.
I met others like me who I swore allegiance to and together we rose and became one to defeat him. These were the ones who taught me true values. He was the one though, and only one was like he, that was me or so I thought.
We met and faced him and his army's where we failed to finish him, it was us who were crushed. I was the only one who got away in this slaughter, I ran and saved myself from his anger I left behind my friends in my dreams, the ones who had played such sweet music and who had filled my mind with knowledge.
I haven't seen him for an age apart from a few years ago when he appeared at the end of my bed in a dream (just like the bogey monster at the end of your bed) Apart this wasnt a dream it was real I lashed out and my fists went straight through him and he just laughed. That was when I realised that he could come into both our worlds and seek retribution. Then he was gone just leaving me in the cold sweat of...fear.
I was older and weaker as I had not practiced for many a year as distractions had availed. but now I am ready for him, for I know he will come soon. I have that feeling again.
So here I find myself...searching, for ever searching for answers. I may never find them, but through dreaming Iam able to master many things.
02:59 Mar 15 2011
You do your own cd?I've been looking for cd to enhanced my gifts even more,but have yet to find any,do you know of anywhere I can find them.I tend to get very stressed sometimes and would loved to find someway of calming my mind down.It tends to moved way to fast sometimes.I'm ahdh and I think cds would helped me In that area.If you know of any good sites where you can get stuff like that I would loved to hear about them mail them to me.