While waiting to pick my lovely children up from school I decided to shout as loud as I could bogie's....
It was a long time ago I used to watch Dick and Dom on Saturday and that was one of the capers they would get up to!
I have noticed that they repeat this on CBBC Extra...Oh yeah!
Whoever shouted out bogie's the loudest was the winner.
As the classroom door opened out onto the playground they should of been the first to come out....as I started to shout bogie's out came their Headmistress in front....
The look she gave me said it all.... ^^
Who bravely dares must sometimes risk a fall....was yesterday...today I feel it should be something else ^^
I keep thinking of toes....ummm I could be going somewhere with this....
Toe jam...naaa...Suck my septic toes...ummm Suck my septic toes and get your free cheese...
Dam it...More thought is needed!
*Shakes head*...it was only a matter of time.
eww... no, I think LESS thought is needed.
*pours some Scotch into your cup*
I think you just put your 'foot' in it! :-p
Yum scotch....*splutter* dam it I don't like scotch...that much!
Well contrary to popular belief....(my own included) I have decided to revamp my image as well...If the big man can do it with the Rave ...then I can with what I say on my profile!
Already started some of it on my profile. Add me, Bite me, Stalk me....lol...it's just so not me....
For the sake of 'insanity', I'm British! ...I don't yet know what my other changes will be...maybe more normal...umm, if I can be ^^
Well, I have just applied for a job where I have been informed there are 900 ish people applying for the 25 jobs on offer!!
Where did it all go wrong I ask myself......
I'll tell you where I think it started to go wrong...two wars over so many years....still unresolved. Only now are we paying the price of freedom, and what a price to pay!! I wont mention that my country has sold off most of it's industry to foreign powers....we don't even own our bridges across the Severn River....their French!....Bah...after 1066AD...wankers have got this other foothold over us lol
We were so unlucky in that Battle...well that was the third one in such a short period...
The madness and the frustration is starting to take hold.
Why stop at 1066 ?...I blame the ******* that invented the wheel...seriously good luck with the job mate.
Yeah...1066 wasn't a particularily good year for you guys...however, I also wish you luck on getting that job!
It was deemed years ago that with the onset of technological break throughs we would have more leisure time ... they didn't realise that people would have to pay for their leisure thou :-p
good luck with your god interview . hope you get it. as for the rest just close your eyes and click your heels together and say , this ant real, this ant real, ( does not work , but it helps)
''''''No No No lol
So I looked at my profile and I thought what would happen if I rated it myself....I'm the sort of bloke who will put his hand in the fire, just to see if it will burn....and hurt...again lol
I noticed it was on 9.661...Yes I know it's low...parly because of poor rates...Bloody thing didn't budge. However this now means that I have rated every profile on the rave! Well, I couldn't leave mine out could I?
I don't smoke any more ...SMOKE BREAK, GOD DAM IT....LOL
I am going out side and I'm going to light a cigar...
and slaps your hand!
it's his fault....points finger!
haha ha
Is it a Cuban?
No...it's still nice..ish. Has/had port within the leaves.. yum
I had you down as a 'pipe' type ..! lol
You can light as many as you like...just don't smoke em lol
Just out or interest, your rated fairly thingy that you stamp with...it's actually bollocks isn't it!
Thanks for the rate on my porfolio as well as my profile when you grow up I may return and rate you again....Remember it's only a number spunk face!
You know I really really attempt to be nice, my animalistic side wants to come out from time to time and sometimes it peekes out. I do not allow myself to wage rating wars with mindless “I'll rate you what you rate me people”...you know the ones that are unable to think for themselves. The ones who show there true nature by not attempting a message.
The ones who are a complete waste of my time......So what is my reason to write this
Maybe it's because I need to get this off my chest, maybe they are afraid of the truth...maybe it's because they are just fucking cunts... lol
Where was I...oh yes rates, so if I rate a person who has no port a nine and then they rate my pro and port a nine, why not just the pro, why the port as well...interesting...If I rate a person with a prem a 5 because there pro lacks anything then they rate me back a 5 is that not childish! Yes it is...
Conflict, you see my mind screamsss give then a 1 I really want to go back to the profile and click on that 1...
I don't want to give Tom, Dick and Harry a ten all the time....If they have done a very good job then yes I will, it it lacks a port and a journal then in most cases I will not! If you don't like it then don't give me a number at all
What I'm attempting to say here is use that grey matter between your ears when you choose to rate!
Individuality is a wonderful thing...it doesn't take a lot to follow, it takes adventure to succeed!
Individuality is indeed wonderful ... *and we all agree* lol
In many ways, folks on this site reminds me of The Cure's song "Jumping Someone Else's Train' - especially the line that says:
'Everyone's happy - they're finally all the same -'cause everyone's jumping everybody else's tran'.
Dam it...I log in and there it is....it's tossing bollocks...thinking on that thought, that would bloody hurt....
The rise and quick fall of the stats..now Ive dropped a couple of levels, lost my mark and I'm on 70%. With all the changes that keep on happening here on the Rave this is a royal pain in the arse...This has happened a number of times now! How in the frack am I supposed to level up when I keep being dragged down!!
Blah Blah...Poo, and double stinking poo.....I'm in a piss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the risk of giving you a heart attack let me tell you what my CM has just done.
Now, bear in mind she is on holiday, she got online with her phone and managed to mark 9 of us....gotta love that lady.
Anyhow if ya want to feel better go read my journal, today is so one of those days lmao.
Made me smile....I'm still pissy and hissy and...Bah!
I guess if you stayed more active your CM would consider giving you the mark. The new system is much fairer but restricts the CM's.
Just think of it as a roller-coaster ride and fasten your seat-belt :)
The new system is much fairer, your right of course. What isn't fair is the stats falling.
I've been up then down,then back up and now back down... I had better fasten my belt.
Mine has dropped too, as our CM is deciding on who gets marked...I say, let's go for that ride, honey.
Dam right lol
Well then...get off of the computer and get ye ass to work...LOL!
Aww domestic bliss lol
''Nice day'' ... errr 'where!??? lol
A rant about living in UK
Take away my right to choose,
take away my point of view,
take away my dignity,
take these things away from me,
take away the right to speak.......
Grraa, feeling so bloody angry at the moment I need to relax and focus. I hate and I use that word with passion, most aspects of being out of work!
I want a job....so the recession isn't that bad I heard on the news just now....What utter cunting bollocks.
Food and fuel are on the up, wages are frozen or are so poor that we have to live off extra benefits just to survive....The upper class are freezing out the middle classes!
Who wants lights for a fucking fountain which cost shed loads...the money could have been put to better use...Graa!
Who wants a fucking Million pound model of a horse near Dover..or where ever...who fucking wants it...I don't
The Politicians/MP's defraud the people of this country and we let them...(WTF IF THAT HAD BEEN A NORMAL PERSON THE POLICE WOULD OF BROUGHT CHARGES FOR FRAUD!)
Fucking smug tossers. Moron Brown hasn't a fucking clue, every MP that has embezzled the system should be brought before the law and sacked from their jobs!
If I had the Politicians/MP's infront of me now I would smash their faces in with a brick, my hands, anything... I feel that cross.
Coughs... I feel like I'm going to explode I feel raw inside : (
Now would be a good time for a break....
I'm with you on the issue of MP's being brought to book, Gordons days must surely be numbered.
Sadly the whole mess had lead to people not bothering to vote and thereby letting in those two BNP *****.
I know, ...problem is all of them appear to be on the bloody fiddle.....so who the hell do we trust in....
The BNP...umm they are getting stronger because of the trouble and violence in this country.
Our democratic freedom is being given away by some mindless twit who hasn't got a clue!
I was chatting with my tutor who turned out to be an ordained priest...any way he knew what my processes were and I wanted to question him about possession of a Demon. I explained to him that I have never seen any one in that state and that I thought it was just a mental health issue..not possession by a Demon *coughs*
Here's the hard part, he had in Pakistan seen a woman possessed and she knew information about people near her which she shouldn't know....He told me she spoke in a man's voice and had many things being expelled from here body as well as other things I'll not be mentioning!
I really liked the guy so I can only think that he was open to suggestion...or he was fibbing!
Well come on the Demons if you think your hard enough to take me on then bring it on!!! Lol
You see apparently, if you spend a lot of time near the dead, one can become attached to a Demon..or if you openly invite one! So after years of inviting...By the way I think it's bull shit!....They are supposed to promise the earth if you go against God....umm, sorry who?
Oh also here is the catch...you have to believe to be possessed!
Fucking give me the earth then you chicken shit wankers....lol So much false representation out in the world of knowledge!
There are no such thing as Demons...only your inner ones!
Yea.....believing is a bitch lmao,...only you could be sorry about not meeting up with a demon.
Yes I'm sorry I've not met one and I would love to interact with one if I did....unfortunatly there not real...so I never will...Bah!
Darn it sometimes being logical and sensible can be such a dull way to live... lol
Hey, are you saying I'm dull..lol
Ok, it's a little like magic I suppose, I believe in that...we all do it every day in some form or another.....and on reflection, perhaps I'm being a little harsh. In that case I've been unlucky to of not been possessed. lol
If I were a believer, I'd say that I don't think demons really care what you wish for. I think that's how the conventional thought goes; they'll grant anything you ask. The price is what matters to them, and to whom they serve. It's the same price for everyone.
And that's the question, really.
What is the value of a soul?
Bloody hell, that's made me think...
17:22 Jun 26 2009
LOL , did you get sent to the principles office. ? Bad Wolfie.
17:24 Jun 26 2009
sorry ,Theban was talking to husband while writing the other post to you , and put wrong name.
17:32 Jun 26 2009
What the heck is a "Bogie"?
19:07 Jun 26 2009
A bogie is the green stuff...snot(wet stuff) or hard up your nose...yum..!