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10:00 Jun 14 2007
Times Read: 805

A small romp through time ......

Since the beginning mankind has been captivated, fascinated, enthralled by the abilities of the mind and the world in which we live. And as evidence shows, is still today. Through history alot of that knowledge has been either destroyed or forgotten through ignorance or superstition. Only now as people look for more answers and are again becoming more and more aware, and inquistive about the abilitys of the mind, has interest has grown with hypnosis and hypnotherapy. The magical qualities which it once held, has now changed within society, and now science is the successor. Even today In modern society a minority of people still believe that it is the work of the devil or some form of magic. As we go back in time, we find that not much is known about hypnotherapy or hypnosis before the ancient Egyptians. But from knowledge we have, we are able to determine that people who held titals such as Wise one, Sage or Shaman were considered to have abilitys for their minds, to go into a trance like state. These would have been in relation to some form of worship, or for healing rituals.

Many people are aware that the ancient Egyptians used temples known as dream temples. People who would have used these Sleep temples would already have been primed by maybe an icantation or form of a religious ritual. They would also have been used for theraputic reasons as well. The sick or disturbed person would have been put into a trance like sleep, the priest or priestess would have then tried to interpret the persons dreams to aid them along there recovery. These temples are associated with the earlist recorded physcian. Imhotep(l-em-hotep) (he comes in peace). He was the physician Vizer, Architect and priest to Pharaoh Zoser. He is also known to have built the first pyramid. Imhoteps name has been used by Hollywood for the film The Mummy.

Many years later in Greece Sleep temples were known as great places for healing. Healing would happen when the person was in a trance like state. The Priests would aid the patient into a form of sleep which was known as inculation,which comes from latin and means "to lie down". Sometimes the patient would be kept in a trance like state for up to three days. They were also known through the God lesculapius to hold mysterious powers and many would look for mental and physical healing from him. The ancient hebrews used chanting, meditation and breathing exercises which would be similar to using auto-hypnonosis. Auto-hypnosis can give an altered state of conciousness use of suggestion and expectation. Even the Romans later on adopted the idea of trance from the Greeks and erected many Sleep temples throughout the enpire which were dedicated to the God Appollo. Personally, I beieve Jesus, who was recorded as being a real person by the Roman Empire, may have used a form of hypnotic suggestion for many of his alledged miracals.

Jumping forward by many centuries a man in the Seventeenth century named Father Gassner treated illnesses while his patients were lying down and appeared to be in a form of trance. He told his patients to die while he would then proceed to cast out their demons and restore them to a healthy life.

In 1773 Anton Mesmer tested his theroy of animal magnetism, as he found Father Gassner's idea that his patients were possessed by demons too far fetched. Mesmer felt that the crucifix which Gessner had used was some how magnitizing his patients. Sadly in 1784 Mesmer was to lose his reputation and be considered a fraud by the french government, after this Mesmer's popularity faded very quickly. In 1815 Marcus 0 Puysegur, who had been Mesmer's student, described three stages of hypnosis as (1) The concentration of the senses of the operator, (2) Acceptance of suggestion without question, and (3) Amnesia for events in trance. He was also able to put patients in a trance which he called somnambulism, where, unlike Mesmer, whose patients went into fit or crisis, Puysegur's patients went into a quiet state of relaxation.

It was said that nature only offered three anaesthetics- sleep, fainting and death. IN 1837 hypnosis had a breakthrough, John Elliotson performed over two hundred operations, using the mesmeric trance on his patients. His protege, James Esdaile, conducted over three hundred major operations, some of them amputations, using a similar technique. Esdaile knew that it was likely that he would be ridiculed for his claims, so he kept hard data that his death rate was just five percent, whereas surgical mortality was about forty percent. This, he believed, was because he had suceeded in the successful release of pain. Sadly though, as modern medicine moved on, hypnosis anaesthesia was to take a backward step again, and in 1846 ether was used by a Boston dentist for the first time. Within two years of ether being used nitrous oxide and chloroform were being widely used. This form of anaesthetic was said to be a complete, safe and inevitable. Mesmerism was to be cast aside and almost forgotten for many years.

Sigmund Freud studied hypnosis between 1883 and 1887 but struggled with his belief and technique. As the years went by he decided that it was ineffective. Freud moved on to psyhoanalysis, and died on September 23rd, 1939, after making a tremendous impact in the study of psychology. Though Freud sadly turned his back on hypnosis it is well known that Freud used many of the techniques in his later work.

As the years went by hypnosis was again to surface and be used for medical purposes in both world wars. It was used successfully for things such as post traumatic stress, anaesthetic and when modern medicine was unavailble for use due to shortages.

The in 1930's an American called Milton Erikson made a big contribution to the progress of hypnotherapy, and is still considered to be the father figure of NLP. There was a further breakthrough as the British and American Medical Associations accepted the fact that hypnosis was very used as a therapeutic tool. The worlds first accepted medical hypnotist was a man called Sydney van Pelt, who had been able to build up a reputation when the rest of the world had looked on with suspicion. He had become the first and lifetime president and editor of the British Society of Medical Hypnotism, and the British Journal of Medical Hypnotism, which is the oldest and most respected journal still in publication. He participated as a lecturer in the first international course in medical hypnotism ever given.

My personal opinion is that although hypnotherapy had been around since the dawn of time and has had many knocks throughout history, it is now here to stay, and the more people question the abilities of the mind the more the secrets of the ancients will become unlocked.





09:49 Jun 14 2007
Times Read: 806

When asked to write my philosophy on life, by my tutor I sat back and thought (shit)'I don't have one' but then I started to think about it and I realised that my beliefs had been aquired thoughout my life ever since I could remember, shaping the way I feel about things.

Through my life I was taught about religion, and that Christianity was the proper religion to practice. As I grew older I started to question many aspects of the Christian faith, and came to my own conclusions about religion just by watching and listening. Christian religion IS full of contradictions and I found that the stories I was told were too far fetched.

I found that religion always taught that you had to serve, and I felt that to serve was to be enslaved. Religion is all about money and power, that's all. The concept of it works only if the people who administer it are uncorruptable.

It's human nature to better oneself, but knowledge inevitably brings power and wealth, so in my opinion religion and money should be abolished. This brought about many issues throughout my early life. We all came from Mother Earth, and I feel it is she who should be worshipped. Greater care should be taken of her as she has nourished and provided for us throughout our existence. There must be more to our existence than just reproduction and survival. I find it hard to contemplate that when we die that is the end as were the beliefs of

our forefathers.

Life does go on. When you feel that the zest for life has left you, and your life's expectations have all but gone, remember life goes on. Your actions, no matter how big or small, will have an impact on the shaping of life on

this earth. Whether it's a good or bad thing. Attitude is a part of us that we can all change "Gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness and kindness"- Confucious 479BC-551BC

I strive to harm none, keep pure my highest ideas and strive towards them. I try to understand the patern of life and the natural forces that are around us every day.

I like to think that I am a naturalist thinker. After contemplating my life I came to the conclusion that I wanted to follow the middle path. This path for me meant the compromise between negative and positive.

I feel that I am searching all the time for the truth and the meaning of everything. I believe that in our actions and our responsibilities to search for answers throughout life, that our actions will determine how we develop and transcend. If someone has an opinion that you disagree with, you have every right to say that you disagre with it. But if you do disagree you should not comment further if it causes iritation, just change the way you ask the questions as to being maybe less direct and allow them more time to answer them. but by all means for understanding peoples process sometimes questions have to be asked. This is true of hypnotherapy where questions need to be asked from the client to be able to evealuate therapy.

As a person and hypnotherapist in training. We all have a responsibility to ourselves and mankind to make our way through life as smooth as possible, and hope that the others will look at this and follow our example. You should always try and accept other peoples opinions of what they say or do. Even if you dont agree. It is their right to express themselves. We have no right to try and disuade a person from their beliefs or morals. If someone has expectations then they will strive every day to achieve them for the rest of their lives. But we also have to remember that morality is about having a correct code of conduct. Most people see morals as do's and don'ts so some people may think of them as a form of restriction. I feel that it is a form of correct standard of behaviour and living our lives in peace and harmony.

I feel that it is up to us as to how we lead our lives, whether positively or negatively. If you act selfishly then for me it means that this is a pure form of negative energy. If you think in a negative way then negativity will be spawned.

There are people who sometimes are able to make you feel exhausted for no apparent reason. Energy stealers are vampiric in nature as it's your energy/life force that they are draining. Sometimes these people are not even aware of what they are doing. It seems that the negative person is in a way shorting on to the positive person. This causes a leakage in vitality, and the dominant person is consciously or subconsciosly draining them. Dion Fortune talks of this on one of her books. Thankfully I have not met many of this kind of person. Energy can be gained through other means though. For instance, when I see a beautiful view it gives me a strange feeling of euphoria. This feeling allows me to feel good and happy

I don't believe in luck, but believe that we create our own destiny. These paths are in place but we choose which one to walk by the ways in which we think. If you consider yourself unlucky then bad luck is what you will receive, unless you are able to change your thoughts to that of a positive nature. It is all part of our human coding to feel let down if things are not going well. If you think positively and say to yourself it didn't work out for me this time but next time it will so you create your own luck.

"You only have one life so make the most of it"

I cannot accept this statement. I think that your conscience only remembers the life that you're in and not the many that you've had before. Everything around us is made up of a form of energy so whose to say that when we die we don't join this energy and participate in the survival of this world.

In life fear is all around us people may take advantage of this and choose to threaten you. They will not respect you and will try their best to bring you down. If you show people determination some people might still try to

bring you down, but they will not suceed but you will find that you will also gain their respect. You cannot change, only guide and help people through life.

Failures are just mistakes. They are not to be taken to heart as I believe that they are a from of learning. Many great people have learnt from mistakes throughout history. Failures can be brought on through bad teaching or even from a simple misunderstanding.

I dont think that anyone can interpret someone else's dreams, just guide them. Only you your self hold the key to your mind and all the wonderfull strange things in it.

Dreams play an important role in your life. They may be where the feeling of de,ia vous or premonitions comes from. I feel that once you learn control of your dreams, manipulation of them can be achieved. In dreams you can be whatever you desire to be. The world in dreams is very different to the world of wakefulness. Laws govern our conscious minds whereas our unconscious mind can roam free. I feel that dreams may be connected to incidents in our lives. Personally I have connected the two on a few occasions. I live in my dreams. My dreams are as real for me as my conscious state.

I have had a great interest in dreams since I was a child. Some times I'll wake up from a excellent dream and feel a sense of being charged. Many of my dreams are vivid, clear, mindful, bizzare. I remember many of them and am able to walk freely in them and hold no fear.

Always listen to your inner voice and gut reaction. I have since I was a very young child. Your inner voice to me is your instinct for survival. Sadly I have only encountered and heard that voice on a few occasions. It is not

a voice that I would like to hear because I know the consequences for not listening can be very harsh. This I

believe is enbeded into all of us. Some of us may hear/feel this inner voice and some may not. This may be part

of our genetic make-up. This voice may be your insight.

An example of my inner voice whilst driving and lost (and not listening)while looking for a clients house. I approached a road and the name of the road seemed to jump out at me and the name was voiced inside my head. I had a sense that I should be turning into the road but drove on by. Not giving it a second thought, untill ten minutes had past and I found myself traveling down that very same road.

To conclude I have realised that everyone does have a philosophy on life whether they are aware of it or not. You shape your own life and every decision you make has a effect on it. My parents and society had a great

deal to do with the early development of my philosophy, but as I grew and gained knowledge I rebelled at their teaching because l had reached a point where I felt I had to develop my own beliefs. Through life I will continue to build on my philosophy until I die.

(.......... I decided to put it back with some more to follow)



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