Had a great time away last week and also managed to get on the rave and get some fishing time.
As I am now a Sire I have decided to roam around a little to check out the other Houses and Covens. I have spoken to Billy about this and soon I will press the button which will release me from my House and let me loose upon the rest of the Houses and Covens...Mwhaaaa!
I am going to miss My House quiet alot as it’s the only place I have been involved in since I have been here.
I have also told Billy that I wish to return to the house after a few months or longer and I have built up my stats to a higher level than they now are...Bloody hell Billy’s mark was worth an extra 5/6 points for me so I am not doing this lightly. My stats are now 106.07ish whereas before they were 111.5 ish.
I would also like to keep the lunazure banner on my profile and perhaps will need to ask the other House masters or Coven masters if they will allow me to do this. First off, before I leave my house I will ask permission of course if I can join.
Be seeing you
Just got home from work and the dam day light was stinging my eyes, so I put my shades on while driving home even though it was very overcast. I feel so bloody tired.
It’s about 0940ish and I was going to put some time on here as I am now not working tonight but all I want to do is sleep.
Got to wash my stockings and collect my new ones, I have still gone with sand colour because it looks better than black. Right leg swelled up last night because I hadn’t noticed the stocking had slipped down my leg. It was only because I started to feel pain and more numbness than normal that I realised something was not quite right. It really feels strange putting them on lol....hard to explain really, just dam strange!
Had a text message from one of my mates telling me to shave my legs and he will buy me some flowers....he even wrote that he would take me out on a date...GRRRAAA!! I won’t repeat what my message back to him was! Even Mrs ban said that if I wanted to borrow her underwear all I had to do was ask..Pft.
Anyway, I’m going to bed for a couple of hours to dream of Jessica Alba dam it!
Aww poor you, funny friend though!! lol
My little sister just got back from the UK.... She said the sun was out at 9-30PM... what the hell???
Good on yeah Mrs Ban... make him post pics in your underwear... not THAT would be priceless!!!
Personally, I think you need some pink stockings!
My poor little Theban......
This sounds funny!
you gotta wear the black stockings out at night, sand is just too casual for a date sweetie @};-
Sometimes just sometimes I don't know when to stop...
I am so glad I found this site all those years ago; I just wished that I had joined earlier and not later. It would have done wonders for my stats.
I like the idea that some people put messages that others have sent in their journal to embarrass the individual...I think I am going to start sending lame messages to higher ranking people here...oh think of the fame ^^
Next week/this weekend and my training draws near at Plymouth...
Which is going to be interesting as I now have to wear my stockings on both legs. Active knit open toe large sand coloured! OOOoo I look so hot in them so I have been told by my not so supportive mates and Mrs ban ‘Bastards’ So no wearing shorts for me. I have also been told that my legs look prosthetic when I have them on and I kind of agree. I am attempting to get my camera to work so I can load some pictures!
I would never in a million years imagine that you would not know when to stop! **coughs**
Get these leg pictures up **wolf whistles** :P
HOTSTUFF! just dont wear sandals with them, PLEASE!
must admit...id love to see these photos though...
Ooo you evil people!!
Would probably pay to see those photos!!
Do they only do them in sand colour?? lol
Oh dear, the quality of these comments! Just remember to use a wide angled lens :-p
Off to Plymouth on Saturday for some more training should be fun, it was Wales last week.
Will be offline for another week because of the dam study work and because I will need to find an internet cafe. If I do, it’s a pound for fifteen minutes online which is a bloody racket!
Hope everyone is doing well and keeping out of mischief! I am ^^
Well they do say that travel broadens the mins :) Have a good time hon.
doing well Theban, cant say im keeping out of mischief though he he
enjoy the week ;)
I don't believe you are keeping out of mischief for 1 minute!!! ;)
You'll love Plymouth, just don't smile at the sailors.
Yeah you mean again ^^ lol
18:57 Jul 26 2010
Thanks for the warning. :P
lol I'm only kidding. I saw on the Journals page your entry and it ended with "As I am now a Sire . . . " I thought you were going to say you were starting your own Coven and I was going to drop in and wish you luck and all that jazz. Well, you're not starting a Coven, but I still wish you luck, all the same. A Wandering Sire, moving about from place to place, bestowing your wisdom upon VR. Cool, man. ;)
In all seriousness, I hope you have fun with it. I was in your place once upon the time and I'm not ashamed to admit that I felt like a baby bird leaving the nest for the first time. lol And look at me now--Mistress to FF. You'll be fine, friend. Enjoy your travels! :)
19:51 Jul 26 2010
Just click your heels three times and say ..........
16:44 Jul 27 2010
lol, clicking!
20:01 Jul 27 2010
That red flashy leave button still scares me but I wish you all the best in your travels. I can see the interest it would hold and slightly envy you it. :)
12:45 Jul 28 2010
Billy is letting you roam ????? *Runs to lock the doors of my Coven*
17:00 Aug 01 2010
lol Sinora! maybe it is that bad, chuckles..