Theban's Journal

Theban's Journal


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12 entries this month


15:31 Jan 28 2009
Times Read: 782

Welcome Theban

Your Status:


Pages Viewed:


Time Spent:

34.94 days

You have completed

30% of this level

Your Status: Savant (Level 23)

You have completed 60% of this level.

Pages Viewed Score: 25 x .30 = 7.5

Time Spent Score: 25 x .50 = 12.5

Ratings Score: 28 x .10 = 2.8

Database Submissions Score: 8 x .10 = 0.8

Total Score: 23.6

Referral Points: 0

Referral Modifier: 1

Mark Bonus: 0%

Mark Modifier: 1

Total Score: 23.6

Total Ratings: 16710

Total Database Submissions: 53

So Will this thing go any faster??????????????

Come on now......I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, I want a beer!



17:51 Jan 28 2009

aw damn, man. You beat me to Savant!

good job, amigo!

*beers you*

17:59 Jan 28 2009

What's the rush ? lol

20:41 Jan 28 2009

Yes I did pip you to Savant....I only did it because I promised myself that I would buy a beer when I went up a level.

I just want to try and get to Sire...I'm not reading journals on the profiles now*not all anyway*Hey I can go back to them because they wont go anywhere....lol

18:48 Jan 31 2009

Dam it..every time I type try or can't it costs me money because I fine myself!!! Grrrrr!


Oh well I keep on waiting...and waiting...Blah

00:03 Jan 26 2009
Times Read: 791

Your Status: Firebrand (Level 22)

You have completed 80% of this level.

Pages Viewed Score: 24 x .30 = 7.2

Time Spent Score: 24 x .50 = 12

Ratings Score: 28 x .10 = 2.8

Database Submissions Score: 8 x .10 = 0.8

Total Score: 22.8

Referral Points: 0

Referral Modifier: 1

Mark Bonus: 0%

Mark Modifier: 1

Total Score: 22.8

Total Ratings: 16503

Total Database Submissions: 53




In Time

15:52 Jan 24 2009
Times Read: 794

It is done and I'm waiting....still waiting and I tire from it.

I will get a response I suppose but I will question the response if it goes the other way!

Lets hope I don't get into to much strife over it as I'm sure I will...




Patience is a virtue...I have not got time to have

12:01 Jan 21 2009
Times Read: 811

What Still...oh crap!

Your Status: Firebrand (Level 22)

You have completed 80% of this level.

Pages Viewed Score: 24 x .30 = 7.2

Time Spent Score: 24 x .50 = 12

Ratings Score: 28 x .10 = 2.8

Database Submissions Score: 8 x .10 = 0.8

Total Score: 22.8

Referral Points: 0

Referral Modifier: 1

Mark Bonus: 0%

Mark Modifier: 1

Total Score: 22.8

Total Ratings: 15357

Total Database Submissions: 53

Still a Firebrand...ummm

Welcome Theban

Your Status:


Pages Viewed:


Time Spent:

33.37 days

You have completed

80% of this level.

Level Status Pages Viewed

1 Whelp 0

2 Mosquito 101 - 1000

3 Shadow 1001 - 2000

4 Marplot 2001 - 3000

5 Caitiff 3001 - 4000

6 Ghoul 4001 - 6000

7 Spook 6001 - 8000

8 Phantom 8001 - 10,000

9 Shade 10,001 - 13,000

10 Fiend 13,001 - 16,000

11 Unclean Spirit 16,001 - 20,000

12 Specter 20,001 - 25,000

13 Wraith 25,001 - 30,000

14 Bloodsucker 30,001 - 35,000

15 Vampling 35,001 - 40,000

16 Vampire 40,001 - 45,000

17 Savage 45,001 - 50,000

18 Shaitan 50,001 - 60,000

19 Blood Drinker 60,001 - 70,000

20 Changeling 70,001 - 80,000

21 Viper 80,001 - 95,000

22 Firebrand 95,001 - 110,000..........I have past this.

23 Savant 110,001 - 130,000

24 Incendiary 130,001 - 150,000.........Should be here!

25 Destroyer 150,001 - 175,000

26 Iconoclast 175,001 - 200,000

27 Necromancer 200,001 - 250,000

28 Sire 250,001 - 300,000

29 Sire 300,001+



13:34 Jan 21 2009

i think it's that "database submission" figure that's dragging us down. I'm also a Firebrand. I've been at 95% for 2 weeks. Grrr.

13:58 Jan 21 2009

I'm fucking cunting mad, hence the language. God It's really pissed me off lol...Cunting data base bollocks...ect...ect


Got No Time

12:18 Jan 13 2009
Times Read: 823

Well so far so good!

I've been off line for a few day's got shed loads of applications to fill in...just snuck on now for a few minutes to see what was happening.

I must say that I'm amazed that I haven't been knocked to much, just a little*winks to myself*

I can't wait to start rating again...coughs...I think!

Back to the bloody forms!




Time Will Tell

12:34 Jan 10 2009
Times Read: 828

Dear Journal, I had to sign on yesterday at the job centre...It was probably one of the most degrading situations I've been in.

The staff appeared friendly enough but I could pick up on what I can only describe as disgust from some of them.

I explained to them that I had to have a job that would pay enough to cover the mortgage...there is none there. I have a back condition which stops me doing most manual work now and had to bring the proof with me...All they seemed to do was look at me with suspicion. They have work which they offered me which was manual for the national minimum wage. I told them I have to think of my health and whether I want to end up in a wheel chair!!

The benefits I can get are the same as the national minimum give or take a few pounds! and if I can get disability now as well...It, I hope, should bump it up.

Got an application for a assistant caretaker at the local school, again it's pants money Eight grand less than I was on, but I can survive with it.

Lets hope I get the job.



02:24 Jan 28 2009

I know the feeling - hang in there! (Well hell...that's all you can do at this point, right)?

08:52 Jan 28 2009

Yep it's a crap time for me at the moment..just have to Visualise, feel, touch, being positive.


Passage in time

23:09 Jan 09 2009
Times Read: 831

Oh my bloody hell...I'm so glad that I found the words to My Grandfarthers clock on the internet....My old man used to sing this to me when I was a wee nipper! S o many years ago

My grandfather's clock

Was too large for the shelf,

So it stood ninety years on the floor;

It was taller by half

Than the old man himself,

Though it weighed not a pennyweight more.

It was bought on the morn

Of the day that he was born,

It was always his treasure and pride;

But it stopped short

Never to go again,

When the old man died.

Ninety years without slumbering,

Tick, tock, tick, tock,

His life seconds numbering,

Tick, tock, tick, tock,

It stopped short

Never to go again,

When the old man died.

In watching its pendulum

Swing to and fro,

Many hours had he spent while a boy;

And in childhood and manhood

The clock seemed to know,

And share both his grief and his joy.

And it struck twenty-four

When he entered at the door,

With a blooming and beautiful bride;

But it stopped short

Never to go again,

When the old man died.

Ninety years without slumbering,

Tick, tock, tick, tock,

His life seconds numbering,

Tick, tock, tick, tock,

It stopped short

Never to go again,

When the old man died.

Ninety years without slumbering,

Tick, tock, tick, tock,

His life seconds numbering,

Tick, tock, tick, tock,

It stopped short

Never to go again,

When the old man died.

My grandfather said

That of those he could hire,

Not a servant so faithful he found;

For it wasted no time,

And had but one desire,

At the close of each week to be wound.

And it kept in its place,

Not a frown upon its face,

And its hand never hung by its side.

But it stopped short

Never to go again,

When the old man died.

Ninety years without slumbering,

Tick, tock, tick, tock,

His life seconds numbering,

Tick, tock, tick, tock,

It stopped short

Never to go again,

When the old man died.

It rang an alarm

In the dead of the night,

An alarm that for years had been dumb;

And we knew that his spirit

Was pluming his flight,

That his hour of departure had come.

Still the clock kept the time,

With a soft and muffled chime,

As we silently stood by his side.

But it stopped short

Never to go again,

When the old man died.

Ninety years without slumbering,

Tick, tock, tick, tock,

His life seconds numbering,

Tick, tock, tick, tock,

It stopped short

Never to go again,

When the old man died




Got to get ready

10:14 Jan 08 2009
Times Read: 837

Stolen moments! Not much time..tick tock..tick tock

On line...shit, shower, shave.....has to be done in that order or else it's, well it's just not clean. I don't mind showering with the smell of my poo!

Then it's off for a job interview.




Time out

22:15 Jan 07 2009
Times Read: 841

Tommorrow will be a day away from the Rave. I have an inter...well I hope that I will get a job!

Tonight I'm going to lurk and read a journal I had forgot to read...I'm tired and want to explore as I feel it drawing me in.

Something I was interested in a long time ago...I want to see what is said, or done, or even not done!

I'm tired of this rating crap for tonight. 4500 pages to level up again though...temptation is there!

Dam it....I want to click away...no I wont listen to the voices in my head....I wont...I want.....Sorry did I say want..ARGGHH no!

F'@@K it, I may just do some.....later


I was going to log out but this game thing is a real pain so I will not log out and not truely lurk




A little snippet

09:50 Jan 07 2009
Times Read: 846

Dam it, spilled my blooming drink on the floor!

I now always sit on the fence, I tolerate people who are unable to see both sides of the coin as I was once one of those people.

I am very withdrawn and even shy in many situations, where as people think I'm not.

I had a temper which was physical.

I had a temper which was ugly 'didn't we all at one stage of our lives'

Anger has issues with me!

I question everything which is set and not set in stone.

I will often back away in situations that I'm comfortable and not comfortable with.

I miss the person who inducted me...I liked talking with her*if it was a her* and probably spoke with her more than anyone else since I've been on the Rave.*she has been absent a long time* She probably didn't even know and she was just doing her job, at the time in the house to get members.

My humor can sometimes go above and beyond and many people do not understand it. I will even go as far as say tolerate and even 'see it' in some cases.




Not a bloody Poem!

22:59 Jan 04 2009
Times Read: 849

I know you'll think of me as misunderstood

But if I could fall in love with you I would.

Oh how I would hold you if I could,

Never to lose you and keeping you near me,

I would.

I would breath your scent every day

Drink your tears till they went away

I would love your laughter and share your tears

Be with you in your happiness and your fears

Watch the stars and forever say

With you my dear I want to stay.

I guess I'll never be able to hold your hand,

hear your laughter, or be around.

I only wish that there was another way

to pay the price and come and stay

Edits....Will someone pass me a bucket!




I want more lager

22:07 Jan 01 2009
Times Read: 863

So this got me thinking, well it was really the five cans of beautifully consumed beer, with two big segments of two different types of shepherds pie. Accompanied with a piece of onion and mushroom pie, garden peas and butter with a sprinkle of mint I'd had earlier. Also as I crack into my now sixth can, I can't help but ponder on the thought that I don't have any lager left.

Slowly rating now over 1300 profiles over the last few weeks, I realise that some people will not like what has been rated. I also know that I will get some poor ratings from some of the premium members who I have rated, such is the game here on the Rave.

I speed read and if something catches my eye then I will read it again. I have read up to 200 whelp profiles in a day. I must add though that most of them had almost no information on them at all to ponder about.

So although we are told by the powers to be that we can rate what we want and I'm sure a lot of the people here do*coughs What a covert way of bringing in drama to the Rave within such a small community of people.*

I'm finding it increasingly hard to rate premium members as I move further along rating, some I've not rated at all. Quite a few just don't have much on them to rate.

Well I have a long way to go yet because there are so many things left to rate. I can only sit back and enjoy the twists and turns of the ride*smiles*



22:12 Jan 01 2009

You daredevil you ;)

12:14 Jan 02 2009

Its hard to explain, the more I rate the more I fall fowl of drama by rating...

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