I have to go to work tonight...
I find myself not wanting to*sighs*
12 hours is a long shift, although the work can be challenging it is also rewarding.
I want to unlurk and play here tonight!!
Just don't seem to get as much Rave time as I was getting before. I know I have other interests which clash with this one...and now that I am working, this has also stopped me being here as much as I would like....
Anyway I still don't want to go to work!
20:57 Feb 04 2010
Think of work as another bit of fun ... try harder!!!
00:19 Feb 05 2010
It sounds like you are volunteering to take over my shift as well :P
01:06 Feb 05 2010
I'm sure that you'll work out your schedule later on for VR! We'll still be here - LOL!